I think that was the first porn I ever saw (I was like 12 years old). Really weird that back then, showing someone a disgusting or disturbing video was considered a good prank.
That era of Internet history was wild. Between weird sex stuff like that and tentacle soup, weird body stuff like goatse and tubgirl, and straight up death like two guys one hammer. It seemed like every third person on the internet was trying to trick you into watching one of those.
thanks for the watch list.
Do not look up tub girl. You’ll regret it.
You’re not helping, I’m even more curious now
Don’t. Just don’t. I saw it for half a second 20 years ago, and I still vividly remember it. Just don’t do that to yourself.
I’m 40 yo I discovered internet with stuff like rotten.com.
I saw the video earlier, it made me laugh a little and nothing else.
I think I’m broken.
Tub Girl is just a picture, not a video. I guess you mean Two Girls, One Cup? Thankfully I managed to avoid that one. Someone tricked me into clicking a Tub Girl link on IRC 20 years ago by saying it was something completely different.
Mind describing it for us?
It’s a badly beaten female, naked, and upside down in a bathtub, with a solid stream of diarrhea going from her butt to her face. That’s what I remember anyways. Like I said, I only saw it for about half a second until I could look away and close my browser, but it was disturbing.
Tubgirl is the OG shock site for me. It’s also why my friends and I are phishing avoidance masters.
This is exactly how you get me to do something. Also: It can’t be that bad.
So… How was it?
oh, I played games and watched a movie all day :D
Good choice.
That one where guys pierced their Ds with nails or something similar was pretty good too.
Pain Olympics? I have vague memories of that.
It was fake, it wasn’t real poo.
swap.avi on the other hand…
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swap was a special beast. It was commissioned by someone at SomethingAwful, and it’s a masterpiece.
Ha-ha, same. Although I was like “meh, whatever”. Being a weird kid has it’s benefits, I suppose.
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I know what 2 girls 1 cup is but I don’t understand what else is being referenced in this image.
There is a consumerist TikTok craze for some expensive type of thermocup by the company Stanley.. It was also found to contaminate drinks with lead.
And these three ladies were in a skit on the US comedy TV show Saturday Night Live which was about that thermos hype.
Your article contains a statement from Stanley: “no lead is present on the surface of any Stanley product that comes into contact with the consumer nor the contents of the product.” I don’t find anything supporting your claim that the cups were “found to contaminate drinks with lead.” Am I missing something?
You’re not wrong. They use lead to seal the vacuum. You will only be contaminated with lead if it gets damaged. Most other big popular brands moved away from lead to glass sealing years ago citing worker health and potential lead exposure if they get damaged.
Ah, so my poisonous drinking cup is only poisonous if I use it a little too rough?
To me it’s wild that a cup mafe in 2024 contains lead at all
Adding to that, Stanley Tumblers have become the latest status symbol for children as well as adults. So it’s not uncommon for a child to get bullied because their water bottle isn’t a Stanley Tumbler.
The fact that people think they need a water bottle in school is crazy weird.
school only having water bottle filler
… that’s like the least weird part to me, how else are you going to drink?
They do need one, but a plastic bottle from the vending machine is good enough
As far as I know, they didn’t show to actually contaminate drinks. There’s just lead in places where it doesn’t come into contact with the drink. The lawsuit is for not disclosing this information. Or at least that’s how the article reads.
Edit: it was in California, where it’s mandatory to say whether or not the product has lead (and probably other things) in it.
This seems a good filter irl to avoid people that clearly are too addicted to tiktok.
Up until now I thought it was the same Stanley that makes tools which was making no sense to me
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There’s a company called Stanley that has been treating thermos releases like designer sneaker drops. Imagine the Hydroflask hype but limited releases causing high demand.
I haven’t actually seen any of the hype for the cup. I have only seen people complaining about the hype for the cup.
Do you consume the media on which it is popular? TikTok is the main source. I don’t have it installed nor do I watch the videos, so I have seen zero hype about it and only hear the complaints as well. However, a friend’s daughter is all about tiktok and the like, and yeah, she’s got 2-3 Stanley mugs. Dumbest thing ever. Can’t wait to see these mugs at yard sales for $5 in a few years.
Damn, marketing has sure done a number on people.
Yeah, that and the whole “challenge” scene is sharp as a box of bowling balls.
I’ve had tiktok for like 2 years now and haven’t seen anything about these cups.
Then again I’m not a teenage girl so my feed isn’t full of teenage girl shit
Oh, nope. I do not, and will not use TikTok.
I thought Stanley Cup is a hockey thing?
And there are clearly 3 girls and 4 cups in the picture, you silly billy.
Stanley is a UK brand that originally just made flasks. They started making cups in the same style as their flasks and for some reason they recently blew up online.
UK? I was fairly confident that it was entirely an American brand. Unless this is a different Stanley and not the one owned by PMI.
Why did you have to remind me.
Also jump scares… So much jump scares.
I’m not sure I ever saw this, but pudding fart is still seared into my retinas.
Oh you would remember if you saw it
Cakefarts was supreme.