To verify you’d have to set a calibrated weight on there. They could be incorrect by the same amount. The scales have good precision with one another, but the accuracy is unknown.
To verify you’d have to set a calibrated weight on there. They could be incorrect by the same amount. The scales have good precision with one another, but the accuracy is unknown.
While I agree with this in theory, being a pain in the ass right off the bat isn’t going to work well a lot of the time. Answer the questions, keep it simple and respectful, address them as officer or whatever, and get on with your day. I’ve gotten out of so much shit this way. Boring is good. If you are a pain in the ass you’re going to stick out and that increases your chances of being harassed.
Where is the content in the link? It brings me to some page where he’s bitching about FEMA.
Edit: about 80% down the page if you’re curious.
Drugs are cheaper at least. The price of an eighth of weed has not changed at all for me since 2003, despite inflation, and quality is massively improved.
That was the dumbest fucking video I’ve watched in recent memory. “My heart goes out to you”? Get the fuck out lol
The “Amusing Ourselves to Death” comic does a good job showing how Huxley did a better job predicting the future.
Why would Backblaze use so many Seagate drives if they’re significantly worse? Seagate also has some of the highest Drive Days on that chart. It’s clear Backblaze doesn’t think they’re bad drives for their business.
I’ve got the opposite experience, with WD.
You know who uses loads of Seagate drives? Backblaze. They also publish the stats. They wouldn’t be buying Seagate drives if they were significantly worse than the others.
The important thing is to back up your shit. All drives fail.
I think that’s probably a good thing. I’ve eaten so many warheads the skin started to come off my tongue.
Sometimes the always on healing works so good cells start doing things like reactivating telomerase and ignoring the signals for programmed cell death and become cancer, sometimes turning effectively immortal.
.0000000000000003 atm or 0.3 nanopascals of atmosphere.
On Earth, this is considered to be a very good vacuum. In fact, the density of the atmosphere at the Moon’s surface is comparable to the density of some of the outermost fringes of Earth’s atmosphere, where the International Space Station orbits.
the Moon is considered not to have an atmosphere because it cannot absorb measurable quantities of radiation, does not appear layered or self-circulating, and requires constant replenishment due to the high rate at which its gases are lost into space.
I feel like saying the moon technically has an atmosphere is like saying an astronaut has an atmosphere if they farted in space sans spacesuit because some gas lingers around them.
The moon doesn’t have sufficient gravity to maintain an atmosphere. Any smog will float out into space, like helium on earth.
I really wanted to like it, but nothing about the game hooked me. The world was cool and graphics were good but the core gameplay loop was tedious. I was hoping for a more interesting or threatening world to explore. The random objects placed by “xXXgamer420xXx” didn’t help my immersion. I wonder if the game would have been as successful if Kojima’s name wasn’t attached to it.
I put in about 6-8 hours and never came back. Not that it was bad or anything, but I just don’t have that kind of time and it wasn’t particularly compelling. I might try it again some day, but I didn’t really understand the hype. You deliver boxes for likes and try to not fall over while walking forever in a kinda scary sci-fi post apocalypse world. What am I missing? I heard great things about it making the journey less of a slog, but if anything, it made traveling feel like more of a slog. I just had to not fall over. It’s not like I was finding that much cool stuff along the way, just occasionally a slightly useful bridge made by some other player.
Losing was like losing the musical library of Alexandria. Redacted is pretty good, but it’s just not the same.
Ever shined a powerful flashlight or laser around and seen all the particles floating in the air? You can also see them sometimes with a particularly bright sun beam coming through a blind. While these visible particles probably aren’t spores, it does illustrate how much stuff you’re constantly breathing in. There is no escaping. You’re part of life, there’s billions of organisms on you and in you at all times, and they’re fighting for survival too. There’s no escape. The only reason you survive is because of your immune system, and that’s why immunodeficient people like severe burn victims and AIDS patients just die despite nothing particularly “wrong” happening to them.
To me, that job listing is a red flag and I’d not want to have that job if the bullshit is starting before I even apply. It’s probably only going to get worse if that’s the start.
If I really did want the job, and I knew they were outright bullshitting, I’d not feel bad about bullshitting them back.
5 years experience required for a programming language that had only even existed for 2 years
If this is the level of bullshit on the job listing, do you actually want that job?
If yes: if they’re bullshitting, why don’t you?
I have a 4 year degree and it has never advantaged me, ever.
You didn’t learn anything at school?
I went to an engineering school, switched majors to biochemistry, and I work an IT job now. My education was invaluable despite being overwhelmingly inapplicable to my current field of work. I learned so much and was exposed to so many people of a similar mindset. Easily one of the most important things I’ve done in life, just from a life experience standpoint.
What advantage do you expect it to give you aside from what you learned and showing you can complete a bachelor’s program?
Yep my first thought of this is as a technicality. One day every pixel displayed on your monitor has passed through some sort of upscaling or frame generation.