This is not an arrest warrant or anything. It’s a Democrat politician saying he should be arrested
I hate “news” like this… It’s a waste of time.
One person on Twitter saying something turns into “Twitter says…”
Politician say x in normal pointless conversation and it turns into “democrats/politicians say…”
And people feverishly eat it up.
Our society is fucked.
I think the people should boycott all headlines with slams in the title. Unless it’s about professional wrestling.
are you suggesting we boycott my boss, Rog, king of the slams?
Seriously though. Weasel words. If journalists adopted even 20% of Wikipedia’s manual of style, news would improve by orders of magnitude.
He was totally slammed, like the headline said.
Americans…why are you just allowing this to happen to your country, like what’s it going to take for you people to actually do something?
We’re slaves living paycheck to paycheck and nobody cares about each other.
This system will collapse before we hold rich white men accountable
I’ll express from someone living in a red state. The fuck am I going to do? I’m over half a thousand miles away from the state he’s fucking with, and he’s probably not there most of the time and again thousands of miles over, with all the power of money to get him wherever the fuck he wants to go vs my little car.
So build up support. A third of this country voted for this, and a third of this country sat out. So you’ve got a third that’s actively angry about this, but scattered literal thousands of miles across the country. Kinda hard to gather to this. Sure we gather to protest but this administration isn’t going to give two shits about it, this entire situation is proving that. But gathering and protesting IS the power we have so we’re doing that. Unfortunately the cameras aren’t on that because the people supporting this are the ones with the media.
As someone put it, most of us are slaves to our paychecks, living on the barest margin of survivability, and that’s been the way for decades. Y’all get to see the chest thumping “America is the greatest place!” but lets be honest, most of us are so disaffected that what we’re watching is the horror of a monster taking over, but the country we were raised in and told to love there will be very little sadness when its gone, just sadness for how evil it will become. But that living paycheck to paycheck means in order for me to go somewhere where I can maybe put up resistance because right now I’m surrounded by people who support this… and these are the people who have been arming up in ready for a war for years… would be to uproot completely, and even the bluest of blue states would happily let me die in a gutter if I don’t have job. So either I stay and support people who will be hurt when it gets worse, or I become at best a martyr, or at worst, another statistic that the news may not even bother reporting.
The answers will vary, but why are we allowing this to happen? I’ll say my answer, some of us have been fighting this for years, over a decade since the Tea Party got mad that a black man was president, have been struggling to change the trajectory of this ship away from the iceberg. But I’ve seen the people of my country as a whole grab the wheel, lock the door and say it’s their god given right to drive into the iceberg. So at this point in the analogy I’m just gathering life preservers and making sure people have them on even as many of them will tell me the ship is unsinkable.
We’re pretty conditioned to obey. Like, you can be a rebel and insult people or be racist or sexist or “anti-social,” but you go to work and pay your bills. We’re also, mostly, in debt up to our eyeballs the stress of which gives a powerful myopia. Average Americans are way poorer than tv would have you think.
Thirty percent of the population doesn’t even bother to vote as they’ve basically given up, maybe for one of the reasons above or maybe because the government has little to do with day to day life, or maybe something else.
There’s also like a third of the population that is super happy about these developments. It the most amazing thing to have a king again and get back to how things are supposed to be.
There’s also a sort of general American optimism that is super persistent: if you do good, then it’ll be ok. We’re hyper individualized. Do the best you can with what you have. Don’t put anyone out, or depend on anyone else.
Unfortunately, things will have to get a lot worse to motivate us.
I was surprised by the number of people who showed up to my local Tesla dealership to protest. It hurts his pocket book indirectly, but it’s something.
@Eruanna @Elkot I’ve been following the #TeslaTakedown stuff with interest - some of the protests seem to be enormous. Hopefully it is inviting people to dip their toe in the water, meet some fellow pissed off people, start organising, be visibly against what’s happening… It all matters.
Yeah, here’s the one I went to, great participation, turnout, and enthusiasm.
@Eruanna amazing! And you thought you’d be the only one - I think this is the importance of these - people are realising they’re not alone, just because Fox keeps telling them they are
Absolutely. There’s one guy protesting pro trump nearby by himself, I was afraid it’d turn out something like that.
@Eruanna honk honk!
Most people in US just stare at their phone all day so they’re probably fucked
The TikTok plan from China worked.
I would say it started with mass adoption of iPhone. When I go to states I’m amazed that literally everyone is just looking at their phone, big headphones on, hood up, XXL sweatpants. It’s like human interaction ain’t allowed anymore lmao
The bread and circuses plan from Rome worked.
Might get interesting when DOGE removes the bread for a lot of people.
This take is so boring. There are protests and even direct action all across the States. We’re just getting started. You need to change your media sources if you’re not hearing about what’s going on.
Easier if the country was the size of something like France. But when you have to clear a thousand miles just to arrive at the halfway point in the US. It’s hard to show massive protests.
We need exercise our second amendment and the citizens need to arrest
Elon Musk, Donald Trump, JD Vance, Pete Hegseth, Clarence Thomas, Big Balls and associated hacker coup, Peter Theil, Tulsi Gabbard, John Roberts, Jared Kushner, Steve Miller, Brett Kavanaugh and all January 6th rioters
I think that would be a good start
This situation has killed democracy in the world, showing it’s worst downside: It’s ability to self destroy.
IDK if it killed democracy because it can fail. Almost all systems of government have failed.
The only one that hadn’t (yet) is democracy.
Not sure why anyone would be surprised that democracy has a best before date…
That’s literally not true. It’s true in America, so far, but plenty of democratically elected leaders have become dictators.
Hitler comes to mind.
How are you going to get past Secret Service-X © to arrest xXx President Musk xXx ™?
You can’t arrest the president, man.
French: You can arrest even king. Well, we can. You, of course, cannot.
A billionaire is never going to suffer a real consequence in America. That’s why we’re so screwed in the first place
Not until you, the people, make it happen
It only takes a handful of people to change that
Luigi will always be in our hearts.
Feel like this title should’ve been Wisconsin Demands Arrest of… Because holy shit my heart skipped a beat to think something might change :(
Donald Trump, age 76 years, son of Fred and Wilma, said something stupid today.
You actually got me there, I had to google his mother’s name thinking this is the worst prank from the universe ever.
I’ll just add this to the long of things I’d love to see, but never will.
His money is SO dirty that he can’t even GIVE it away.
He could give it away. But giving it away implies that you get nothing in return. He’s trying to buy things illegally with it.
Then aggressively review his widely known to be fraudulently obtained American citizenship, seize his American assets including his companies, and send him back to South Africa.
send him back to South Africa
Venezuela might also be nice at this time of year.
What about that El Salvador prison Trump was so proud of?
No. Life in prison in Florence ADmax.
Give him a bunch of tattoos and send him to CECOT.
I want this as well, but it will never happen.
Fucking do it already. His approval ratings are pretty low right now (billionaire approval ratings, fucking gross), so I feel like MAGA might not come to his defense this time.
They’ll defend him because if he goes to prison that is now a can of worms they cannot close, the slippery slope they fear the most is society actually putting these people in prison
He shouldn’t have approval ratings.
Fucking do it already
Laws are for little people. Nobody in Wisconsin is going to green light this, because nobody has the chutzpah to inconvenience a billionaire.
I feel like MAGA might not come to his defense this time
MAGA isn’t the problem. Corporate media and the Trump AG are the problem.
Alright learnt a new word here. Rougly “cojones” it seems but I’m liking it!I often felt from context it was closer to “hubris”, as “cajones” might just mean brave.
Wait wait “cOjones” is not the same as “cAjones” that means drawer
Hubris means ‘overvalued confidence’ I believe. Whereas cajones etc is just stubborn confidence. Similar, but importantly different.
Hubris has a different meaning from any of these.
Would you mind explaining how chutzpah and hubris differ please? I’m not sure I get it.
Put simply: Chutzpah has more of a positive connotation, while hubris is almost always negative.
Ah that’s interesting, I had thought of it more negatively. It’s not a common word where I am, so my knowledge has been gleaned from American media, mostly.
Hubris is a kind of boastful pride–like a sense of invulnerability. It also implies a kind of dramatic irony, that this sense of invulnerability will eventually prove false. (The term comes from ancient Greek theater, where it’s often the Heroic Flaw that will eventually be the undoing of the tragic hero.)
Chutzpah is more…audacity, nerve, gall. A person with chutzpah doesn’t believe they can’t be harmed; they’re just willing to bald-face it out in the hopes you won’t actually call them on it. In English it can have a positive connotation, the way “cojones” tends to, but it can also have a negative connotation, like “cheek” or “gall.” It comes from Yiddish, where apparently it’s more uniformly negative. (Leave it to us Americans to interpret a condemnation of shameless effrontery as somehow laudatory.)
I guess I would say the key difference is that someone with hubris thinks they are invulnerable, whereas a person with chutzpah is aware they are vulnerable and absolutely refusing to act like it.
They’re definitely kind of related, but they just have really different feels to them
Thank you that’s good to know. I wasn’t aware of any positive affiliation with it. I’ll bear it in mind moving forward :)
I feel like MAGA might not come to his defense this time.
Hope this isn’t wishful thinking. Trump thinks his son is a l33t hacker for being able to turn a laptop on. Musk on the other hand owns a major social media platform and has access to skilled technicians and programmers, as well as huge server farms which he doubtless uses to analyse voter behaviour and find the weak points where efforts should be focused in order to have most impact on electoral choices.
Trump certainly understands how essential to the disinfo effort Musk is, even though it’s way beyond the grasp of your average MAGA. IMO Trump is not going to abandon Musk in a hurry.
Maybe. But on the other hand, throwing anyone and everyone under the bus to save his own ass has been Trump’s MO for decades…
Don’t give us hope…
Liquidate Musk
The joke:
The joke is that I’m pretending to be a deaf old grandpa
Preferably in a vat of acid
Oh? Demanded? Then what is the point.
Wake me up if he is at least arrested.
Every day I wake up praying to read the news that someone did the funniest thing to this nazi fuck. I’ll settle for an arrest though.
It’s a me!