I’m generally opposed to quotes from that awful fuckin’ book, but context here works.
You won’t be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. Think crypto chip.
Forehead or wrist. Yeah so neural link barcode or starve basically
What is the mark of the beast? 666?
It’s a mark that shows you’re a follower of the beast.
Oh thanks, I’ll keep my eyes open for that that I dont know what it looks like.
You’ll know it when you see it
They should sell this hat. Id buy it. 🤣
If I were religious I would absolutely think Trump is the Antichrist.
There’s an entire serious sub called (r/trump666). They are more level headed than you’d expect and downvote and mod people too far out there. They have a lot of deep serious discussions on which of the four horsemen Trump and Musk are. They seem to mostly disagree on which person is which dragon/beast/horsemen. Although, I think there’s an agreement that RFK Jr. is Pestilence haha
It’s all over my head but this concept is strong enough now that people devote significant time to reading the lay-lines.
Coincidentally my old handle on Gawker was a photo of Trump and my name was “DiabloHimself.” But that was back when he wasn’t running for office and just tweetsulting Roseanne.
I’m an atheist and I think Trump is the antichrist.
Same here
Me too
If RFK is not pestilence in person I don’t know who is
This is the funniest comment I have read in a while 🤣🤣🤣
Oh my God that’s perfect
When I was 8 or so, I prayed that god would wait to start the 7 years of tribulation until after I graduated college.
I graduated in 2019. Sorry guys.
Doomed by an 8 year old…
That gypsy was right.
There was a web site dedicated to a proof that Trump has all the characteristics of the antichrist whereas Obama only has a few.
I can’t seem to find it.
Author of the site updated it, and yes, Creepy indeed.
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Oh, I can’t believe it’s really him! Doug Forcette! Well, if anyone knows, it’s this guy.
Glad to make your acquaintance and I hope my presence has brought some joy to your day so as to offset the points lost from the ant I stepped on this morning.
I wondered about it, but it seems he has to put himself in the place of Christ and require people to worship him instead (to “anti” Christ…) to really qualify. I think he is till pretending to be a Christian, so we may not be there yet…
The bar to being an anti-christ is pretty damn low. There’s also no limit to how many exist all one needs is to deny the divinity of Christ. It’s just that easy!
There some conflation with the “Man of Sin/Lawlessness” though who is supposed to be a “fierce King” who appears at the end of times and “will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed."
You mean if you were Christian as my buddy Hassan is a devout Muslim and ge doesn’t believe in this shit
Not just Christian, not all of us believe in an antichrist. Even among biblical literalists it’s not 100%. Rapture, too. I don’t believe in either
I’m curious about how bible literalists that don’t believe in the antichrist interpret that part of Revelations.
Revelation (no ‘s’) doesn’t really have the narrative that “Biblical literalists” think it does. The Beast isn’t said to be the Antichrist - the “Antichrist” isn’t mentioned in Revelation at all, only in John IIRC - a lot of this is coming from Scofield and Darby. People before the 1800s did not believe in the narrative of “there’s a rapture where Christians disappear, the Antichrist takes over for 7 years, all of these prophecies are fulfilled, and the Jesus comes back.”
It’s basically all made up through connecting unrelated passages in Daniel and Ezekiel. Premillennial dispensationalism is new and not reading the Bible “literally” at all.
and the Jesus comes back
Everybody please remember that you do not fuck with the Jesus.
Guaranteed to have a typo when you nitpick spelling, but that sentence works well when read in a Ricky Bobby voice.
The “Revelations” thing is a really funny way to pull off the classic atheist power move of knowing the Bible better than a Christian. Great for trolling eschatological TikTok and Facebook accounts.
C’mon, Revelation vs Revelations is child’s play. Everybody knows the real name is the Apocalypse of John.
Agreed on the “revelations” thing. Once that tidbit sticks in your memory you just see people using it incorrectly everywhere.
Maybe it’s a Baader-Meinhof effect thing, but I think it’s genuinely a very common mistake that’s very easy to make.
Same with daylight saving(s) time. I hear other detail-oriented people add that S all the time.
I know the rapture doesn’t exist in the Bible but “the beast” does. What is the beast to literalists?
Could be an Antichrist, could be a natural desire, could be Emperor Nero, could be something else. Being a “Biblical literalist” isn’t really something that makes sense, because at some point you do have to accept that some things are metaphor. The line being drawn is arbitrary, even if “literalists” don’t like to admit it. Revelation is especially obtuse and symbolic - though it does make sense if you realize it’s probably about Nero and John of Patmos was tripping balls on some kind of psilocybin.
Revelation almost didn’t even make it in the Bible - the Shepherd of Hermas was more popular. I don’t think Jerome liked it.
Thanks for the insight. I’m gonna go with the tripping balls theory cuz that book is weird as fuck.
Ha ha, oh now things are getting a little feisty and controversial. I love a good meme that starts a fire. Nice……very nice.
Hilarious. Bible is fiction though and feeding into their irrationality is not going to change any minds.
So no worse than trying to use rational arguments?
As the saying goes, you can’t use reason and logic to get someone out of a position they didn’t use those to get into.
Yeah good point.
The point isn’t that it’s fiction. It’s that their book is garbage and they pick and choose the parts that they follow.
and most of them attend evangelical churchs, which dont even read the whole bible.
Yes very true. I guess this picture is more to show fence sitters the issue than to convert actual evangelicals
Thanks for adding this
the power of goldtm christianity would say blasphemy.
not enough gold linings.
not yet. soon, buy not quite yet.
Trump can’t be the anti-Christ because the anti-Christ would supposedly also preach about peace and love and all that good jazz, just like Jesus did. The difference is, it would be a trap. The dude lies all the time, but is pretty open about being a hateful fascist.
Elon, and Neurolink, on the other hand…
He does do that, that’s part of why he got so many evangelicals to vote for him. Do you remember his response after his disaster of a meeting with Zelensky? He said to come back when you’re ready for peace (lmao). He also heaps tons of praise and “love” on his followers at all those rallies.
I don’t believe in the antichrist personally but I really couldn’t think of a better candidate for it than him. It’s honestly kind of hilarious they don’t see it.
The fact they can’t see it is the whole point.
No, trump pretty much preaches about his peaceful violence and loving insurrection.
Maybe Satan sent LaHaye and Jenkins down to trick us.
Their antichrist, Nicky Carpathia, is well spoken and beloved by the world. At one point he gives a speech where he just lists off all of the member nations of the UN while looking each dignitary deeply in the eye, and this is so moving that this brings everyone to tears.
The way he comes to power and prominence is denuclearization and solving the Israel/Palestine conflict (iirc, there’s magical ‘plant grow good’ stuff that he trades with all of those desert Muslim nations that would of course all collectively agree to resettle all Gazans in exchange for the ability to turn Cairo into cornfields)
He’s also so fuckable. One of the characters gets knocked up by him just so that the authors can basically have the character (and audience) subjected to anti-abortion propaganda. All abortion is bad, even if it’s the antichrist’s baby!
I don’t understand how the Neurolink shit isn’t screaming “Mark of the Beast” to everyone who read the series though. It’s going to be hilarious if all of the evangelicals do line up to get their microchips because Papa Trump told them too.
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You skipped a lot of the Bible didn’t you? It does promote war, genocide, infanticide, and family annihilation.
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The book of revelation would like to have a word with you.
How is the bible non-fiction? Quite a statement. Care to explain beyond “it’s written up by god’s disciples”?
The Bible (the old testament at least) is a history of the Hebrew people told from the point of view of their priests. I put it to you that it’s no more fiction than Livy repeating the tradition that Romulus and Remus were raised and fed by a wolf. Now, were Romulus and Remus literally raised by a wolf? Probably not, more likely they were raised by a Lupa, a she-wolf (Prostitute.)
I’m not saying that every word of the Bible is historical fact, but I think it would be inaccurate to call it fiction.
The film Once upon a time in Hollywood is a history of the Tate murders told from the point of view of her neighbors. I put it to you that it’s no more fiction than Tarantino repeating the tradition that the Inglorious Basterds blew up all those Nazis in a theatre. Now, did the Manson family members really get their shit rocked up and down by Cliff Booth and Rick Dalton? Did Hitler meet his end in a storm of righteous fury? Probably not, but it’s fun to imagine a better world.
I’m not saying every frame of the movie is historical fact, but I think it would be inaccurate to call it fiction.
How is the Bible fiction? Quite a statement. Care to explain beyond “it’s made up by people”?
Zombies and magic
A lot of fiction made up by people is not about war and greed and other causes of suffering. With that in mind, what makes the Bible less fictional than the Dhammapada, or the Lotus Sutra, or Paddington Bear?
also, there’s several instances where god commands people to go do a genocide. so… like…
And don’t forget that the bible says it’s ok to murder your sons if they don’t listen to you and sell your daughters to their rapists.
How is the Bible fiction? If it were just made up by people then it would promote war and greed and other causes of suffering. I’m not an expert by any stretch but the Bible is a recipe for a good life and helping each other. I’d love to hear an argument that somehow trashes that message.
Killing babies is essential to living a good life.
-Kurious84Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.
Psalms 137deleted by creator
The issue with the Bible is how it is abused and contorted to serve people’s interests for power and money
i’m so happy you’re here. i also understand that my previous sentence may be interpreted as sarcasm, so i ensure you that it isn’t. you just made a point that i think is very beautiful.
isn’t it weird how the “fuck what my dad said” god isn’t vibing with the “fuck what my dad said” crowd?
I think folks missed your /s haha
He edited his post and doubled down.