Maybe Satan sent LaHaye and Jenkins down to trick us.
Their antichrist, Nicky Carpathia, is well spoken and beloved by the world. At one point he gives a speech where he just lists off all of the member nations of the UN while looking each dignitary deeply in the eye, and this is so moving that this brings everyone to tears.
The way he comes to power and prominence is denuclearization and solving the Israel/Palestine conflict (iirc, there’s magical ‘plant grow good’ stuff that he trades with all of those desert Muslim nations that would of course all collectively agree to resettle all Gazans in exchange for the ability to turn Cairo into cornfields)
He’s also so fuckable. One of the characters gets knocked up by him just so that the authors can basically have the character (and audience) subjected to anti-abortion propaganda. All abortion is bad, even if it’s the antichrist’s baby!
I don’t understand how the Neurolink shit isn’t screaming “Mark of the Beast” to everyone who read the series though. It’s going to be hilarious if all of the evangelicals do line up to get their microchips because Papa Trump told them too.
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
(Didn’t we do a good job telling all of them queers about their sexual immorality and stopping all of those abortions?)
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Maybe Satan sent LaHaye and Jenkins down to trick us.
Their antichrist, Nicky Carpathia, is well spoken and beloved by the world. At one point he gives a speech where he just lists off all of the member nations of the UN while looking each dignitary deeply in the eye, and this is so moving that this brings everyone to tears.
The way he comes to power and prominence is denuclearization and solving the Israel/Palestine conflict (iirc, there’s magical ‘plant grow good’ stuff that he trades with all of those desert Muslim nations that would of course all collectively agree to resettle all Gazans in exchange for the ability to turn Cairo into cornfields)
He’s also so fuckable. One of the characters gets knocked up by him just so that the authors can basically have the character (and audience) subjected to anti-abortion propaganda. All abortion is bad, even if it’s the antichrist’s baby!
I don’t understand how the Neurolink shit isn’t screaming “Mark of the Beast” to everyone who read the series though. It’s going to be hilarious if all of the evangelicals do line up to get their microchips because Papa Trump told them too.
Imagine the evangelist being the ones going to hell, and the nihilists being spared in a plot-twist.
(Didn’t we do a good job telling all of them queers about their sexual immorality and stopping all of those abortions?)