I wouldn’t go that far. Centrists, and most right wingers actually, aren’t fascist by default. They provide a fertile ground for fascism and will likely support it once it takes hold, but most of them aren’t ideologically committed to establishing an ethnostate. I mean screw them anyway; they do support protecting the capitalist aristocracy (I’m not kidding this is a central tenet of conservatism), but let’s not use the word where it doesn’t belong.
He persecuted socialists (basically the first people sent to concentration camps) and had capitalist policies? Any reason to suggest he was fond of Marx?
But Mr (assumed) “proletarians_must_suffer” probably thinks that “socialism is when the state does stuff”.
Go bother someone else in some ancap forum, where you belong.
This is only true when considered on a different scale. In the United States where left and right are both still on the right, absolutely not. In a country when both sides lean more left, maybe.
I disagree. Communism won the propaganda war in 20th century, and now what we consider left and right are all on the left side. US is slightly righter than Europe but still left from center.
All centrists are basically leftists.
most centrist are secretly fascists, they just don’t have the balls to say it outright like right wingers
I wouldn’t go that far. Centrists, and most right wingers actually, aren’t fascist by default. They provide a fertile ground for fascism and will likely support it once it takes hold, but most of them aren’t ideologically committed to establishing an ethnostate. I mean screw them anyway; they do support protecting the capitalist aristocracy (I’m not kidding this is a central tenet of conservatism), but let’s not use the word where it doesn’t belong.
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found a fascist
Sorry, but you’re just uneducated on the subject.
Claims the clown spouting “Hitler was a socialist”. xD
Also the clown whose name is literally “proletarians must suffer”
Any reason to suggest he wasn’t socialist?
He persecuted socialists (basically the first people sent to concentration camps) and had capitalist policies? Any reason to suggest he was fond of Marx?
But Mr (assumed) “proletarians_must_suffer” probably thinks that “socialism is when the state does stuff”.
Go bother someone else in some ancap forum, where you belong.
Are bolsheviks socialist? Bc they also persecuted socialists, communists, anarchists, etc, etc.
He literally limited the profitability of companies to 6%.
He’s non-marxist socialist. Not all socialist are Marxists. Btw, fascists are Marxists. They’re what you call “revisionists”.
I’m not an ancap.
this bait sucks try harder
Have you noticed an influx in trolls recently or am I imagining it?
Gonna happen every time Reddit fucks up and triggers another batch of exiles.
I think I forgot how much I hate reddit culture. It’s just so needlessly abrasive.
Yeah, this leftist can’t be fooled
This is only true when considered on a different scale. In the United States where left and right are both still on the right, absolutely not. In a country when both sides lean more left, maybe.
I disagree. Communism won the propaganda war in 20th century, and now what we consider left and right are all on the left side. US is slightly righter than Europe but still left from center.