All she cares about is her looks, it’s legit the most important thing on earth to her. She’s the most shallow person I’ve ever seen. It’s all me, my hair, my face, my body, my outfit. It all centres around how she looks and taking selfies to showcase her looks. What a sad existence to care about nothing else and need so much praise in regards to it. How do people enjoy her as a person?
Her latest stretch mark post is so trivial. I get that it’s her niche but what if we replace “see my stretch marks” with natural hair, wrinkles, jeans I’ve had for 5 years, the lips I was born with, my nails I painted myself….
It’s no surprise her money maker is a part of her she only shows if she chooses to. The rest of her screams I do t like my hair, my aging face or my lips. Everything about her says I only feel good in my body when I’m spending money on new cloths and latest trends. Self care is only about looking hot.
All she cares about is her looks, it’s legit the most important thing on earth to her. She’s the most shallow person I’ve ever seen. It’s all me, my hair, my face, my body, my outfit. It all centres around how she looks and taking selfies to showcase her looks. What a sad existence to care about nothing else and need so much praise in regards to it. How do people enjoy her as a person?
Her latest stretch mark post is so trivial. I get that it’s her niche but what if we replace “see my stretch marks” with natural hair, wrinkles, jeans I’ve had for 5 years, the lips I was born with, my nails I painted myself….
It’s no surprise her money maker is a part of her she only shows if she chooses to. The rest of her screams I do t like my hair, my aging face or my lips. Everything about her says I only feel good in my body when I’m spending money on new cloths and latest trends. Self care is only about looking hot.
I’m just baffled by woman celebrating her.
Nobody loves bird, like bird loves bird