She is 100% the reason I have never tried KN!X. Nothing she wears ever looks like it’s comfortable. Boobs spilling out, underwear crammed up her ass. The swimwear is god awful too.
Everything is wrong about this yellow bra!! How could they not fit her beforehand or tell their model hey, you need to wear a bra that FITS YOU! The top boob being pushed up/over the cup, her side boob moving to another continent, digging into her ribs like you mentioned, and that strap seems to want to cut her arm off of her body. This is all so so bad. I almost want to message Knix and not even from a snarky perspective, but from being completely baffled that this passed. It is 100% an ad for “Signs your bra doesn’t fit properly”
Oh Good another ill fitting bra from KN!X
She needs to visit the "A Bra That Fit"s site and do their detailed measurements because her bras never fit her properly.
The fat pouring out the sides, is that meant to entice me to get out my credit card and buy this? Lol
It’s so ridiculous!
The way her side boob is flopping out. Lol. Bad bad coverage and bad ad to promote such an Ill fitted bra.
And the spilling over! Knix brawls don’t fit right or she’s determined to wear a smaller size.
She is 100% the reason I have never tried KN!X. Nothing she wears ever looks like it’s comfortable. Boobs spilling out, underwear crammed up her ass. The swimwear is god awful too.
Everything is wrong about this yellow bra!! How could they not fit her beforehand or tell their model hey, you need to wear a bra that FITS YOU! The top boob being pushed up/over the cup, her side boob moving to another continent, digging into her ribs like you mentioned, and that strap seems to want to cut her arm off of her body. This is all so so bad. I almost want to message Knix and not even from a snarky perspective, but from being completely baffled that this passed. It is 100% an ad for “Signs your bra doesn’t fit properly”
The tighter the better for her 😵💫 god forbid she size up.
It’s on the lowest strap setting too lol
Yep and it’s pulling the fat together in the center of her back it’s so goddamn tight!
I couldn’t have that on my body.
Ooooohhhh this is so soooo bad!!!
This would make me not want to buy this bra. It looks extremely uncomfortable.
Also the strap digging into her shoulder. For the love of god, loosen it a bit. HOW can that be comfortable.
That necklace looks ridiculous with that yellow bra.