Seriously. Idk why someone who sits around all day doing nothing thinks that being messy is such a flex? And why does being messy make you hot? lol. Any reason to achieve her biggest goal in life; being hot.
Laughing into her phone like a hyena because she hasn’t cleaned her room in 3 months. I wonder what it takes for her to be embarrassed? She’s such a bonehead.
Seriously, she seems to feel zero shame about ANYTHING. So many things she does I’d so embarrassed about and she just thinks it’s all so funny and cute.
Also again with that star-studded social media content. Added to the list of regurgitated fupa posts and selfies, talking about how you… haven’t cleaned in three months… how do people stand this loser
I really don’t understand how she has the platform she does. She legit does nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. Her cutesy dumb blonde schtick is BORING and not a likable trait at all.
Her eyebrows are giving me a complex. For someone who only cares about her looks and invest every waking minute into them, I can’t believe this is considered OK for her. Why can’t Shane help and/or clean?? Such useless people it drives me crazy
When the filter slips 🙄 Why does she think having a messy room is funny? Being a lush who sits on her ass as much as possible is not relatable.

Seriously. Idk why someone who sits around all day doing nothing thinks that being messy is such a flex? And why does being messy make you hot? lol. Any reason to achieve her biggest goal in life; being hot.
She’s a nut job tbh.
Laughing into her phone like a hyena because she hasn’t cleaned her room in 3 months. I wonder what it takes for her to be embarrassed? She’s such a bonehead.
Seriously, she seems to feel zero shame about ANYTHING. So many things she does I’d so embarrassed about and she just thinks it’s all so funny and cute.
Like to not even make your bed? I don’t get it.
Also again with that star-studded social media content. Added to the list of regurgitated fupa posts and selfies, talking about how you… haven’t cleaned in three months… how do people stand this loser
I really don’t understand how she has the platform she does. She legit does nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. Her cutesy dumb blonde schtick is BORING and not a likable trait at all.
She’s full Queen Bitch today, just how imagined she is.
Like, this is your life. Staying in your room all day, talking to a phone. How truly pathetic and beyond laughable.
Hey Turdbrain, have you cleaned yet? 🤪
She’s spilling out of that outfit lol
I don’t know what brand this fit is but it looks like shit. Wearing that top would drive me nuts.
She needs to evolve. Maybe she can give Jesus-lover another go.
Like Jillian! 🤣
The Real Tradwives of Canada, coming soon.
She looks like a hyena. Hef looks have really gone down!
Her eyebrows are giving me a complex. For someone who only cares about her looks and invest every waking minute into them, I can’t believe this is considered OK for her. Why can’t Shane help and/or clean?? Such useless people it drives me crazy
Omg what’s wrong with her head lol. She’s deteriorated!
Her new hair looks so brutal already, I love this for her. Also what colour is it… today it looks peach?!
I love that the Ozempic face is finally coming in!
The filters are having a field day with her nose.
Omg those stupid ass eyebrows. Coloured in with a marker ffs. She looks positively manic in this picture.
Also, did you clean yet, Sarah? 🙃
And look how low those eyebrows are…
Lmfao it’s eating the blanket!
She’s in her melted ice cream era.