Only this idiot, who has no self identity and changes her personality every other day, would think it’s cute that her daughter is acting the same.
You’d think that would be a lightbulb to turd that her kid is actually interested in doing something more than sitting in front of a tv all day long. That’s actually so sad.
I wonder if this is 🍋’s 1st time back to a cheer comp since her epic meltdown that BirdShit couldn’t handle.
L had a meltdown and the spoiled brat couldn’t handle?? Do tell 😂
From what I can remember BirdShit couldn’t console the child and felt embarrassed. L wanted nothing to do with Bird she just wanted her daddy!
That’s how I remember it too and she said she was just sooooooo embarrassed
And only her would think it’s cute that she’s disrupting another teams performance and in the way of their parents view/video.
I thought that as well. The whole thing is disruptive lol
So ignorant and disrespectful to do to everyone else there. But then to post like you’re proud of it? Disgusting.
I wouldn’t have a problem with sharing cancer awareness. But she’s only sharing breast cancer and the fact she’s using it for engagement is GROSS. I’m a survivor and when she told her kids she could have cancer: are you effing kidding me? That was the hardest moment of my damn life! And when my 5 year old found out on her own? HEARTBREAKING. If you’re reading this S, shame! Shame on you! Shame on someone who was once envious of a woman’s body who had cancer. Please just stop. You are damaging! You may think we’re all jealous and crazy. Trust me! I’m not! I love my life, I love that I’m alive for my kids. Please stop!
My younger sister is getting a mastectomy and implant in two weeks for ductal carcinoma stage 0. I call that a cancer scare!!! Depending on BRCA genetic testing results she may have to do both sides. I think after Birdbrain made a mockery of getting her exam I could not even hate follow her anymore. She was recording and basically goofing around the whole time. While there was a 1 in 8 chance someone in another room was getting the worst news of their life. I am due for my 6 month MRI as I am considered high risk and have to alternate MRI and ultrasounds every 6m due to family history and I am terrified every single time! I feel like a ticking time bomb. She made a joke of the whole process for engagement. I do not understand how this woman still has a “job”.
She’s a farce. Good luck to your sister, sending love and hugs. And to you as well ❤️
Sending love and hugs to you and your sister. Birdbrain is a horrible, selfish, attention-seeking person.
I hope everything goes well for your sister.
I feel you girl! She is so toxic and needs to be banished from Instagram. Sending love and hugs xo
Her story about Lemon having the “zoomies” should’ve been a moment that a light went off in her head but as always, it’s just so cute and funny and more content for her. That should be an indication that the kid is locked up in the house ALL THE TIME (whether at home or NK’s house) and she deserves to spend some time outside of the house whether at school or in a program to get her energy out.
But S just uses it for content instead, she doesn’t realize how much that poor little girl deserves to be living a life outside of the home and making friends and having fun.
She doesn’t even seem to play outside and run around
She took her outside to play Elsa. The poor baby looked so uncomfortable. You could tell they were telling her what to do and just do deal with it. She didnt seem to like the snow being thrown at her
Yes, you can almost see it in her face that she was pushing through the act for her mom. I bet it was recorded more than once. Without L Sarah would have had to think of something to post yesterday…it’s her default - boring life, exploit L. I wonder if L gets books before bed or if the just pull out a phone for more tv in bed.
It’s so depressing. Kids love to play out in the snow and build snowmen and make snow angels, etc. This poor little one is just cooped up inside.
this is a woman with 4 kids (one being only 4 that she spends zero real time with), in her pjs at 5pm and playing the sims. Make it make sense!!! Doesn’t need to cook dinner, interact with her child, do some chores. Nope done for the day and playing a computer game. Of course we all deserve down time but all she does is have down time!!! She has a real life and she’s plopped on the sofa at 5pm creating a fake life.
Maybe connect with your actual 14 year old…child…that you have……
Does she need to get her nose checked out or am I losing my eyesight?
The eyebrows are so bad lol.
It’s very crooked when unfiltered.
lol wow 😂
Came here to say exactly that!!! She’s positively insufferable
Always on to the next obsession. I wonder how long the Tamagotchi has been dead for.
This whole comfies, looking a little wrecked with no make up on and playing a game is alluding to her being down or struggling with her mental health. She’s like clockwork.
I think she was trying to look good about promoting a small Canadian shop instead of her usual Amazon link during this trade war. The problem is those grifted pj’s she didn’t even pay for are made in Korea. Also she claims this is her friend’s company and doesn’t even follow them on IG.
She’s pathetic
A looser!
She will now lol
Only gets in to it when the base game is free 🙄
She is everywhere ruining everything. Why would anyone feature this fraud to talk about drug addiction. She literally makes things up or repeating sound bites. This is so gross.
This delusional bitch thinks MP was her best friend. She knows absolutely f all about addiction. What an absolute joke of a human.
Does anyone listen to her podcast? I can’t imagine listening to her prattle on and on
What the fuck does this imbecile know about anything but shopping and acting like a spoiled child?
She’s been hosting a lot lately? The lies that come out her mouth 😆 so full of shit.
God I’m so sick of her getting everything provided to her. Will never go to firehouse subs now.
New face alert
Probably meant hosting a lot… in the Sims 😂
is it how we receive it, or who’s phone (filter) took it….? Guess which one she took….a day apart
Her emotional/crying? face caught by AJC top-left is a little frightening lol. What the hell is that?
a smug liar making faces
Bird Shit’s dad trying to win Justin Pasutto’s latest contest with BestBuy! These bloody people have the $$$ go buy a TV. Sickening grifters.
He is an engineer and worked for a multinational conglomerate for decades. How embarrassing and incredibly cheap ass, shell out the money you absolutely have on hand.
He doesn’t have any money because his wife is addicted to spending, just like their daughter. Except NK doesn’t get all the freebies her daughter grifts
Cheapest family.
Can she not speak like a normal human. The performative over pronunciation is beyond annoying. The dent in her head is probably from being punched.
The wall behind her was glitching like crazy in this video!
Oh boohoo, it’s cold out for poor Birdie while she’s in her warm car in a gifted winter jacket with a warm house to go home to. Poor thing :( you would think she’s new to Canada fps.
She should use those empty calendars her and her team were working on, to set afire and keep her warm. Like what has she even done in the first 6 weeks of this year? A tone deaf daytrip to LA and back, her own vacation with friends, one event that didn’t even require the hotel stay she had…and…a cheer comp for a day and superbowl party…? Won’t count L’s bday that NK planned. Big boss babe…
Funny you bring up the calendars, what about that other calendar/organizer she HAD to buy from Costco? That hasn’t seen the light of day yet I’m sure
She’s still waiting for them to grift it to her
Omg ew. How much coverup does she wear??? It’s all over her jacket collar. Nasty
She’s gross, never cleans up after herself
It looks like she applies it with a trowel.
Lmfao! It does!
Even with the partybusload of makeup and filtering I feel like you can see her actual age coming through. Absolutely zero wrong with that, but I know she hates it
Her lips. Her eyes. The brow lifting. I wonder if she drools out the sides of her mouth now.
Ewwww her lips are fuckin nasty
Omg that’s so fucken gross lol
deleted by creator
Get wrecked you sack of shit. Of course your arms are tired. You never have to lift a fucking finger, ever!!! Unless it’s to scan your passport. And SHOCKER… poor prison child glued to the screen again.
So exhausting for her being a mom for an hour a day after NK does all the heavy lifting all day long 🙄
I’m sorry but the amount they watch this movie is out of control
Shane is a loser yes-dear robot at this point but imagine your partner asking you to film you lifting your child up a few times for social media content… what a sad life these two have created for themselves and their poor child
They’re both so pathetic. The fact Shame is okay with all of this makes me sick, that little girl deserves one good adult in her life who isn’t out to exploit her but she has no one. Her mom exploits her, her father allows it and her nana films her for content too. Poor kid.
It’s actually incredibly disturbing and scary. These people are using the child as a puppet and literally laughing about it. They are mentally unwell.
And the scariest part is that she really does act like a puppet :( she’s so robotic and everything they film with her seems so staged. Breaks my heart for her.
S posted a story a few days ago (I think they were watching Up!) and L was literally waiting for her cue to start talking, it was mind blowing.
How has no one reported them to CAS for borderline child abuse yet?
I feel like Bird’s back up plan is to get this kid into acting whether she likes it or not.
OMG. You’re right. It won’t work cause she’s the least expressive preschooler I’ve ever seen, but I’m sure Bird will pull any strings she can to open doors.
I’ve never thought about it but you’re right! She rarely if ever makes faces or expressions. My heart goes out to this little girl who will either never see school and make friends or who will see school but will not have any idea what is going on and why not every minute of every day is Disney play time and dress up.
I’ve thought the same for a while now, she’s been trying to push it SO hard especially lately.
BFF Ariana is now calling herself a stage mom! Taking her daughter to a photo shoot 🙄
Is that the word of the week for these women? S keeps saying it too.
Good luck. That child doesn’t know how to actually engage with other people and is frequently unresponsive when not reciting sound bites or playing along with some stupid “skit”.
The stories that were related to this one really bothered me too!! Poor L. is stuck at home watching whole boxes of free items being opened as though she’s actually interested in any of it as a 4 year old! She’s treated like a prop for the sack of shit’s idiotic videos! I can’t stand it. I would love her to just be able to be a kid and go skating/dance lessons/soccer whatever L. wants to do! Make some friends her own age, etc. I don’t see how that vapid twit S. can’t understand that her little girl needs those things. Makes me so angry! S. is a selfish, shitty person!
You lifted your child up three times, wow mother of the year. Sarah’s eyes/expression could not be more disrespectful to L, in my opinion. L looks like she is either not enjoying this or has no idea why it’s happening, or both
I would think even her genuine fans wonder why all this child is seemingly allowed to do is wear Wicked-themed clothing and watch Wicked… again and again.
I’m trying to imagine what it would feel like to be ultra lazy everyday and then first thing in the morning proceeding to show off a bunch of free crap. How in the world did we get here? Greed I guess!
It’s so gross. And the way she was yelling her fake enthusiasm in the video with L getting crayons was sf obnixous.
When you make your bff’s kids bday all about you 🤡
If you look up the definition of narcissist, there’s her picture. She’s unreal
Thought the same!!! And then the following slides trying to do the same with breast cancer - her scare and reminder to take care of it quickly. Remember S suddenly getting her screening within a week when other woman wait months, imagine if we all had Her magic. I think a whole new category of narcissist needs to be defined for this bitch.
She totally downplayed it? REALLY? REALLY?
She paid for a Yahoo article; that’s how much she downplayed it.
Fuck off Sarah. FUCK OFF.
Her comments in this article make me livid. Just “another thing” to fit in her busy schedule.
I don’t think she got preferential treatment. I truly believe this was all preplanned in advance. Didn’t the article come out the same day as her appointment? How did yahoo news know so early? a social media marketing strategy like everything else. Fucking gross. I waited 3 months from my appointment with the specialist to when I actually was examined and had a procedure done… and I actually had cancer. It’s pathetic on her end. Sorry taking care of your health was so inconvenient.
She’s a disgusting POS!!! she forgot to mention she got looked at right away because she’s so important meanwhile us “normal” people have to wait months if not a year to see a specialist/exams. Fuck her.
I think it was a campaign.
She’s disgusting. Can’t wait for karma to run its course on her.
FFS shut up Sarah.
Always brings it back to her. Selfish twat
For the love of Christ. This poor child is talking to her own shadow and these imbecile sack of shit parents see nothing wrong with this?!?! 🤯
“How is she real” 🙄 They treat her like she isn’t!!!
She had to find someone to actually listen to her. I’m sure the shadow interacts with her more than her mother who never puts down her fucking phone.
I was coming to follow up on my post with this!!! I legit said outloud while watching this “this poor kid needs some friends” jfc it’s so depressing and Sarah thinks it’s so cute and funny.
That’s so sad. She is desperate for real friends.
Just so, so sad. I have never in real life or through social media content seen a child interact with their shadow like this. Sarah and Shane suck ass
I went to watch this because unfortunately I was too curious about this poor prison child with the stupid wig and dress on with her dumb mother throwing snow on and around her, as well as this shadow video. I have no context still but why was she adamantly asking her shadow(s) for help?! That made me even more sad.
Also Shane’s nasty voice telling her if she turns the lights off the shadows will go away. Wow quality fun you are providing your daughter. How about you get off that GD couch and at least sit on the floor with her, colour, play a game?? They make me sick
Seriously though…me too! To even post this is disgusting. I don’t know how anyone can even stand them!
Little miss body confident yet sucking in for dear life 🙄 and I’m sorry but this pose looks dumb af lol
Body positivity ladies! So let’s fill our lips with filler and Botox the hell out of our faces under the guise of “migraines” and let’s have ratchet fake horse hair extensions and let’s get our eyebrows tattooed on… am I missing anything?
And filter the life out of every photo and video!
Not pictured: her daughter probably in a scratchy dress talking to the wall/shadows
She just posted L in her scratchy Elsa dress lol
Arms always up to look small. Such a loser.
That top is ugly. Looks like the pants that lift butts lol
Warped toilet paper.