tyson hesse https://imgur.io/ZrAhB
tyson hesse https://imgur.io/ZrAhB
the cheese is under the sauce
hell yeah am i ready for lemmy beans 2 the beanening
but you can fend them off with this cast iron pan, good combo!
reese’s puffs cereal shreds the roof of your mouth and makes you taste like you’re bleeding (because you are) i don’t exactly dislike it but it can’t be good for the children. the little demons get a taste for blood and suddenly you’re next
you can imagine an apple in your head and rotate it for free no one can stop you
be the change you want to see in the world. queer up!
yeah don’t threaten me with a good time
percussive maintenance
the wizards should stay in their ivory towers and out of our bedrooms. it is my human right to pay someone to come twist whatever part of my body i or they damn well please
why "scientists "have classified ratatouille a horror film. telling
when you do not sit with your butt exactly on the chair and at least two feet firmly planted on the floor you will get accused of bisexuality
please respect my privacy
it’s me