Rally Cross Beetle Adventure Racing Outrun
Rally Cross Beetle Adventure Racing Outrun
hopefully the cult wont follow that choad. chode? chaude? fuck, these jerks are exhausting.
love this guy’s handle… oh man, what did i just say
i’ll throw some cheese in before the egg and call it a choad in the hole.
it adds heat to the system to make more cold. duh. global warming solved. stupid enviromentards.
just about to crack on star ocean for super famicom on my ps vita. its crashed a couple times tho so plan b is phantasy star and/or castlevania 3. i fidget a lot, i’ll probably 5 different games before bed.
leaning apparently displays weakness.
Jill of the Jungle - PC
Shantae - Gameboy Color
Alone in the Dark - PC
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne - PSX
I like my women like I like my chicken, with the skin on and the bones in.
some of my favourites
streets of rage 1 and 2 wave race 64 aerobiz supersonic platoon nes donkey country snes katamari damacy ps2 earthbound snes pictionary nes ristar genesis bomberman hero n64 castlevania 3 nes
Lord of the rings (1978)
Jason and the argonauts
his weiner typing is impecable.
diablo (psx) - my brother and i are always looking for co op games when i’m back home for a visit. i’d played d2 til 5am on weekends in highschool and diablo on psx feels more like a game cause ur not just clicking a million times. i dunno what we were doing wrong but we’d done a new game + like 4 times and were still hung up at the same part of the dungeon so we bailed. great game but the curve ramped up in a dumb way. or we were missing something.
coop mentions cause im always lookin
perfect dark n64 double dragon 2 nes goof troop snes river city ransom nes jackal nes gunstar heroes genesis battletoa… nevermind
i thought it was pretty awesome but dying was too costly and i was backtracking to save way too much. i think thats what my beef was, it was only for a few sessions at my brothers place years ago. plays great but exploring felt risky in a tedious way.
shovel knight… now there’s a knight who gets me.
i dont think it’ll happen but the blackberry keythree would be awesome. had a keytwo, it was the best.
probably my favourite game. the music and art style always make me happy.
the strikes point to a lack of credibility.
love me some memphis design
once in a while when i download a disney movie, it triggers an email from the isp. i payed the fee tho so they need to shut up, in canada there’s a tax, or was, on blank cd’s that went to the entertainment industry to compensate for pirating. they charged me so i feel entitled to sail on.
might give phantasy star 1 a go this month. robotrek, star ocean, lufia II and lunar are coming due too