What games of older generations would you put up? i dont mind the genre really, id would just love to hear yalls suggestions.
Calling this game “older” is hurting my soul, though.
if it makes you feel any better, you dealt psychic damage to me as well
My steam account is 15y old, the Orange Box was my first purchase.
The Orange Box was a lot of people’s first Steam purchase. It’s hard to overstate just how much gaming value was included.
Mine was Counter Strike, bundled with CS: Condition Zero.
My account is old enough to buy cigarettes
My back hurts
I thought at that time you couldn’t buy condition zero separately, only within the orange box 🤔
I bought it before the orange box existed, like I said it was bundled with the OG Counter-Strike and CS: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes.
To be clear: Condition Zero came out in '04, the Orange Box came out in '07.
My Steam account is 18 years old, so I bought CS in '05
You did that on purpose.
I had to sign up for this new fangled “Steam” back when I had to use 5 CDs to install Half-Life 2. Lost that account years ago though, unfortunately.
Removed by mod
i recently streamed metroid fusion but had to stop cause the infinite spin jump simply didnt work, very sad cause its a good one
It’s not in Dread either. Drives me crazy.
It is in fusion tho, it just LITERALLY didnt work correctly, i got it working maybe once or twice and than never again
idk how i managed to get up to the final boss in dread, but i really didnt like it, the big selling points of the robots where so annoying, like a pale imitation of the samus x of…fusion
I spent 200+ hours with Dread when it came out. Shiniest new toy in awhile so I played the hell out of it. I tried playing it the other week and it doesn’t really feel like Metroid to me now.
Long ass opening with an intro fight we can’t even play.
Samus flies across the room. She’s way way too fast.
Far too much of a focus on boss fights.
Weakest exploration in the series.
Super missiles don’t bounce off anything.
The scary robots are in obvious locations and can just be run past.Super Metroid is still top dog. If you want a modern metroidvania check out Axiom Verge.
cool, ill check it otu
Is Mirror’s Edge “older” already?
unfortunately, yes, its been 15 years
I’m still alive I cannot apologise
Late 00s first person, non-shooter game involving a female protagonist expertly traversing platforms in a techno-dystopia covered in white, with a theme song “Still Alive”.
Portal and Mirror’s Edge have a lot more in common than I realise
Mirror’s edge still had shooty bits if you wanted to. But of course the proper play-through is the one where you take the 100% non-lethal approach :)
Portal had shooty bits, I mean the whole game revolved around a gun and shooting the correct locations.
You’re technically right. But I think we both know that I meant regular gun shooty bits, not portal gun shooty bits :)
Wow, wow, wow
Obvious one, but the original Tomb Raider.
its been a while, i should go back to those
Don’t forget to lock the butler in the fridge
Beyond Good & Evil
i remember when i was a lil gal, i had trouble with the first block pushing puzzle lmao
It’s a cult classic for a reason
But Nietzsche was a boy!!
I started playing this for the first time earlier today. Only 3 hours in, but I can already tell why it has a very adamant fan base to this day.
EDIT: Just remembered Perfect Dark
NOLF huh, thats a new one for me, thanks
NOLF was great, it just had a bad timing with the release
Perfect Dark
Tomb Raider
Mirror’s Edge
Ms. Pac-Man, obvs
Magical Diary: Horse Hall was fun
i kinda like how that one looks, thanks
No One Lives Forever.
Tomb Raider
Blood rayne, for “older sexy action woman game”
How did I scroll through this list and not see Samus Aran mentioned?
Damn I just replied the same thing without bothering to scroll. Hahaha
Tomb Raider (1996). The levels are well designed and work with the tank controls in a way that lets you master Lara Croft’s acrobatic descent through haunting environments that feel far more threatening than most games I see today
Also triangle boobie
Jill of the Jungle, if you like Commander Keen era PC platformers.
Here are a couple I played back in the day:
- Oni (Bungie, 2001)
- Remember Me (Dontnod, 2013)
that girl form oni looks like she cna kick my ass, i like her already
It always seems like very few people played Remember Me.
i played like one hour, or two before, it neither looked nor played nice to me when i tried it.