Probably not - they seem to know not to feed the trolls.
Probably not - they seem to know not to feed the trolls.
Even when they do, few will admit it.
Trump: snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!
What are the odds Kennedy shoots it down because “vaccine?”
WTF did I just read?
All it says is that it was an accident - I want video, damnit!
Man, I suck at gaming so I’d never get the timing right - can’t I just have K.I.T.T. do it?
Speak for yourself. Between circumcision causing decreased sensitivity, and many, many years of searching for ever more stimulating input, it can take me hours to get off.
They know, they just don’t care because they’ve been conditioned to believe that Democrats are out to ruin everything they’ve worked for through “tax & spend” policies, so “owning the libs” is far more important to them. The complexities of our tax laws work out in Republicans favor because most people don’t even want to try to understand how taxing the rich won’t hurt them.
Well, man did create God in his own image, so that only follows.
Unfortunately, it will probably get worse.
History demonstrates that it’s very likely to get much worse. Too many humans refuse to ever admit they might be wrong. The problem is each time things get pushed to the limit, it affects more and more of the world at the same time. This may be one of the last - if not the last - times we get to go through this cycle and still manage to survive as a relatively civilized set of societies.
You seem to be lacking imagination… sad.
Crickets. Is that telling us something…?
One can only hope his whole time in office winds up just a big waste of time as he keeps spinning his wheels in place.
That display’s gonna suck some serious battery juice…
For a phone, get a Google account if you don’t have one already. You can get a free Google Voice number that you can use through any PC browser (or phone/tablet with the app). You can text with it, it will transcribe voice mail messages (a la Visual Voicemail), and you can have it forward copies of all messages to the associated Gmail address for archival purposes. Because you can use it via PC, tablet, etc., you still have access to your number, messages, etc. even if something happens to your phone. It’s a VoIP number that can be used via Wi-Fi so you never have to pay for cellular service if you don’t want to.
I thought that was Jon Henson (a.k.a. “skunk boy”).
I know a truck driver who watches stuff with his family occasionally using a feature like this (don’t know if it’s Plex or some similar offering elsewhere).
You’re doing it wrong. You’re supposed to get wasted for life.