Yet people keep falling for it as history repeats itself. Humans will never learn & they will inevitably destroy themselves.
Yet people keep falling for it as history repeats itself. Humans will never learn & they will inevitably destroy themselves.
Haven’t read the article, in part because of the site’s notorious lack of reliability. That said, I find the timing to be rather suspect as Trump & Musk are trying so hard to convince the gullible public of supposed “massive amounts of corruption” throughout the government. The fact it’s become obvious how quickly Trump got the FBI to fall in line to back whatever he wants has completely destroyed what little credibility they had left already.
I just wanna hear OP’s nephew actually say “Uncle Smokey Dope!” I bet it comes out sounding hilarious from a two year old.
Survive out of SPITE.
I’m tired of just surviving. So. Fucking. Tired…
Carter was a war criminal?
Please hit Trump, or hit me - I’ll be happier either way.
But does she still smell of “The Bog of Eternal Stench?”
^^(Reference to her movie “Labyrinth”)^^
The range of incredible intelligence to out & out pure willing stupidity of the human race never ceases to blow my mind.
Well, what I just threw up after seeing this sure is!
“Our Brain”? So we’re down to just one to share amongst us now? But, but… I don’t wanna be a Republican!!!
Suurrreeee. Easy to say yer gonna do something when you’re already doing it, innit?
One that is so full of Musk-like puffery that he is making these people explain their code to him so he doesn’t have to embarrass himself by attempting to figure it out, and doing it in the manner of a scolding school marm as a facade of smug superiority.
There used to be a requirement of giving equal air time to opposing opinions - that was one of the earlier things Republicans successfully targeted. I’ve no idea how to make that work with the virtually unlimited possible sources available today.
But which is the sweeter one?
They’re in too deep to admit how badly they obviously fucked up. Shit is gonna have to actually reach the ugly bitter end, leaving them no other possible explanation to try to hide behind. In the meantime, this must be what it felt like for the citizens of Rome as it burned.
I’m NOT cleaning the inevitable mess when shit gets stuck to that, and gets deposited back all over their rear end (and everywhere they go) as this “fashion accessory” bounces around.
Well, except those laws that give him what he wants - like the stacked Supreme Court saying virtually anything he does in office automatically comes with blanket immunity from prosecution.