It found that just one-third of all young Americans said they would back Biden if the election was held at the time the survey was conducted. The poll also reflects a virtual tie in the race. Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points, and 34% of respondents are currently backing a third-party candidate or said they would support “someone else.”

Plus, despite speculation over how U.S. support for Israel may negatively affect Biden’s youth coalition, the poll found that the war in Gaza is not the top voting issue for most young Americans. Instead, economic concerns, particularly over inflation, remain front and center.

  • enkers
    27 days ago

    Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points

    I think you mean “former President and convicted felon Donald Trump”, NPR.

    • mozz
      527 days ago

      Yeah; it is headline engineering again. It’s extremely notable to me that they wrote that story and then attached this headline to it.

      They could have written the story Joe Biden Retakes the Lead Over Trump in National Polling Average, or focused on the electoral college and written Joe Biden Suddenly Leads Donald Trump in Multiple Battleground States.

      Personally, I think reporting on the polls this far out of the election with the voodoo polling methodology that’s in use is a pretty big waste of time whichever way they are pointing. But, clinging to some particular segment that lets you write bad news for Biden, when there’s a story that’s available that’s actually more interesting that they could be writing as well as being more click-inducing, is a rare little fascinating window into what type of stories they’re trying to write, and what ozma would like to post (i.e. not enlightening of reality). But what do I know. Why ozma’s doing it, I feel like I have a pretty good idea about; why NPR is doing it is a little more of an open question.

        627 days ago

        that Hillary lost to a piece of shit, rapist, plague on society, convicted felon – that Biden just barely squeaked by a piece of shit, rapist, plague on society, convicted felon – that Biden is only two points ahead of a piece of shit, rapist, plague on society, convicted felon – that the DNC refuses to give us anyone who won’t just pull even with a piece of shit, rapist, plague on society, convicted felon

  • Blackbeard
    1727 days ago

    the poll found that the war in Gaza is not the top voting issue for most young Americans

    Much to OP’s chagrin.

      1127 days ago

      This narrative has really annoyed me on lemmy. So many comments about how Biden is ruining his chance of winning by his Israel/Palestine stance but absolutely no evidence to back it up.

        027 days ago

        How about the more than half a million uncommitted votes on this exact issue? He is in real danger in Michigan which is vital to his reelection.

            127 days ago

            I’m from Michigan and while its not the top of the list, it is enough to tip the already close scale against him. He needs to address this.

            • Blackbeard
              327 days ago

              No, it’s not just “not the top of the list”, it’s nowhere near the top of the list.

              Is it enough to tip the scales? Maybe. Does he “need to address” it? I mean, yes. That much isn’t news to anyone in the country, even Biden, which is why he publicly endorsed the recent cease fire proposal.

              What, in your opinion, would “addressing” it entail?

                227 days ago

                Stopping the supply of support to Israel, not blocking the UN from acting, and revisiting the report his administration lied in about whether this was a genocide.

    27 days ago

    There’s a reason Bill Clinton and Obama did so much outreach to those two demographics. And why that translated to very impressive victories for them.

    Biden isn’t doing any, and seems openly antagonistic to anyone under 40 years old.

    I don’t know why we stopped doing what worked when Obama left office.

    We know what Dem voters want, I don’t get why trump means we can’t give them it. What’s worrying is it looks like what matters is the people in charge of the party think they might not have to give Dem voters want they want…

    And they’re willing to roll the dice again.

    This should be an easy win, just like the last two elections should have been.

  • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
    827 days ago

    The fact that people block ozma when this is a perfectly valid political post about a very concerning topic would be hilarious if the consequences weren’t so dire.

    They’ll ignore the canary in the coalmine and then wake up after Election Day and wonder what the fuck happened. Again.

      1127 days ago

      It’s not worth blocking and most of the time their articles are perfectly valid political posts. It’s just that everything that is presented always pushes a negative view of Biden.

      OP has been pretty adamant that Biden will be replaced at the convention with some unnamed candidate, why does his polling matter then? They claim they’re sounding the alarm, but everyone here already knows the alarm is going. Not only that but if you try and get any direction on what to do with this information they refuse to engage and go straight to bad faith debate bro bullshit. It’s incredibly frustrating.

      Making people feel worse about democracy and participating doesnt help us at all. It’s not denying reality, everyone already knows reality is shit right now. We need people willing to work together to improve life for everyone.

      • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
        127 days ago

        Why is it ozma’s responsibility to figure out how the Biden campaign should stop this? Aren’t they the adults in the room?

        • Blackbeard
          27 days ago

          It’s not, but it comes down to the purpose behind the exorbitant, relentless, many-hours-per-day effort. Posting like that is aimed at achieving one of the following options:

          1. Vent
          2. Stimulate Discussion

          The two are mutually exclusive, and the community tagline is “Welcome to the discussion of US Politics!” Plus rule 3 says: “Engage in good-faith”, which as others have very clearly articulated, is very much not the case for OP.

          Your mistake is in assuming people are blocking ozma for their content, as opposed to their behavior.

          • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
            027 days ago

            I’ve seen a few people complain about how “everything is anti-Biden, so I blocked them.” Which is a bit like “That canary is too loud so I’m just gonna crank my airpods.” Also, neither of those links have any posts about ozma’s behavior.

            • Blackbeard
              27 days ago

              I’ve seen a few people complain about how “everything is anti-Biden, so I blocked them.”

              No, you haven’t. You’ve seen people clearly articulate their concerns, and you strawmanned them into saying something they didn’t actually say. You infantilized their arguments into something you could dismiss out of hand.

              And yes, they do. They directly respond to and address ozma’s behavior. You only have to dig into mozz and ozma’s history for a few minutes to see how much time and effort mozz has dedicated to trying to get ozma to show an ounce of good faith, to no avail.

              edit: Here’s more context.

              And blocks in other communities pointing to the behavior, not the content.

                • Blackbeard
                  427 days ago

                  It’s a link to MegaUltraChicken’s comment, and it defaults to the parent comment. The fact that it’s a response directly to you should make abundantly clear that the objection isn’t “everything is anti-Biden, so I blocked them.”, or anything even approaching that.

                  I’ve provided links to other users making very clear why ozma’s behavior is perceived to be problematic. It’s belligerent, sustained, and littered with bad faith argumentation and deflection. The water is there for you to drink if you’re sincerely curious.

                  I don’t have any faith to be good about

                  The fact that you pretend not to know what “good faith” means just reiterates the problematic behavior people are trying to get you to see in others. Maybe that’s why you’re blind to it.

      427 days ago

      Why would anyone block ozma? I think he’s a bit too “doom and gloom” about all this, and also is wrong that any other candidate that the DNC could put out could beat Trump. But the links he puts up are legit, and his positions do have some reasoning behind them, even if I disagree. There are other folks much more deserving of blocking.

    • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
      -627 days ago

      It’s incredibly frustrating seeing that we’re doing a slow march to the cliff and the Biden administration and Democratic Party don’t seem to actually care. We’re all screaming why Biden is doing horribly with voters and there’s no action. Just “but Trump”.

  • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
    427 days ago

    In 2020, 89% of Black voters aged 18-29 voted for Biden, as well as 78% of those aged 30-44. In the latest GenForward survey, just 33% said they would support him if the election were held today and 23% chose Trump.

    Trump is beating Biden among young Latino voters by a four-point margin. It’s a significant drop in support for Biden compared to four years ago, when he won 69% of Latino voters under 30, and 62% of those 30-44.

    “Young people are saying to Joe Biden, ‘win me, win my vote,’” said Cathy Cohen, a professor at the University of Chicago who founded and leads the GenForward poll. “‘Don’t assume I’m going to vote for you now.’”

      27 days ago

      I keep beating this drum every time they use a fake concern for people of colors well being as a reason to vote Biden but they don’t want to hear it. It’s so wild they’ll stick their heads as deep in the sand as MAGA when it’s news they don’t like. They’re so terrified any bad news means trump will win they’ll drown out and censor shit like this and then don’t realize why people call them Blue MAGA. The Republicans hate any facts that dont let them be racist and Democrats hate any facts that make Biden look bad. Cant wait until they tell us ‘no on could have seen this coming’

  • AutoTL;DRB
    127 days ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    It’s a regularly covered topic as President Biden continues to receive low marks from Gen Z and millennial voters, even as the same age group decidedly voted for him four years ago.

    Plus, despite speculation over how U.S. support for Israel may negatively affect Biden’s youth coalition, the poll found that the war in Gaza is not the top voting issue for most young Americans.

    That said, the economy is one of several policy areas, along with immigration and the war in Gaza, where respondents were less likely to pick Biden as the best candidate to handle the issue, illustrating a potentially deeper problem for his campaign with younger Americans.

    The latest poll’s inclusion of third-party candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West may also indicate how additional names on the ballot could splinter the youth vote in the fall.

    A similar result was reflected in the latest Harvard Youth Poll, Biden defeats Trump in a head-to-head matchup, but when third-party candidates are included, the margin decreases.

    It all underscores the complex choice many undecided young Americans have this fall, Cohen argued, especially for voters of color, who may typically align themselves with Democratic values.

    The original article contains 1,204 words, the summary contains 196 words. Saved 84%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    027 days ago

    people are getting sick and tired of having to vote for “the lesser of two evils” – and the DNC refuses to give us anything other than a Lesser Evil – “we’ll push him left after the election” – no, you fucking won’t, he’s just gonna keep ratcheting right

    I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. … The Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season”. Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.

    —Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (1963-04-16)