doesn’t work, but that form of syntax seems to work for other communities.

    710 months ago

    For the community to show up on an instance, it needs to have been viewed by at least one person from that instance. (You need to be logged in for this to count).

    I went to with my alt on that instance. Now you should be able to see it from there, even if you aren’t logged in.

    Also, I think for posts to be federated properly there needs to be at least one subscriber from the instance (just visiting isn’t enough). I’m not sure about that tho.

      • Mr. Stevenson TwoOP
        010 months ago

        Unfortunate how lemmy seems geared to work for the most popular things and fail at the margins, when the margins may deserve our love more.

          110 months ago

          Well yes and no, I mean barring the mega big ones, everyone on the instance will bring in special things they like to the “All” stream right?

          Maybe “everything” from the big instances drowns away the smaller things though…

          • Mr. Stevenson TwoOP
            210 months ago

            But there seem to be all of these hurdles even to get into the All stream, where I had figured we’d all be there automatically.

              210 months ago

              Yeah, the language choice had me for a while. You have to use the “undefined”, but Also English and other languages!

              Then have users on your instance subbing to communities for them to show up on your instances “All”.

              I guess we’ll figure it all out eventually (especially software wise) but today it’s a bit of manual labour and definitely some luck!

              • Mr. Stevenson TwoOP
                210 months ago

                You have to use the “undefined”, but Also English and other languages!

                And I didn’t know this either. I had thought having “undefined” at all was supposed to break things somehow.

    • Mr. Stevenson TwoOP
      310 months ago

      (You need to be logged in for this to count)


      This whole visibility thing is a serious problem, even though everyone seems to want us to think of it as normal and acceptable. Doing anything on a small instance becomes a bad idea.

        510 months ago

        Yeah discovery is kinda terrible. Luckily there’s tools like and, but something like that definitely needs to be built into Lemmy itself.

        To get the community started you can put it on !, if there’s a counterpart on reddit, and maybe advertise it in any relevant places. After you get just one subscriber from an instance everyone there will be able to see it in search and the all tab.

        210 months ago

        This whole visibility thing is a serious problem

        Yes. I have been preaching that since I first started using lemmy in June. Every time I bring it up my comment is downvoted to oblivion. The way it currently works is borderline abusive to new users of lemmy.

  • Mr. Stevenson TwoOP
    210 months ago

    This post says 3 comments, but I still only see the @NicoCharrua reply and my reply to them upon reloading.

    I often see where a post is supposed to have a reply or two, but I open it and there are none. Is this another visibility problem? I’m using the ordinary web interface.

    • Mr. Stevenson TwoOP
      210 months ago

      Ah! I don’t have show bot accounts. It would be much less confusing if it said that a bot comment was hidden.