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At least the priorities are in the right place. Abortion rights have not been acted on for a century, climate change is hard, Ukraine can’t be helped, but the fundamental right for everyone to use their private jet anonymously has been protected.
How about a minimum wage increase while the economy is so strong?
This country belongs to the ultra-rich, we just live here.
God Bless America /s
Abortion rights were just acted on a year or two ago…
This isn’t really about Swift. It’s about Elon Musk, and Clarence Thomas, and Donald Trump, and all the other corrupt narcissists who don’t want you to know what they’re up to.
And yet notice how these articles are all focused on Taylor Swift. After all, the owners can’t let articles point out their privilege and class disparity.
Well, she’s the one currently making a big fuss about people tracking her, so why wouldn’t they be focused on her? And what class disparity? They’re all billionaires, including Swift.
Swift is helping bring down live nation/ticketmaster… So there’s that too
There’s no such thing as an ethical billionaire
TayTay throws more scraps to the people she’s stepped on to make her billion then most.
That seems to be true but it doesn’t change the previous statement
Unrelated, I see you around occasionally and your username always makes me irrationally happy, I blame my inner 13 year old. 🤣
lol, PItbull “won” the air travel top spot last year and you don’t hear shit from him about being tracked.
to be fair, that would involve discussing him in any way, which is best avoided
T Swift: 1.1 billion
Elon: 197.3 billion
I wonder which one of these people more powerful and has more influence?
If you’re going to make this into persecution porn so you can be outraged, why don’t you head back to Twitter and spare the Fediverse? We both know what point you think you’re making, and it’s stupid as fuck considering the situation.
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Eat the rich. Congress works for them, not for us.
All talk here. No action will be taken.
The only action people have is to vote people in power who are not absolute pieces of shit.
What they do once in office should directly affect your choice during the next election cycle.
Unfortunately most people vote blindly along their party lines.
So, yes, you’re right. It’s all talk here but it’s not like that talk can’t lead to actions.
But is that the only action people could take? What if some of these private jets just happened to catch fire in the middle of the night when no one is around?
Be the change you want to see.
That’s not the only action people have. It’s just the only one that hasn’t been criminalized yet.
Since the system is fixed, we don’t even really have the option to vote people in who are not absolute pieces of shit
Fuck them all. Fuck every fucking one of these people.
I don’t want to engage in whataboutism but the fact is when they pass a law for one thing it’s at the cost of something else that will never see the floor
The house passed a bill to help reign in insurance-pharmacy middle men (PBMs) who are directly responsible for the shitty system and pharmacy closures we are all experiencing. Schumer wont put it on the floor because it’s not a priority. But Musks private jets are.
This isn’t a stand alone bill, it’s just an amendment in the FAA re-authorization bill. They have to pass this bill every 5 years to keep air traffic going.
like /u/toiletobserver memed in this thread, “Challenge Accepted”. All the airplanes are still going to have to broadcast ID through ADS-B. They are going to shuffle the N-numbers around but I’m sure we’re going to have the finest geeks on the case deciphering who is who in the air based on where people end up on the ground.
Yeah, “impossible” is almost certainly an overstatement. Just harder.
The rich looking out for themselves
I don’t know whether to laugh or scream at how outrageous it is that out of all the issues that could benefit from bipartisan cooperation, THIS is what we get. Bunch of turds.
Fuck them all.
We don’t have to think hard as it actually is a bipartisan issue. Their lifestyles are now harder to track by us so it helps both party’s and their sugar daddies/mommies.
billionaires get this sort of data privacy amendment, while regular Americans get surveillance capitalism as usual.
Well to be entirely fair, the amendment just says "private plane registration, so this should apply to billionaire jets but also down to the dinky weekend 1971 Cessna that a “regular American” owns
ETA: actually now that I think about it, drones above a certain dinky threshold also require registration, so those would be covered as well I’d think
I’m guessing the owner of a dinky 1971 Cessna most likely doesn’t care if they can be found on an FAA tracker website. Taylor Swift and Elon Musk, on the other hand…
That Cessna owner also isn’t as likely to be a target of violence from some fanatic (arguably justified or not).
Cool. Is there one shred of evidence beyond Elon’s spurious claim that has ever happened?
Because if you are famous enough to worry about that and rich enough to fly around in a private jet and that worries you, hire security.
What this guy said. No way the richest people on earth are walking around without body guards.
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Taylor Swift has been dealing with stalkers showing up at the airport for years
Can you show evidence of this? Because all I see when I search for Taylor Swift, airport and stalker are people watching her plane’s location online.
It also doesn’t make much sense to me. She wouldn’t be walking through the regular airport if she was flying in a private jet.
The plane has to land at some point. That is done at an airport. Not sure how that’s confusing. Yeah so it’s smaller air field. Not having crazy stalkers track her is a good thing.
Because she’s rich she isn’t allowed any privacy or safety?
The confusing part is how these crazy stalkers (still haven’t shown that these people exist) get into the private area of the airport reserved for people who have private jets and chartered flights.
There hasn’t been a successful attempt in 60 years since JFK, who insisted on terrible security practices (open roof vehicle) and some failings on the secret service. Since then theyve really tightened everything up.
With proper procedures and a competent team, they’ll be fine.
They made a shit ton of changes after Reagan got shot and no one has even come close since.
Except that dude that just walked into the front door of the white house that one time… I’d say that guy got pretty close.
drones above a certain dinky threshold also require registration
Basically 0 chance that this law applies to RC helicopters/planes/multirotors. They don’t contain GPS and they aren’t monitored by air traffic controllers.
The newer regs boil down to you basically have to write your ID number in the canopy and avoid restricted airspaces… and who the hell is gonna roll by and check that you have a number written in your canopy? Maybe cops that get a complaint, and that is pretty rare. The older guys who have been in the hobby that I know completely ignore the newer regs, if you aren’t bothering anybody then nobody cares.
At last constant surveillance is deemed a problem, which is why ultra-rich have their privacy protected, while you, peons, keep being monitored.
Ok I’m just going to make a open source project to track that’s jets adsb Signal and let people put a reserve at there house oh wait that’s just flight 24 it doesn’t matter what law makers do she can always be tracked by 1 person with a sdr and a antenna
Will that work even if the plane registration is private/anonymized? Sure you can know where every plane is, but can you know whose it is?
What a bunch of bullshit, yet another example of how billionaires get their interests served but we just get to help make them even richer while being taxed, but not represented because we can’t afford the
bribeslobbying.Yup. Its amazing how quick and efficient the government is when rich peoples interests are involved
So… so… so… soooooo… many problems in this world and this is what they rush to “fix”. Wanna bet someone is going to figure out how to tie plane registration numbers with people regardless, do it through some third-world country who doesn’t give a shit about USA and we are back to square one.
How do you want to do that “through some third world country” if the registration documents are in the US and only anonymously published anymore? Not following your logic there.
There’s always a way. Follow which planes go to which country during concert tour. Match twitter post locations with plane registrations. And many similar ways. There won’t be many planes follow the official route or exactly match posts. Etc.
will allow private aircraft owners to anonymize their registration information
Can’t be misused for terrorism, huh?
But then how will we know when she takes her private jet jet jet to her private jet jet to her to her private jet?