This scene came up in a conversation with friends, wondering if you can do the reverse search! (Stealing MimicJar’s format)

    104 months ago

    Season 3, Episode 15 “Homer Alone”

    It’s the one where Marge takes a solo vacation to Racho Relaxo and Homer is left to take care of Maggie by himself (until she escapes). I think this is the scene where Homer calls the “Department of Missing Babies” and “The Cat’s in the Cradle” plays as the hold music.

    74 months ago

    Like theee time soap box derby champion Ronnie Beck says,poorly guarded construction sites are a gold mine.

    I can hear Marvin Monroe’s voice as he drums his fingers!

    “I know squat about my boy!”

  • Whoa. So this is weird. I open the image, it starts playing and I just heard the sound of a phone ringer as if I was calling someone. I thought it had audio until Homer’s mouth started moving. 😮