“The scene where Pippin convinces Treebeard to help had to be cut, to preserve the PG rating.”
Poor Gendolfyn trying to milk a male ent after mistaking it as a female.
Elon fans
Surely that would be more of a
You were quick on that edit
why they don’t do elephant rides at the zoo anymore
The trainers forgot the magic word (magumbo)
Groot dumpster.
If dying of dehydration try to find an elephant. There are often drips of water in leftover in their trunks. Elephants don’t mind sharing and are often grateful have a dry trunk as it avoids trunkrot.
Why Grandpa was never allowed back in the Zoo
Remember to cradle the balls while you suck stick to get more sap.
Thirst is a pathway to many acts some consider to be unnatural
Milk the morning milkwood, but check your hubris and never take on bigger ent than you can deep-take. If needed, call your fiends to make the process easier.
And dont forget to use protection if you see flowers blooming on the mighty tree dong. Unless millions of little saplings fighting their way out of your balls sound like a good time to you (no judging).
Lastly, don’t mind a little moss on the bark, it’s a style choice, but it’s customary to take any mushrooms for breakfast (a delicacy known as HoneyShroom DickCheesea).
Pov: $20
Me on a saturday night
Artist’s impression of the preparation of Ayahuasca.
For best results often inspect your trachea visually for bronchitis*
If you’ve got wood, you’ve got something to drink.