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At this time of year?
At this time of Day?
In this part of the country?
Localized entirely within your kitchen?
May I see?
In this part of the country?
Localised entirely within your kitchen?
Can I see it?
thinks about it …no
Isn’t it called “Steamed Ham” because it isn’t pan fried like a normal burger, but actually put into a steamer?
There’s got to be a place in Albany that has steamed hams on the menu right?
I went over to ! and asked. There are less than 150 subs so may not get a response right away.
I’m about 20 mins from Albany. Lived in the area most of my life. Never once heard it called that. Just my two pennies.
Maybe you could mention it to every sports bar in Albany! It could be a viral marketing sensation!