Star Trek was literally always woke.
I assume they’re returning to their truck to retrieve some sort of accelerant.
Jeepers, that’s dark, Boss.
General Order 24 would seem to apply.
Why is your name in red? OP is blue, what’s red?
(Using Voyager)Admin on your (our) instance.
Probably “admin”.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
The thing I love about this, the thing I always find funny whenever this comes up, is that these midwits are just too dumb to make the obvious argument. The argument that is “in their face” and “being shoved down their throats.”
There is a rational, coherent argument to make their point. It’s one I disagree with. It’s one that, in my opinion, can only be made in bad faith with no purpose other than to be a concern troll, but it’s there.
They always bring up Adira, Gray, Jett, Stamets, Culber, and anything else that’s gone up their ass but never any of the actual social commentary because they’re so thick it went over their heads and they didn’t even notice it. You can see it in this thread. They mention the characters and people respond with “but they’re just existing, how does that bother you?” They just bring up the characters again to a response of “yeah, we heard you the first time, what are they doing that bothers you other than existing?” And it just goes in a circle.
There was never an episode of ToS where Uhura talked about how hard it was to be a black woman as a bridge officer, because it wasn’t. That’s the whole point. In the future Star Trek wants us to imagine, a black female officer is completely unremarkable. Whenever they wanted to engage in social commentary about race relations in the 60s they had to invent an allegorical race, time travel, or use some other device to make their point.
The same thing is happening in the newer series. All those characters are just existing. Their sexuality and gender identity is completely unremarkable in the future Star Trek shows us. If those dipshits had two brain cells to rub together they would see the new series are full of allegories about not just tolerance, or even acceptance, but appreciation for beings with non-conforming expressions of self. If any of that did manage to trickle through their thick skulls they probably just twisted it into “yeah, people shouldn’t make fun of me for having a relationship with a waifu pillow.”
If they weren’t so stupid they could easily give a half dozen examples and say “it’s too much,” “I got it the first time,” “focus on something else for a change,” or whatever other bullshit justification they came up with to oppose these themes. It would be a bad faith argument that I would disagree with but at least they could pretend they’re not bigots, instead of their current position which seems to be “I’ve got no problem with these people, I just don’t want to see them.”
And, on the flip side, there’s also their total blindness to many examples of old Trek being decidedly unsubtle. They just will not address those, because to do so would completely undermine their point—and they’re not interested in the truth, really. They just want their anger.
I don’t know how someone can be a Star Trek fan and not get it. It’s an attitude diametrically opposed to the core spirit of the franchise. How do these people enjoy a show about exploring strange new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilizations, but they can’t stand the presence of different humans?
The one argument that Star Trek has gone woke I agree with is that the characters are all tripping over themselves to make make Tilly captain despite her obvious incompetence for that position. Contrast that with Barkley who everyone recognized needed self improvement to progress.
Otherwise I totally agree. Star Trek has always been progressive when it comes to race, religion, etc.
Just one example of the extremely poor writing
TBH, I initially had a strange reaction to Discovery. It seemed to me like it was virtue-signalling and pandering to an audience to increase viewership or profit. Similar to how you sometimes see fake stock-photos of a business where they contains exactly one person from every ethnicity. I think the word I’m thinking of is “tokenism.” I still watched it for a couple seasons, and it was decent. I didn’t really realize at the time how prevalent and dangerous bigotry still was in the U.S… Now I think it’s probably good some shows and movies over-represent minorities.
It seemed to me like it was virtue-signalling and pandering to an audience to increase viewership or profit.
Until people stop seeing minorities as different, then these kind of labels are going to get applied just because they exist. If a cast of non-minorities doesn’t raise an eyebrow, then a cast of minorities shouldn’t either. Base such labels on the way the characters are written, not because they exist. Stopping bigotry requires not caring about sex, gender, or sexual orientation.
I didn’t really realize at the time how prevalent and dangerous bigotry still was in the U.S
Bigotry is a worldwide issue, not just in the US. The problem is often implicit discrimination, where someone is subconsciously influenced by bigotry and isn’t aware they’re doing it. It never gets resolved because people get defensive when it’s pointed out to them. Stopping it requires prioritizing doing the right thing over being right.
In the future Star Trek wants us to imagine a black female officer is completely unremarkable.
Interestingly, in the unaired TOS pilot Pike did in fact remark on a female officer (albeit Una rather than Uhura), saying he “can’t get used to having a woman on the bridge”.
Of course, being unaired, the episode’s canonicity was pretty questionable. Until SNW used the exact clip of him saying that as archive footage.
(n.b. None of this is intended to negate the point you’re making. It’s just a strange little thing that could have been brushed aside as an artifact of the show not quite having figured out what it was yet, had not modern Trek gone and affirmed it.)
Until SNW used the exact clip of him saying that as archive footage.
That never happened. Discovery was the only show that used a scene from The Cage but it wasn’t that clip. If Memory Serves did a “last time on Star Trek Discovery” segment that used clips from that episode. It gave backstory on Talos and Pike’s relationship with Vina. The clip of Pike making a sexist comment was not used, and has never been used in any other show to date.
Until SNW used the exact clip of him saying that as archive footage.
They did? Are you sure you’re not just thinking of that meme?
I grabbed someone else’s edit, and did not see the original, but I assume it’s just a “do not disturb” sign.
It is.
Beau of the Fifth Column does great videos talking about how Trek has always been liberal
I remember seeing people complaining about “woke adaptation” with The Sandman, and Neil Gaiman always reply on Twitter he was ok with that, is like people can’t believe there is authors or works who is being left-right stories, people acted like he was controlled, mind-washing or something.
The Sandman is such a hilarious example of something to get upset about being too woke, too. “This adaptation of a comic written that featured gender fluid characters in 1989 has been corrupted by the woke mob!”
Brain worms.
Out of curiosity, does Lemmy/AP have a way of doing tags like reddit, seems like a feature worth having.
It is top of my list of wanted features.
In my opinion STD is just badly written with the focus on timeline breaking technology and a Mary Sue.
There is nothing wrong with LGBT characters if they fit to the story (not just people with the superpower of being gay).Why even have gay humans? I thought the sexy point of sexy star trek sex was interspecies sex? Remember when Trip got pregnant? Riker boned the 3 fingered mitten hand doctor after he was captured? Troy and Crusher both got mind raped! Even data has sex! See, no need for this silly human on human stuff.
I read the Mary Sue link you provided but I can’t figure out what character you’re suggesting is “portrayed as inexplicably competent across all domains, unrealistically free of weaknesses, extremely attractive, innately virtuous, and generally lacking meaningful character flaws.” (from your link).
I agree about the timeline stuff and also that the LGBT representation was excellently done and not any character’s “superpower” or anything.
(Also the official initialism for Disco is “DSC” (or “DIS” on Memory Alpha) but never “STD”)
“Star Trek Syphilis” it is then .
I’ve only just started discovery, and knowing how ST almost always has bad first seasons I’m giving it some slack. I’m not a big fan of the Klingon redesign but my main dislike is the less episodic nature of the show. That was my issue with the last seasons of ENT as well. I’ll keep watching it but I do really prefer the more episodic nature with occasional multiparters.
I meant especially Michael Burnhams abilities as a human. Her short and unbelievable backstory on vulcan, her super vulcan logic where she outsmarts experts in their fields, her exceptionally fighting skills and so on.
Maybe not all checkpoints could be marked here, but I think she was written in the wrong genre.
Maybe a superhero movie (with a better backstory) would be more appropriate.
Honestly, agree.
Oh ffs can we cut this crap?
Yes, there are legitimate bigoted Star Trek fans. It’s the Internet. You can find an abundance of any extreme niche. I’m honestly willing to bet I could find an abundance of furry star Trek fans fairly easily also, despite furries as a whole being vanishingly rare in real life.
However it’s a lot more common to see legitimate criticism of Star Trek painted as bigotry, often by people who clearly aren’t really that big fans of the series.
You couldn’t criticize Discovery for the first year it came out without being called a bigot, and a lot of the people doing so would clearly have 0 idea about the greater Star Trek universe. I remember reading a multitude of comments calling Burnham the first female Captain or first black captain, saying how female senior officers were quiet and unassuming until Tilly came along, and a bunch of other shit that was objectively wrong.
I feel like most implied accusations of bigotry these days are low faith effort attempts to stifle criticism by newer fans who just can’t handle criticism. It’s exhausting and super toxic.
Finally Lower Decks is a grabbag of woke tropes but was met with widespread and is the most popular NuTrek among hardcore fans. That should tell you something more is going on.
It’s definitely true that some people with legitimate criticisms get misread, but I think it’s inaccurate to say that it’s “a lot more common” to see legitimate criticism construed as bigotry than actual bigotry.
Just look at this thread, there are a bunch of people whining about queer characters being forced in your face just for being a part of the show. The bigoted fans come out in force with talk of “STD” (ugh) all the time, which is what created that expectation in the first place.
I feel like dismissing all the bigotry out there (including in this very thread) as “it’s just the internet” while dwelling on a few dumb comments you read in the past (probably on the Internet?) is disingenuous.
Ffs. Let’s look at this thread.
The top comments are by far just assholes. They dismiss and demean people like high school bullies. They are overly cruel, and blatantly attempt to justify that behavior like pretending their targets are just deplorable who deserve to be treated like this.
I find it disingenuous that you focus on the comments downvoted to hell and completely handwave away this obviously shitty behavior.
My instance has downvotes disabled, so if those comments are downvoted to hell I wouldn’t know. As a result they show as reasonably highly upvoted on my end. Even if those opinions are controversial, the number of upvotes they get (plus the fact that there’s several such comments, even here) show that there’s lots of people who share the opinion. We just happen to be in a community that tends to be biased towards Discovery, so those opinions are in a minority here. Go to other communities, and suddenly people will be complaining about “woke Trek” left and right and getting majority support.
People came at you because you responded to a meme about bigots complaining about wokeness, which even you seem to concede exist, to make a complaint about how legitimate criticism gets construed as bigotry—which the meme in the post is not an example of. It comes across a little like a self report. It’s like if you make a post saying “Nazism is bad” and some conservative randomly responds “this is hate speech against conservatives”. You were talking about Nazis, not conservatives, but their response comes across as them admitting they’re a Nazi.
That said, people came at you really aggro. It’s easy to get caught up in labeling people as bigots and then get carried away in the dunking. I don’t want to handwave away that fact.
Thanks for that last part.
The reason I immediately jumped to the bullying is because I feel like I’ve seen this story a million times. Someone loudly proclaims some extremely popular moral opinions. In the process, they then proceeded to insult whatever morally defunct out group.
At first it seems great. After all, bigots/Nazis are horrible people that need to be put in their place.
However, over time, the definition of bigot/Nazi widens to the point where it essentially becomes meaningless, while the vitriol towards whatever group becomes more and more unhinged.
I remember on reddit there was a sub called justneckbeard things. It started by roasting toxic neck beards. However by the end they’d just be posting pictures of obese nerds, making wild and completely unfounded moral assumptions, and then using those assumptions as a justification to bully people.
I honestly don’t think most of the people complaining about bigots are here to protect tolerance. I think they’re just toxic people who enjoy being cruel.
Who said you can’t critique Disco?
This is about a very specific, very silly objection, levelled by people who have found themselves indoctrinated into a mode of thinking that alienates them from the people around them, because of a manufactured fear preying upon alienation many of us experience in our modern world.
I’ve had plenty of objections to aspects of Disco, especially during season two, but scattered throughout the series, and no one has ever called me a bigot for my hot takes. If you’re presenting your critiques in such a way that people are assuming you’re bigoted, perhaps you should reevaluate how you’re constructing your criticism.
Ooooo I can do this too!
STD had shit writing, unbelievable performances, and stands as a monument of what not to do making Trek. They did inclusion pretty well however, which I think opened the door to future, positive choices in the franchise.
SNW did all these things correctly. (I’m 100% not biased because I’m crushin on Captain Angel)
Picard S2 is legitimately the worst thing ever made in Star Trek. It physically hurt to try to finish it, and remains to this day the only Trek I skipped episodes of.
LD is just perfect. No notes.
I’m not really sure what the point you’re trying to communicate here was?
Oh God and the gaslighting.
Valid Criticisms:
Max drama deviates from star trek standard format
non episodic / arcs within arcs make it hard to jump in and follow
Everyone talks too fast (lampooned on SNW | LD crossover even!) Deus Ex (Time Travel | AI | Etc.)
MultiLithium gets really explody if you cry hard enough.
Not Valid:
Everything is too (Gender | Sexual Preference | Skin Color) for ST (these people have a vacation fuck planet, and regularly bone holocharacters, get over it we all know if Kirk had a holodeck he would have died in that thing).
Mushroom warp is stupid (fuck you I loved mushroom warp).
You just reminded me of a bingo card Reddit Risa had during Disco S1:
ha! That’s excellent. I was not in a position time-wise to watch DSC S1 when it actually aired, so I missed all these shenanigans. In retrospect it’s probably the best trek to binge (which I did) since many episodes feel more like parts of a movie instead of being self contained. I’m a fan of all trek, even Enterprise. :D
Do people genuinely not like ENT?
From my perspective, I didnt start to appreciate it until the final season and then I wasnt even that bummed because I knew I wouldnt have to hear budget rod Stewart sing over an old Timey map with crew member power point transitions
I laughed at michael is a boys name.
deleted by creator
Okay so you’ll notice I didn’t have any specific criticisms of discovery listed, and people in this thread are calling me a bigot, dismissing my opinion, and being general assholes to me.
There also is someone who comes in, implied that the legitimate criticisms that have nothing to do with identity politics are BS and the real reason OP doesn’t like Discovery is that they are a bigot.
wanders into a thread to defend bigots
wonders why everyone assumes they’re a bigot
Oh fuck off. You are blatantly just an asshole using social justice as an excuse to justify your cruel behavior.
50 years ago you’d be the type of person saying DnD players are satanists and bullying them in the name of Jesus.
Why is that not valid though? It’s shoved in people’s faces. Why can’t they just have a normal relationship? Why bring it to the front and center?
I genuinely don’t understand this question. What “that” are you referring to, what “it” are you referring to, who’s “they”, what’s “normal” for “they”?, and what “it”, again.
Gaslight me harder please
You don’t understand what that term means. You might think you do, but you don’t.
Does that mean it’s okay to douse me in accelerant too?
look, I’m not here to kink shame you
You assholes hop into IPs that were longstanding homes of nerds and then act like high school bullies.
Honestly I doubt you give two shits about social justice. You just use it as a justification to be a cruel asshole to people.
Calling people assholes and gatekeeping is clown behaviour. Take a week off.
This comment is very telling.
The whole “it used to be other nerds (read as social awkward straight men) until you guys came along” narrative just shows you have an “us vs them” mentality about the whole thing.
And my guy, you’re the one being an asshole here.
Please explain to me, in detail, how the people responding to my comments aren’t being overly aggressive, outright hostile, extremely dismissive, and overall disrespectful.
The main dude responding to me immediately called me a bigot, and is in other parts of this post is “joking” about how bigots should be burned. When I pointed out that was kinda fucked, he made a “joke” that I was a sexual deviant.
This is high school bully behavior. You guys are bullies who tag people are problematic to justify shitty behavior.
You made the first comment mate. Of course people are going to br dismissive of you when you start off acting like an asshole.
And honestly getting clowned on for being an asshole isn’t bullying, and crying about it is only going to make you look like even more of an asshole.
In all honesty, most people that hate current trek don’t hate it because it’s too woke, they hate it because it’s just generic trash. Classic trek didn’t care much about big space battles, loads of pew pew and great action shots. Classic trek cared about great stories. The ships were places where people actually worked and lived together.
Current trek (anything after enterprise) has horrible story lines, horrible dialogue, is mostly about dump action pew pew and CGI, ignores 50 years of history, is all about fuck this, fuck that and fucking fuck you and honestly: it isn’t woke: it’s only virtue signalling.
Classic trek was woke by making great stories about real issues in society. New trek is just a sad shadow of what it used to be.
I was never bothered by new trek being too woke because it isn’t.
To quote a really shitty show: sheer fucking hubris.
Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks have been pretty good at scratching the classic itch I think. But yeah I do agree that picard and discovery suffer from a problem that a lot of Marvel and DC comics these days suffer from. They dont slow down and spend every arc going from a threat THAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING to another threat that WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING. So many universe ending events.
Current trek (anything after enterprise) has horrible story lines, horrible dialogue, is mostly about dump action pew pew and CGI, ignores 50 years of history, is all about fuck this, fuck that and fucking fuck you and honestly: it isn’t woke: it’s only virtue signalling.
To claim that all iterations of modern Trek are a homogenous unit cut from one singular cloth tells me that either you haven’t actually even attempted to watch even half of it, or you’re completely blinded by personal biases. Either way, your opinion would be easy to discard even if it wasn’t a rant only tangentially related to the original post.
Strange New Worlds is more like classic trek, it’s not bad like Discovery.
IDK I think Discovery is weak for like 2 season before it figures itself out and is currently pretty good.
If it wasn’t trek I would have checked out in season 1, but if you’re willing to push through I think it’s worth it.
I’m with you, I did not really like 1-2 much (despite liking the characters, sets, costumes music, etc.) and 3 was an improvement, but season 4 I actually thought was phenomenal and what I want to see more of in Trek, specifically the slower pacing and big weird alien-aliens, and a conflict not solved with pew pews.
I feel similarly with Enterprise, Season 4 of ENT was so good, so I’m excited to see if DSC S5 can keep it up.
Discovery was a rollercoaster for me. It kept having moments that made me think it was getting its stuff together and then instead of sticking the landing it would fall flat on it’s face.
Well said. I don’t think new Trek has been too “woke” (whatever that means because no one can define it). The only one that was over the top was that kid who was non-Trill that had a symbiont. For being in the 31st century (or whatever) they focused too much on his they/them nonsense. You’re not suppose to mention it. When you make a thing of it, it doesn’t come across as normal. That’s like TOS making a big deal of a black woman working on the bridge. Sure, in reality it was a big deal at the time, but being set in the 23rd century it should be normal by then.
New Trek sucks for all the reasons you said. God awful writing, poor dialog, and plenty of bad actors. No character development. I can only remember a few characters names from Discovery. The rest I just physically describe: chick with metal on half of face, robot chick, darked haired guy and blonde chick who stood in the back of the bridge sometimes, and chick with African name.
I only continued to watch it for Stamets (after he chilled out), Saru, and Georgiou.
they focused too much on his they/them nonsense.
*their, not his
And it was a scene of, what, 30 seconds where they stated what their pronouns were, then it was never mentioned again? How is that focusing too much on it?
You’re not suppose to mention it.
Unless everyone’s a mind reader, nobody’s going to know what a person’s pronouns are unless they tell them. They did, and that was that.
It was several scenes. Mostly between the doctor and Stamets. More than “30 seconds”.
No other character stated their pronouns, so how am I supposed to know everyone elses? The same way people figured it out since day 1. And here’s an easy way for us to know. Other characters can call him by it, and then we’ll know. Not everything has to be outright stated on camera for the audience to figure it out.
I’m only aware of this scene. What others are there? Stamets misgenders them at 0:09 and they’re done with the scene around 0:48, so you’re right, it was about 40 whole seconds.
I am frequently just… astonished to be honest, how often it’s repeated that it was a “major plot arc” or “multiple scenes” when it was, (as you pointed out) so brief. And it doesn’t ever seem to sway anyone’s opinion when this fact is pointed out!
“They made an entire episode about nonbinary people”
“The one in TNG?”
“No, Discovery”
“There was a single 40 second scene”
“Are you trolling? It was shoved down our throats”
Its funny because while we gloss over it today, this is how shocking uhara just being on the bridge was to people, or the shatner kiss. Like people were still being murdered and lynched for interracial relationships and even in northern cities we had red lining and racial violence. The big trans arc is a minor scene. With a person who also literally and unsubtly has memories of being MULTIPLE sexes and genders.
Its so shocking for some people it stands out. Even if they arent overt bigots being exposed to it rubs them a certain way.
I kind of get where some people are coming from if they’re (in good faith) saying that by that time Adira should just be matter-of-factly correctly Stamets rather than acting uncomfortable, but here’s the thing: the show might take place in the future, but it was made in 2020. Star Trek has always addressed the social issues of its time in a way that plays to the audience.
And hell, plenty of people are uncomfortable correcting others in general, regardless of the reason.
Yes exactly! I am reminded of this TikTok if you haven’t seen it yet.
You know you’re never going to get any hard evidence other than surface-level stuff that they can get from their bigot blogs, because bigots hate actually engaging with media.
For the sake of argument (and I don’t care enough to go digging), let’s say it was no more than 40 seconds, but you didn’t respond to the rest of my comment so I’ll assume you’re in agreement.
I think you only watched Discovery and Picard.
Lower Decks is brilliant. But Discovery and Picard was enough to make me hate new trek. What else is there? Prodigy is just a trashy show for kids. Well for stupid little kids it’s good enough. You don’t need quality writing for kids /s
PS: Yes I’m angry at the enshittification of star trek.
the enshittification of star trek.
Star Trek started using their monopoly power as a platform to squeeze their business customers for the benefit of shareholders?
Well lol, very loosely yeah kinda. Very similar processes. Instead of being in the control of creatives who love the franchise, the franchise is owned by a corporation through a monopoly (IP ownership) who just try to diversify the portfolio and suits just hire anybody that sounds like they make money. And nobody else is allowed to make star trek. The Orville was better Star Trek than new trek but it competes against the name recognition of the brand.
Yeah, there’s a difference between a well written stories that take on social issues and really breaks down the ethics of them in an interesting and entertaining way and a poorly written story that’s trying to do something vaguely similar and completely fails to accomplish anything other than just mentioning that social issues exist.
It’s a weird feeling where I agree with what they’re trying to do but it’s so painful to watch them constantly fail.
A bad thing about the anti-woke thing is it’s hard to criticize things that have good intentions but have bad execution without being lumped in with the assholes. And I feel like poor writing won’t improve when there’s that excuse of “well they’re just hateful anti-woke assholes” to fall back on.
Okay so what’s your take on the core dilemma presented by the villain in Prodigy? Given an apparent choice between isolation and extinction, what do you think the right resolution is? Personally I think the conflict mirrors the real world isolation of Sentinel Island. And with the Sentinelese in mind, it starts feeling culturally insensitive to say isolation has no cultural excuse.
Or do you think the question posed by Prodigy is overly simple?
But, is it not?
They had a black woman as a high ranking officer on the bridge in the 60s.
I don’t mind wokeness if the story is good, but to crash a story to champion wokeness is unacceptable to me.
Lmao first interracial kiss, champion of non-binary, trans, and gay people for the super obvious if you used two or more brain cells when watching metaphor characters sprinkled all over the seasons.
Sure, go ahead and say this hasn’t always been star trek.
This is like people who think Starship Trooper is a Gung-go military action thriller… I’d ask if you’d like to know more, but if you did, you wouldn’t be this dumb.
… We are talking about the TV show with an episode where they show it’s wrong for aliens with black and white skin to discriminate against the same aliens with white and black skin, right? Just making sure we and the “the story is bad because wokeness is at the forefront” comment are on the same page.
Paul Verhoeven is great at satire that goes over people’s heads. Same with Robocop, which is a hyper violent satire on American police militarization, privatization, corporate corruption and a complete lack of government oversight.
Just to set the record straight, that was not the first interracial kiss on TV.
It wasn’t William Shatner’s first interracial kiss on TV either.
If the story is bad it’s because of bad writing.
I’m sure that you feel like you’re saying something very profound, but for most people that’s just gibberish.
Nobody is doing that. Literally nobody is writing those scripts, you just view them as “woke” because suddenly the hero isn’t male, or white. Pretend die hard doesn’t exist, If you were to write die hard exactly as it’s on the script but McClain is a woman, is that woke?
Why is it that when a woman or person of color gets even close to a leading role, suddenly it’s called “woke”
“When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression” and gets labeled “woke.”
Please provide an example of when this has happened so we can notify the appropriate parties and get them to ease up for you.
Have you spoken to a therapist about getting past your own insecurities?
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield wasn’t that bad.
The truth? He didn’t say anything at all.
Didn’t you get the memo? Star Trek is OK now, Star Wars is woke. This brought to you by people who do the Vulcan Salute wrong.
The Last Jedi is the only good Star Wars movie since the original. ESB ruined Star Wars by making it a dynastic story.