I love how the comments boil down to:
- Young [completely ordinary item], and
- Young [reason why I will never find fulfillment in life and will probably die alone, unloved, by alcohol or high speed lead injection]
“Young memory of my father’s brain on the asphalt the day he died.”
People just want any opportunity to vent.
Tbf I’d want to vent about that too
Young electron
Not enough physical attributes though imo. Should be more like Young Dandruff, Young Acne (ft. Young Scab), maybe a Lil Stain or Big Mole y’know?
Edit: shout out to Young Eczema in the thread
Young Back Pain
Though in my case it should probably be Ol’ Dirty Back Pain
Young Chronic Depression sounds like a diagnosis, not a rap name
Young Eczema coming in with the most flaky, itchy flow
Shit, ‘beat’ me to it.
Young something has been in my eye for the past twelve hours and I want to scream
“Young eye pain”
Dude, “Young Eye Scream” is right there…
Young Pocket Sand
Why do you keep sand in your pockets? :D
young testicles, spectacles, wallet, and watch
Yung T.S. Double Dub in the house.
check me as I race down these streets; no clutch
Young PKW
Young Chapstick
MC Eucalyptus is in the motherfuckin’ house, y’all!
Young Steward Calculus 7th Edition Volume I.
Young social anxiety
Young picture of my wife
… How young…?
No no, the picture is young (i.e. recent) not the wife.
The wife’s old. Reeeal old.
Leonardo Di Caprio when wife turns 25
Young picture of this guys wife
“Young Crippling Sense of Impending Doom”
Young Herpes
Young D20
Young existential dread.