• @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
    526 months ago

    Zero video or photo evidence, all claims lead to a single unreliable israeli propaganda site called Channel 12.

    No mention of the boy on any non israeli “news” site.

    What happened to talking about unreliable sources? I guess any IDF propaganda without evidence is completely fine but anti israel news with picture and video evidence isn’t reliable.

  • @nekandro@lemmy.ml
    326 months ago

    Why is this source even allowed? They provided no real evidence other than pointing to Channel 12.

    • MeanEYE
      -16 months ago

      Even if there were evidence people would claim it’s IDF fake. People don’t care about evidence for this or that, they picked sides long time ago and are busy justifying their beliefs. Commenting on anything Israel related is pointless. War will develop the way military thinks it should regardless of what others write in some forum or think.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      46 months ago

      On one hand, they have to deal with Hamas - atrocious terrorists who turned Gaza into the one of the most impoverished regions in the world.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      -36 months ago

      On one hand, they have to deal with Hamas - atrocious terrorists who turned Gaza into the one of the most impoverished regions in the world.

      Correction: Israel turned Gaza into one of the most impoverished regions in the world.

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          -16 months ago

          Why would I blame Hamas for something that happened 3 months before they were even elected?

            • NoneOfUrBusiness
              36 months ago

              The blockade that put Gaza in this state started 3 months before Hamas was elected. From that point there’s not much a local government can do. Gaza simply doesn’t have the land or resources to live independent of the rest of the world.

                • NoneOfUrBusiness
                  16 months ago

                  Gaza doesn’t have the resources? Throughout last 18 years, billions were put into Gaza and Israel even allowed it. Shared net worth of Hamas leaders is around 11 billion.

                  Do you understand the meaning of a blockade? Money is meaningless if you can’t use it to buy things.

                  The security measures by Israel are actually fully valid.

                  Israel is explicitly and intentionally keeping the Gazan economy on the brink of collapse, by their own words. This is a humanitarian disaster before you even get into the specifics of how they’ve rejected peace over the years.

                • @Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  The siege has led to shortages of basic items such as food and fuel. It has also stymied Gaza’s potential for long-term economic development. Chronic problems, such as access to education, healthcare and clean water, have become more pronounced.

                  Since the beginning of the siege, Israel has launched four protracted military assaults on Gaza: in 2008, 2012, 2014 and 2021. Each of these attacks has exacerbated Gaza’s already dire situation. Thousands of Palestinians have been killed, including many children, and tens of thousands of homes, schools and office buildings have been destroyed.

                  Rebuilding has been next to impossible because the siege prevents construction materials, such as steel and cement, from reaching Gaza.

                  Over the years, Israeli missile attacks and ground incursions have also damaged Gaza’s pipelines and sewage treatment infrastructure. As a result, sewage often seeps into drinking water, which has resulted in a sharp increase in waterborne disease.

                  More than 95 percent of Gaza’s water has been rendered unsafe for drinking, according to the UN.

                  Plans to improve Gaza’s water quality have been thwarted by the ongoing power crisis. Water projects are among the largest consumers of electricity. Without enough power to maintain existing water and sanitation systems, it is impossible to build new ones.

                  Many homes in Gaza rely on electric pumps to push water to the top of the building. No electricity for them means no water.


                  That was all before Oct 7th

    • Deceptichum
      6 months ago

      Why are Hamas “atrocious terrorists” but Israel “don’t care very much”?

      Pretty sure they’re both terrorists, and add committing genocide onto the Israeli side.

          • @steventhedev@lemmy.world
            166 months ago

            Do you want the section where they declare their dedication to violence? Or perhaps the section where they use “from the river to the sea” as an explicit call for genocide?

            The charter was toned down. Instead of saying they want to kill all Jews, now they only want to kill all the Jews living in Israel.

            But their leaders say it best: we will repeat October 7th until Israel is destroyed.

            • Deceptichum
              -26 months ago

              Calling for Israel to be destroyed is not antisemititic, it’s antizionist.

                • @steventhedev@lemmy.world
                  -16 months ago

                  To be 100% clear: are you saying that it’s a fair call that they are separate concepts, or are you saying it’s a fair call that Israel should be destroyed?

            • @timidgoat@lemmy.ca
              -26 months ago

              How about this section?

              1. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

              I’m sorry that you’re so down with colonialism that resistance groups fighting against oppression make you so uncomfortable. You’re whining about “Hamas calling for the genocide of Jews” yet you’re watching the supposed “Jewish homeland” (read: Jewish ethnostate) commit genocide on the people of Gaza. This to me says that you care only about Jewish life and very little or not at all about Palestinian life. You’re a racist, as all true Zionists are.

        • @SulaymanF@lemmy.world
          -56 months ago

          No they don’t. They once had it in their charter in the 80s but updated it; and have called for a two state solution for nearly 20 years now. They even took the step of recognizing Israel, only for Netanyahu to move the goalposts. Meanwhile Netanyahu and the Likud party have genocide as their openly, publicly stated goal of destroying the nation of Palestine.

  • NoneOfUrBusiness
    106 months ago

    I’ll wait for evidence and/or more reporting, but unless something comes out this is pretty damning.

  • @Fades@lemmy.world
    106 months ago

    The cognitive dissonance in the comments is pathetic as always. Fuck the IDF but also fuck Hamas. Anything negative on Hamas is instantly discredited until the proof is unquestionable.

    So much good faith in Hamas when they don’t deal in good faith themselves:


    CAIRO, Dec 25 (Reuters) - Hamas and the allied Islamic Jihad have rejected an Egyptian proposal that they relinquish power in the Gaza Strip in return for a permanent ceasefire, two Egyptian security sources told Reuters on Monday.

    Hamas is 100% continuing this war just like the IDF is, they are both disgusting and are using the Palestinian people as the pawns

    • @AquaTofana@lemmy.world
      36 months ago

      I agree. 100%. Like YES, Israel is being maximum scum by retaliating with excessive force. We get it, they have all the “1st world countries” funding them. They keep murdering people with a crazy multiplier compared to Palestine.

      But to pretend that Hamas is not at all culpable or disgusting for their OWN actions is not it.

  • Deceptichum
    56 months ago

    A story with zero evidence?

    And Israel has been killing so many Hamas but they still openly have police patrolling the streets?

  • Andy
    6 months ago

    This is a weird story, just because it takes place in front a backdrop of widespread child death and social collapse.

    The thing is, it’s STILL a tragedy. It just feels odd. Like reporting “American soldier from Illinois drowns during operation in Normandie” or “Woman killed in vehicular accident outside Bartertown”.

    Like… that’s terrible, but they’re in the midst of complete social collapse. There’s no food or water, and also a kid dies in Gaza every 15 minutes. So again, it’s really heartbreaking that this kind – Ahmed Bracha – died. It’s just hard to figure how one writes an article about this particular child dying while apparently trying to get food among so many corpses of children trying to get food.

    There needs to be a ceasefire. The siege must end. Hostages on both sides need to go home. This is truly atrocious.

      • Andy
        6 months ago

        I reject the framing of “Neither side”: there are not two sides, there are many.

        First, I think what you mean is that the Netanyahu government and Sinwar’s Hamas don’t want a ceasefire. And technically, it’s more accurate to say that neither side wants a ceasefire along the terms offered by the other.

        Secondly, though, I don’t support either of these two parties. I didn’t say “there needs to be a ceasefire when Hamas and Likud feel like it”. Both sides are currently run by war criminals, and the matter shouldn’t be in their hands.

        I’m an American Jew, and my primary interest is compelling my president and government to stop providing material/logistical/political support for genocide. I want conditions on aid to Israel, and a formal declaration that the US position is that the war has gone far beyond securing Israel’s safety and is clearly destabilizing the security of Israel, the US, and the region (not to mention Palestinian noncombatants). And if Netanyahu and Sinwar don’t like it, that’s good because their interests are diametrically opposed to mine.