Not strictly true. Firefox gets inferior support from cloud services, like Microsoft. Newer versions of their Web apps are not available on Firefox.
But there should be no downside. It’s all artificial.
Not strictly true. Firefox gets inferior support from cloud services, like Microsoft. Newer versions of their Web apps are not available on Firefox.
But there should be no downside. It’s all artificial.
Ellen Ripley, no contest.
No superpowers, no special training, no special technology. Simply the wisdom to see a job that needs done and the bravery and determination to do it.
Another vote for nextcloud.
Or synchthing if you want something that is serverless, but does not support sync on demand.
Nope. It’s bare metal.
There is an paint option that costs $13000
God has been doing a shit job. Time to fire him.
Exactly, that lady who invented COBOL is probably responsible for more deaths than any of the serial killers in the list.
Speak to someone who does first line IT support to end users. It’s the small frequently encountered annoyences that impact end user buy-in most.
To the contrary, it matters to getting Windows and Mac users to convert more easily.
The argument is that the default should be changed.
This is similar to the seat size problem.
Maybe standard seats should be bigger (and cost more) , with some option for smaller seats
You can then invite people to get on a scale to see if they qualify for a cheaper seat.
I a big tall person and I always feel sorry for the tiny people having to fly tucked in my armpit.
Maybe heavier cars and vehicles should have a lower speed limit then.
Maybe car sales taxes should scale by vehicle weight.
If you consume more of the road, you pay more
Exactly the point I was going to make, but much better explained.
Pretty soon Trump would have had more lawyers than he has voters.
They are collaborating with the Iraqi and Jordanian governments to fight the Islamic State.
The US said the same thing about helping Czeckslovakia, then Poland, then Yugoslavia, then France.
Sticking your head in the sand to ignore a problem, does not do anything to address it.
Another way you could handle that is that any property you own after your 1st or 2nd, automatically attracts commercial property tax rates.
That should not disallow private individual to rent a spare room, or holiday home, but it will kill off the investment businesses that specialise running airbnb syndicates.
Additionally, if a property has not had a full time occupant for at least 9 of the 12 months in a year, it is subject to a wealth tax based on its value.
That should deal with the investment firms that just sit on massive stocks of empty homes and business properties, feeding off the increasing prices they are creating themselves, while adding no value and offering no service.
They do! It’s like they never heard of EFTs. They also pay many of their bills manually, or even worse, some still mail a cheque in response to a bill they receive via snail mail.