Good meme. Everybody replying how you could make this more cruel without realising it wouldn’t make it more funny
It can be fun to be creative
I think I saw some doctor on YouTube explaining that most blind people don’t see pure black. They have varying levels of sight that count as being legally blind due to cataracts or something else.
Don’t get me wrong, the relief they feel for that 30 seconds for their disabilities to come back still fits in with the spirit of this meme.
This is probably more aimed towards the people that are born or go completely blind later in life
Completely blind later is very much worse IMO.
Knowing what you’re missing, and being able to do nothing about it, really sucks, especially full blindness, not just legally blind.
Don’t get me wrong, legally blind (just seeing shapes and stuff) still sucks, it’s just hard to compare to full blindness.
I say this as my brother’s medical situation is slowly causing his retina to detach which will lead to full blindness. He’s a graphic designer by education. It’s cruel. He’s not quite legally blind yet, he can still drive in good conditions, but it’s degenerative and getting worse, and will not get better, only worse. The only treatment is to slow the deterioration, nothing will prevent or reverse it.
I’m sorry to hear that. That really sucks.
Myself and my SO are helping him and his wife deal with it. We moved into a shared home and we’re all here for whatever he needs.
We moved in well in advance of him losing full vision so he can learn the layout of the house visually and get to the point of being able to navigate the house with his eyes closed.
We put in Google home devices all over so we can use announcements/paging to call out if he needs help. More people in the house means more people home more often, so there’s a better chance someone is nearby to help when help is needed.
It wasn’t cheap to buy a house when we did, but we’re doing ok. We have a plan.
I wish you all the best for dealing with this.
Thank you.
I don’t know the breakdown of the statistics, but yeah there are different kinds and levels of blindness. Blindness can be due to physical damage to the lense, retina, optic nerve, or the visual processing area of the brain. It can be due to clouded lenses like cataracts. It can be due to malformations of the retina, non-functioning cones/rods, or shape of the lens or eyeball itself. Some of those lead to total blindness, but lead to varying degrees of vision impairment, up to and including legal blindness. Some of those can be corrected for with glasses, contacts, surgery or even electronic neural interfaces in some cases. Some are just permanent and can’t be improved.
The kind of blindness I find most interesting is when the eyes and optic nerve function normally, but the party of the brain that processes vision just doesn’t function for various reason, but the part of the brain that processes spatial awareness does still function. Those people have no sight at all, but they are still able to perceive objects and space around them and, for example, avoid obstacles when walking, despite but being able to see the obstacles in a visual sense.
Let’s remake it. Instead of completely reverting it after 30 seconds, do the following:
- change timespan to 30 days
- after each blink, you see a WinRar-esque trial window which you have to close manually by touching your butthole with bare fingers.
That last one is just what everyone already has to deal with, though.Right? …right? Guys?
I have a fix. Cut off the tip of one of your fingers and stick it up your ass. Now the WinRar-esque trial window will not show up anymore. Either that or switch to 7z (which is better anyways) but I know you mother fuckers follow bill gates to closely to ever even think of using a program that is free, open source, faster, and just over all better.
Brings a new meaning to “cracked winrar”
Way ahead of you! Did that 5 years ago! Still get a notification through my colon that my finger is out of date and needs to be updated now and then, but I just consider that a bonus 🤷
Had me in the first half there. But Bill Gates didn’t write winrar and 7zip works just fine on windows, so I’m not sure what that whole rant was about.
They had you in the half that began with advising me to cut off one of my fingertips? 🤔
Sure, that part made sense given the context. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.
I know I do, had a hemorrhoid bust back there, now it itches unless I use a bidet which I don’t have
Do they even still charge for WinRAR?
Yes officer, this comment right here.
You’re a monster. The pain of never having had is trivial, the pain of getting a taste and then never again, that’s horrible.
Imagine, you’re washing your hands after a poop, suddenly you’re able to see yourself in the mirror, it only lasts 30 seconds before you go blind again, but for the rest of your life you know… You’re one ugly motherfucker.
It wouldn’t give them a taste of anything though it would just be the equivalent of flashbanging them.
Make it worse by having it randomly return occasionally.
Have a timer count down in their vision. Like 100 hrs. They close their eyes and the timer pauses. They have vision for 100 hours, that’s it. Choose how to use it.
Nah 10 hours for free and then turn it into a subscription service. Eyeshittification!
They had a movie based off that, instead of money you paid with time, hit zero and you expire
In Time
I only know of that because Harlan Ellison sued them…
Oh so that’s what happened to Blinkin in Robin Hood Men In Tights
I didn’t say Abe Lincoln I said Hey Blinkin
“what’s your name?”
“a jew? Here?”
walking through a fish market
“Ah! The local brothel. Hello, ladies!”
I heard a blind person recently say on a radio program that the idea that blind people feel deprived and crave the ability to see is a weird concept dreamed up by seeing people.
I’ve heard this position from several disability advocates.
Was this person born blind? I feel like a person with a degenerative disease might think differently.
I knew a girl in a wheelchair who lost the ability to walk in a car accident. She definitely wanted to walk again.
I’m guessing that people who were disabled their whole lives don’t (usually) desire to be able-bodied because that’s just how reality is for them, and people who were once able-bodied would understandably desire the abilities and senses they once had. At least that’s how I’d think of it.
Seems a little strawman-ish. “Feel deprived and crave the ability to see” is a hyberbole way to say that “blind people would rather have the ability to see”. An assumption that would be safe to make for anyone with a disability, despite if they have learned to have a good life with it.
There’s a really large contingent of congenitally disabled people that get up in arms about not needing to be “fixed.” They’ll start babbling on about “medical vs social models,” which has some admittedly good points in there, and then they bump into a lamppost.
Nobody is going to force them to be “fixed” but a nontrivial number of disabled people want to rid themselves of their disability if possible.
It’s why we have prosthetic legs, and cochlear implants. Not everyone gets them, but they’re an option if you want them. Unless you’re poor and live in the USA, then you don’t have the option. Gg USA.
Perhaps, but fwiw I am a disability chat rep for a company and I often help people with hearing impairments. All of my training stressed that you treat everyone the same until they ask for different treatment. I suppose the term “differently abled” arisea from this as well.
Being a chat rep, of course, I do not deal with the vision impaired nearly as often.
I read a paper once about how even if someone born blind could suddenly “see,” their brain still wouldn’t know what to do with the information.
I think there’s a Val Kilmer film about this.
Yes, At First Sight.
Edit to add: gave me very Flowers for Algernon vibes.
First time I realised this was when Lilly says “I feel the same about seeing as you do about your inability to hear two people whispering across the room” in Katawa shoujo.
Man that was was wonderful VN.
I feel like if I was blind I would tell myself that.
You are not going to meet a person who is as incompetent as music theory as me and can still hear. I would love to have any kinda musical ability.
While they are sleeping . . .
No, no. They need to be awake to see what they are missing only to just lose it again.
Sleeping, wake up, eye sight, boom gone, nooooooo, all I saw was dark!
And while half of them would be sleeping
I can’t be bothered to do the math on that, but I feel like it is closer to a third than a half.
Give all blind people sight, but only while they are looking at a photo of Margaret Thatcher naked.
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome
glasses with a semi-transparent pin-up of the wicked bitch on the lenses
Mfw when I fell asleep during the 30 seconds of sight as a blind man.
Bluntly, like with cochlear implants, they wouldn’t likely be able to understand what is happening in those 30s. So it would very likely just disorient most of them.
The only people that would actually suffer are those that could see, and have the ability to understand what they see, that lost their vision later in life. They would get the implied effect of what seems to be intended here.
That’s so terrible.
give all blind people sight but only while they’re blinking
For maximum suffering you want the end of the “trial” to be after a random period: the anxiety really adds quite the extra punch.
Better not drive or do anything precarious.
It would feel random to them. It’s not as if they know in advance what is going to happen. They’d still be freaking out trying to get a handle on it when it went away.
Seeing other people lose it, one after the other at unpredictable times, is what would really screw up the ones who still had it.
Humans are really bad at dealing with expected events which come at unpredictable times, both bad things and good things - the former can induce constant fear and anxiety and is apparently used in torture, whilst the later (for example the receiving of “premiums” at random intervals) can induce gambling addiction.
(I wasn’t clear before that it’s after a random period different per individual. Sorry to any would be torturer).
#I don’t know what to express.