AI startup 11x will rent you a bot to find you sales prospects, craft an appropriate email, and schedule an appointment to pitch a sale to them. Wow! So how’s 11x doing? It’s landed $74 million in …
You are correct, and a company with this kind of name should NOT have its name reported in the headline because it’s confusing and not well-known enough to avoid that confusion.
Substitute that for “AI start-up” and the headline is immediately more clear
this headline though… awful grammar
Nah, that’s regular English. Plain sometimes hard to read English.
random guess, but: "11x” is the name of the company, that’s not “eleven times”
You are correct, and a company with this kind of name should NOT have its name reported in the headline because it’s confusing and not well-known enough to avoid that confusion.
Substitute that for “AI start-up” and the headline is immediately more clear
much better :3
Perfect! Love it
Better redundant than obscurant
Oh hey, a classic troll farm comment. Did you just wake from cryosleep? Facebook is thataway ->
@Sprocketfree @dgerard sorry what