A West Virginia couple, Jeanne Kay Whitefeather and Donald Lantz, received prison sentences of 215 and 160 years, respectively, for forcing their five adopted Black children into slave labor.
Authorities discovered the abuse after a welfare check revealed children locked in a shed without water or sanitation.
The couple, charged with human trafficking, child neglect, and forced labor, targeted the children because of their race.
The court ordered them to pay $280,000 in restitution each.
Slavers should be shot
John brown smiles upon you:
John brown did nothing wrong
He did a lot wrong, but the failure to ensure adequate equipment and training for his troops is to a degree expected when running a guerrilla crusade.
He should have gone to ground earlier in the campaign.
They needed to do more smaller scale raids on remote plantations for longer, bleeding Kansas was a start but insufficient.
Morally wrong, no. Tactically he made enough errors to get himself killed.
John Brown’s body lies molding in the grave, oh John Browns body lies molding in the grave, John Browns body lies molding in the grave but his soul goes marching on /lyr
Burned, then shot
“Ow! You shot me! Now I’m very badly burned, and have been shot!”
I’m still down here and still in quite a lot of pain. Maybe someone could call an ambulance? The pain is really quite severe… I’ve fashioned a makeshift splint, here goes nothing!
Death is a mercy. Unless you meant “in the spine.”
I don’t care about “mercy” I just want them removed from the world as efficiently as possible.
Spine, legs, arms.
Wait when did I stumble into a Rimworld sub?
Of course, you can never go wrong with the old faithful “one lung, one kidney, amputate both arms and legs and replace with pegs then release back to their people”
You know the prisoners are basically slaves as well.
So there’s a lot of slavers out there. If this person actually believes what they’re saying, they are fully capable of taking action based on their beliefs right now.
I like the way you think
You can get two birds stoned at once by going to the prison where they’re being held
I am an abolitionist so?