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I thought that was the point. We should be condemning them for thinking that way, and incels has become a double term to describe little men who actually think that.
Unpopular and incorrect. Incel was first coined by a woman to describe herself.
Bad argument, what counts is how a term is actually used, not what it meant originally. (No I’m not saying OP is right)
I think people made a confusion between “I want to have sex with women, but currently am unable to” (as in, actual incel) and “Women have too much power in the market for sex, we were denied it, and we have to force women to serve us” (as in, patriarchal shitheads but also commonly referred to as incels).
Unfortunately, it is the second one that is pushed most loudly inside and outside incel communities and thereby most commonly discussed, and as with any batshit idea, it faces aggressive response (and it should, we just have to separate two things).
That’s how the original pity party of patriarchal incels got weaponized against incels as a whole.
Look, it isn’t that your opinion is popular, it’s that it’s written in gibberish
agreed, that would be the unpopular opinion considering everyone else has it as:
a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile toward women and men who are sexually active.
The fuck language is this? It looks like English but….
what would be the feminine version of Incel?
but that doesn’t make sense? INvoluntary CELibate vs FEMale CELibate?
It’s a shortcut of a portmanteau as in: FEMale inCEL = Femcel
You don’t have to like for it to be.Language is under no obligation to make sense.
Language is under every obligation to make sense. That is the entire purpose of it’s existence. It is, however under no obligation to make sense to you.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
Now be honest, does that make any sense, at all? It is grammatically correct.
I definitely had to look it up, as it’s difficult and a bit confusing to parse and makes use of some rather dated slang, but yes it does make sense.
It means that buffalo from the city called Buffalo, who bully other buffalo from Buffalo are in turn bullied by buffalo from Buffalo.
Finding a loophole or an inconsistency about grammar doesn’t prove that language shouldn’t make sense to at least two people. I mean did anyone ever actually say that to communicate that actual meaning? If not then its not relevant at all.
But even if someone did say that with the intent to communicate (something about bison?), language or grammar, especially as it emerges from fallible human communication is allowed to make mistakes.
That’s why we have words like “misunderstanding”. It’s also why meanings and patterns of use LITERALLY change over time. But whether misunderstood or unintelligible or encrypted it’s fundamental purpose is still to communicate.
Those two people just need to agree on one way to express a thought, whether that way “makes sense” or not.
Brother you asked, I just gave you the answer. That’s what it is.
yes and I accept your answer; but I still question why its Femcel as it doesn’t make sense.
welll… we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway. shits crazy
mhm according to a quick wikipedia lookup its because that parkway goes through a park or it connects parks, and for some reason which is not accessible by lorrys and other heavy equipment.
drive way is probably because its the way to drive toward the garage?
I dunno, I don’t own a car.