OK, so Apple isn’t big on responding to feedback:

Nickkk’s numbers eclipse mine: I’m 0/10 on responses/acknowledgments/signs of life over the past couple of years. And you know what…

That’s OK. They’re telling us they’re too big for that. OK.

Accepting this fact, how can Apple avoid hurting their fanboys’ little feelings, like through better transparency setting expectations? Could we get some recognition, some social features, automated acknowledgments, a “thanks, archiving” email after 18mo w/o response for a sense of closure… anything?


Will I do free labor if it fixes annoying bugs in products I use myself, yes.

Will I continue shouting into the void, well even I’ve gotta put my foot down somewhere.

PS: to open the feedback tool, launch this URL (e.g. via Open URL in Shortcuts):


  • thatsnothowyoudoit@lemmy.ca
    6 days ago

    In 20 years I’ve been contacted directly once for a specific bug in an Apple application.

    I send feedback a couple of times a year.

    • parodyOP
      6 days ago

      Oh wow

      I’m sure some couldn’t care less about a [feel-good] close of loop after a few years… (“why shouldn’t they prioritize spend/attention just fixing and moving on”). hbu?

      A push notification/email from Apple just saying it’s timing out… maybe hit a button to keep it open… and thanks? Assuming there’s no more fundamental fix yet not requiring undue resources.