Tempted to editorialize the headline with a simple “(?)”.
Feel free to insert it where you’d like. ;)
Lmao. How do people believe anything this admin puts out. Half the sources are from X and Fox News. Jokes all around.
Name a single win for the average person that is worth all this chaos.
Having to pay more for eggs? They didn’t need all that cholestorol anyway. ;)
But… it’s the good cholesterol!
^Isn’t it?^
No, fat is bad.
Unless you need it. Then it’s good.
I neeeed it!!!
And as is common for Trumpian announcements, you can’t even make it through the first sentence without being waylaid by his bloated, fragile and pathetically needy ego.
And it just goes downhill from there.
“President Trump is deporting illegal immigrant killers, rapists, and drug dealers en masse.”
What about the mental patients from asylums?!