Maybe a different religion, or especially political beliefs seems to be a big deal-breaker. Do you still find it worthwhile to keep them in your life?
I do. I have e.g. Christian Conservative friends, and Atheist Liberal ones, etc. I enjoy each one for what they are. I mean, nobody is perfect! (like me 😁)
If you think your friends give a shit about when things were added or whose fault it is compared to you voting for the party that wants to strip them of their rights, I dare you to ask them if they think you made the right choice to put fiscal responsibility ahead of their rights, if they think putting Nazis in power is the right move to get smaller government, if there should be more or less rapists on the supreme court or in the white house. Let us know how those conversations go. I, for one, think blaming others is a cop out to make you feel better about being shitty to the people in your life and being ok with others being shitty to them as well. Don’t care what else you have to say, I think how you voted makes you a bad friend to them and a bad person generally.
And who said I voted for Trump? I wouldn’t vote for someone who wants to dismantle the country and and destroy the democracy that it’s built on. You are making a fuck ton of assumptions that you have no real link for based on someone else you don’t like. Pocket your biases and try to actually listen to people before you start pounding the table.