What’s your favorite dinosaur? 🦕
Fuck yeah!
What’s your favorite part of your job?
It’s chill.
I used to do some substitute teaching; every once in a while I’d get PE class. My favorite thing was playing games with the kids. Pelting kids Billy Madison style is as fun as it looks
What is the dumbest thing you had to deal with at work?
Students’ “humour”.
Why are you teaching high school when you yourself are still young? Your choice or it just happened?
I taught elementary for 2 years while I got my master’s then started teaching high school. My choice.
What’s your favorite video game? 👾
The Sims
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck (if a woodchuck could chuck wood)?
What happens in your class? Do the kids play sports and you supervise? How is it decided who plays what (assigned or self-directed)? Is there time and space for exploratory play, or are the only options pre-structured and pre-determined sports and games?
First there’s the line up. Then there’s the warmup for everybody. Then we do some gymnastics exercises (that’s what they’re called here), “resilience” (pushups, pullups, etc.), running, etc. depending on the day + sports (football, basketball, handball, volleyball, etc.) Boys play something and girls something else. The sports part can also include free time for individuals activities such as jumping rode. Students choose what to do. I supervise and give instructions.
Public or private school? Do you get any disrespect from other more “academic” teachers for being a PE teacher?
Are they allowed to play dodgeball?
Sure, but here it’s called “ducks and hunters”. That’s more popular in elementary than high school.
What indoor sports or activities do you have the kids do during bad weather?
We have a sports hall, so essentially same as outdoors.