Madeline: Science denial really grinds my metaphorical gears, and Flat Earthers are some of the most egregious about it. So manhandle them into strait jackets and shove them in the damn rocket already.

    • Dr. Zoidberg
      151 year ago

      No one said anything about life support or return.

      Just a rocket, a straight jacket, and right off into space you go. Depending on how many they cram in a rocket, there’s a chance they’ll have enough oxygen to see the spherical earth, shattering their weak minds, and succumbing to hypoxia, death, evacuating their bowels, and their corpses floating around in space, buried in their own shit and piss, boiling from solar radiation, becoming the first stew in space, before burning up on reentry.

  • desudesudesu
    291 year ago

    I don’t believe in big natural boobs. can i get sent towards them?

    211 year ago

    You really think they’re going to believe their lying eyes and ears? I think not. They’re in a collective psychosis.

      31 year ago

      Pshaw, when people are handed direct evidence of something, they’ll totally come around to reality!

      *looks at twitter posts


    • Narrrz
      21 year ago

      it’s not just one turtle.

      it’s turtles all the way down.

    101 year ago

    They’ll think they got strapped into a simulator and are just looking at far away TV screens or some shit. They don’t tend to let evidence sway them from their beliefs

  • Davel23
    51 year ago

    There was one flat-Earther who built his own rocket in an attempt to prove his claims. He ended up crashing and dying.

    1 year ago

    I’m happy to let people believe that the earth is flat. Why is this such a big deal ?

    There are people that believe that all women descend from an rib.

    I find that much more scary that Jim and Stacey think that we living on a floating Mercator projection.

    21 year ago

    On the contrary, we need alternate opinions to sharpen our own arguments. Banning them leads to an echo chamber effect where nothing ever challenges our thinking… which is a big part of the problems facing the world today.

      81 year ago

      We need to allow different opinions, sure. But, do we need more morons and conspiracy theorists? They feed and exist because of the amplifying factor of social media.

      I usually welcome any challenges to my opinions, but I expect a minimum requirement for self reflection and critical thought. This doesn’t pass that bar.

      • all-knight-party
        21 year ago

        The other problem is that it’s a slippery slope. Theoretically whoever would be in control of essentially killing these people would be the ones who make the final decision on who those people actually are.

        With that level of power corruption will be unavoidable and people that are not even actually flat earthers will die as well due to their deaths being convenient in unrelated ways for the group that decides which flat earthers get jettisoned into space. I don’t think anyone should have that power, humanity has more than proven by now that placing people into positions of that much power never works out squeaky clean.

          • all-knight-party
            11 year ago

            I’m supporting you from another angle, not contesting you, my argument goes against OP’s suggestion, and yeah I don’t think OP was being literal, but it’s a fun thought experiment

              11 year ago

              Ah, gotcha. As a thought experiment it falls on the same moral issues as with any capital punishment. The bigger problems I think are with how woefully unprepared society is for the incentives advertisement based social media has.

              One might think, “what does advertisement have to do with this?”. It turns out that outrage is much more engaging than any intellectual discourse that discusses nuances. So, Facebook and it’s ilk amplifies all and any cancerous misinformation. Humans being malleable believe what they are exposed to, and measles outbreaks are now a thing again.

              Flat earthers aren’t the problem. Neither are Maga morons, Q-anons, anti-vaxxers. They aren’t even the weakest souls. Humans aren’t all that different. Just different circumstances. And, the problems are those that encourage and facilitate those circumstances. Put those in a shuttle destined to the sun.

        • @JunctionSystem@lemmy.worldOP
          11 year ago

          Madeline: To be clear, I want them to come back reasonably intact. I don’t want them dead, I want to shatter their worldview.