Is there anyone else still playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3 like me? Even though it’s an old game, I never get tired of it. The new games like Pennon and Battle, Songs of Conquest, which have similar gameplay to HoMM3 are also nice for me. It’s my favorite in the HoMM series.
the homm3hd and hota mod keeps it alive
Heroes is a great time! I’ve introduced all my friends to it
Never really got into it, but it does still have some massive following in the Eastern Europe.
Every old geezer around here will wreck your ass given the chance.
HOMM was incredibly popular in Eastern Europe in the late 90s. Not as popular as Quake/CS/Unreal, but still very notable.
Do you have a favourite faction? I seem to remember really enjoying tower but it’s been a while.
Not OP, but my favorite faction was dungeon. Getting all those black dragons and having a good ole time across the map… I need to pick it back up.
Those were awesome as well. I just remembered the necropolis faction as well, I think it was in 3 that you could get insane numbers of skeletons / skeleton archers. Probably 5 as well.
Anyone here using the VCMI project? Really impressive what they’ve done
Am I the only one who really liked HoMM 4? I reinstall that every couple of years. Loved the fact the heroes were more active in combat. HoMM 3 is great too of course.
4 was something of a departure from the formula, wasn’t it?
HoMM2 was my game from the series. For whatever reason, I never really progressed past that one, even though I had heard 3 was the consensus favorite.
Songs of Conquest is a spiritual successor you might be interested in checking out. I agree HoMM3 is still great to revisit and SoC doesn’t quite scratch the exact same itch but it’s a good way to get more of the same but with some variety keeping it fresh
Not 3 for me, but I really love 5. 3 has way too outdated graphics for my tastes.
that image gave me nostalgia.
guess ill have to replay it in its entirety…
So much!! Will forever hold a special place in my heart