I will soon be starting a new #DnD 5E campaign. I’ve done that in the past, and for the most part the system has worked for me - except for one thing:

NPC stat blocks for spellcasters.

For everything else, NPC and monster stat blocks include all the information you need to run them in combat. Not so with spellcasters - for with them, you have to look up each and every spell they might use in a fight, and that takes me away from the game.

So I am wondering: How are others handling this issue? Have you found any ways of simplifying spellcaster stat blocks so that everything you need to run them is on a single page?

  • xyzzy@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Spellcasters are a pain to run. You can do a few things:

    1. Assuming you’re playing in person, you can make or buy spell cards and lay them out or put them on a ring.

    2. Pick 3-4 spells as their “signature” spells and primarily use those, and only deviate (perhaps via option 1) in special circumstances. Single-target, area of effect, buff/debuff/control, and healing are usually good. Also remember you can always re-flavor the spell description on the spot.

    3. If it’s a party ally, turn over control (with the entire list of spells) to a player to control during combat. Provide guidance if they try to perform an action that would stray too far from what the NPC would do.