On my years old free X account, I have been active in last days posting replies to other people (important politicians which gets many replies to their posts) comments (I mean politician posts, other person reply it and I reply to this reply), me adding around 30 replies in maybe 36 hours.
Interesting is that after these few days, when I go to https://x.com/me/likes I can not see a single like or a reply, yet my replies were thoughtful and opposing other people opinion. I have used secondary browser where I am not logged-in (Tor browser) to check couple posts if I can see my replies and I could see it. When I have been last active on X, before around 7 months, I see that I have got a reply to my comment.
On my recent comments, I can see a button with a vertical bars (like an analytics), yet it says that something went wrong, when I click it. Maybe some of my browser extensions blocks it.
In recent days, I have changed my account important/security settings and X not allowed me to change my email/password. Also my comments usually contains one or even two links to prove my claim, so that may also looks spammy.
Shadow ban? I have checked https://hisubway.online/shadowban/ and https://taishin-miyamoto.com/ShadowBan/ with no problem detected.
https://help.x.com/en/forms does not show any relevant contact category where I would ask. Any idea what to try please?