The point is that the value would need to be default for everyone so makers needs to lower their fees. As has been said the fee/spread would have to be set the way so the users cover their cost (do not loose anything by trading) and also has some benefit out of the trade (like up to lets say 2% buffer).
Thanks, though note this:
Exolix: “Users must undergo AML/KYC procedures” source:
Trocador: “Trocador’s partners may require KYC checks and monitor transactions” source:
Official repository description also mentions that new site address.
Monero does not appreciate in its price as much as mainstream cryptocurrencies so I am not holding much Monero. Rather using it occasionally to buy the hosting/server services for privacy. I can buy/sell XMR privately for fiat or BTC/ETH/LTC using RetoSwap
Haveno itself is a testing version which does not allow real trading.
You need to find other software based on Haveno, which allows real trading (uses Monero mainnet servers while Haveno itself a testnet?).
Possibly most popular is Reto (RetoSwap). Its official Github repository is
I am yet to find any list of Haveno mainnet software. Btw. here is some guide which explains steps for trading inside Haveno based trading software:
Haveno Reto mainnet official repository
Haveno Pay by mail docs:
Thanks ♥️, RBF means likely Replace By Fee which is the way to send TX again with a different fee, causing initial TX replacement. Unfortunately it looks like my Electrum BTC wallet does not have this feature (maybe because i have used “coin control” to select outputs for the payment?).
I assume that when you are linking to a Bisq page while we are talking Haveno, the Haveno is using Bisq penalties? does not seem to list any table of penalties.
I appreciate your replies ♥️ , it is very helpful. Thank you.
you will receive either your security deposit, or that PLUS my security deposit, or maybe even the whole trade amount
So the security deposits are in place to try to make it unprofitable to scam people in this situations.
So If I do not set a sec. deposit in my offer, then i still get mine and MAYBE your deposit, which makes it unprofitable already. Isn’t it unprofitable just because the scam attempting user has to pay the transaction fee + risking his standard (non security) deposit? (we are still talking about irreversible exchange BTC/XMR)
By managing the risk, you mean charging 25% extra (making the trade 25% more expensive for a taker), nothing else, no other way to manage the risk (i am not sure if i understand the meaning of “managing risk” as a user who never used the Haveno)? Thank you
Why actually Haveno supports trading of a reversible payment methods if anyone can chargeback after the trade is complete and there is no way to know if user scammed this or other way before?
Please consider clarifying what do you mean by changing identity for the business.
Full-Chain Membership Proofs (FCMP), as a concept, is a replacement for rings within the Monero protocol. … This means every input goes from an immediate anonymity set of 16 to 100,000,000. shows “Completed 0 of 7 milestones” at my end.
Reminded me Lucy Lawless (Xena) :)
I think that what helped was to remove “END;” line. It’s an alias for COMMIT.
Quoting from
However, a malicious remote node can:
If you have an insight/feedback on this, please comment.
Ok, so spending received XMR within 15 blocks (block time seems to be 2 minutes, so half a hour) is too early and spending every 6 months incoming payments in one single tx to my secondary wallet i suppose is too long time… hmm, that is all quite complicated, I can’t asses/compare these times (30 minutes vs 1 month vs 6 months) significance of the impact on anonymity. But thank you.
I will need to consolidate/sweep hundreds of transactions maybe once per year and pay it to someone in one big transaction. This big transaction is mandatory, i can not pay them in small amounts. The plan on how to proceed is already mentioned below when you search for “C)” on this page. Please if it is wrong or if you have an improvement idea (anonymity-wise), comment on that below. Thank you
Thx. It is currently very inconvenient, since when I spend BTC from my Electrum wallet address. I have to find out output transaction destination BTC address and set it as a new cryptocurrency account in Haveno. I mean when I spend part of my address funds, it sends one output to other party of a trade and second output into a newly generated wallet of mine.