I would just keep living my life, it’s not actionable information for me.
I mean… it wouldn’t really be my move, would it?
Try to hack it. Would love some infinite resource bug.
Lol, what if the real world has infinite resources but only the simulation we are in has things like the absence of perpetual energy because otherwise the system would crash 🤣
They say I can do magic, what I can do is anything.
You missed your chance. It was called the Chase infinite money glitch.
Eh. I’m still driven by pleasure and pain, so nothing really changes.
Unless there is additional context like how to communicate with the outside world there’s not really reason to change anything. Even if the life I love and the bonds I’ve created are “fake” it doesn’t mean they’re not worthwhile.
But if it’s something like the controllers of the simulation are actively making things worse or refusing to improve things then that’s different.
Does it mean anything in itself to be in a simulation?
I don’t really see how that would change anything in my day to day life.
Wouldn’t make a difference. The only part that could change my actions would be what happens once it ends. But simulation or no I’m stuck here for however many years and have to make the best of it.
Simulation meaning the universe and everything in it is simulated, including myself? Or like I’m jacked into a simulation Matrix-style?
The former means there’s nothing to do about it. The latter means what I do here is largely irrelevant.
Big difference in response.
Find the command to open the console. Issue su -. Try to guess the password.
Make coffee.
Fuzzing inputs until I find a buffer overflow.
Fuzzing inputs? That’s just convulsing. Buffer overflow? It’s called a cramp. Stop hurting yourself! 🥺
Jack off and do fuck all???
Doesn’t change much, at least I know I only live once and afterlife is fake
Being in a simulation would increase the viability of an afterlife. Your program could just be migrated to another “game”
Umm what happens to the NPC Sims in your world
Uhhhh goneeee
Now imagine it being as in-depth as earth
Buddy we are the NPCs
No, I’m the main character! I’ve got colorful, spiky hair to prove it!
confirmed colorful hair is main character anime moment
Umm what happens to the NPC Sims in your world
They turn into ghosts, so they must still be stored somewhere.
It basically comes down to how early is our simulation? Was it refined technology at the time or early pioneering work?
Nothing except believing that there was a creation force that created me.
Have you heard of Roko’s Basilisk? Basically, if we were in a simulation, it’s best not to acknowledge it
Too late.
I’d break the fourth wall and give thanks to the creator.
Really? I’d ask for a reboot and say fix the damned bugs.
Also take the cheat codes from trash like Musk.
Bugs as in you found a glitch in the matrix? Or you mean like societal ones?