for someone following lefty memes for a while it saddens me greatly to see our current state. I know that the political left is notoriously bad at this. but man most of the more recent memes simply aren’t that funny. How can we claim to have any sort of coherent ideology, when most of our memes aren’t actually memes but infographics on why capitalism bad? (throwing in a meme for good measure)
Maybe conservative students should study more? Idk
American libshit ain’t lefty.
Less gatekeeping,more memes, more funny
The problem is that you need less words to vomit some inane bullshit than you would to say an accurate and grounded truth. As such we’re always in a losing ground when it comes to memes - because memes need to be short and to-the-point, otherwise as you said they won’t be funny.
You can be fairly truthful and not too inaccurate without writing an essay. Sometimes it’s ok to do some simplification in order to communicate concisely. We’re not getting graded on our memes.
Charlie Kirk looks weird to me now when his face isn’t photoshopped.
That’s disgusting.
Thank you.
Memes in general seem to be in a slump to me, though political memes aren’t usually haha funny in any political milieu
A lot of early memes in this community are really good.
Saw footage of that fucker getting off the plane in Nuuk like he owns the place and made my blood boil. Why does some youtube waste of skin have authority in the US??
liberalism and conservatism doesn’t exist in my country . you either a communist or nationalist in my country.
That sounds equally as shit.
lefty who makes rhetorical memes here: while i post them to lemmy and all over the internet, i don’t usually post them here because why would i preach to the choir.
i don’t know if i am alone in this experience or not but if not it might explain some of what you are expressing.
Lefty memes suck because there’s not enough obscenities in them, which is an effective comedy and bonding device. Conservatives on the other hand are doing the opposite - posting the most crude, racist, xenophobic, transphobic memes that are short and to the point, no need for paragraphs, or in some cases, words.
It was the opposite in the 20th century, the left were the ones being obscene and offending stuck-up conservatives who were all about the ‘traditional christian family values’. Granted, the standards of obscenity back then were much different - a show as mild as “The Simpsons” by today’s standards that just showed a dysfunctional family was enough to outrage actual politicians.
Perhaps the metagame is to focus on emotion rather than the truth, make a funny that provokes people rather than explains the history of capitalism and why it’s bad.
Obviously emotion should be backed by truth. But I think the reality is, that people are moved by emotion rather than by history lessons.
Keepin stuff up to standards! Good job OP
Is this fact actually true?
Yes, Lefty Memes tend to suck. Not enough paid graphic artists?
I think it’s more that they’re often too verbose / too preachy rather than focusing on concise communication.
Hey it’s small face man
Rule 0 is a thing and if ppl reported it more often, the other mods and I would see it far quicker and act accordingly
Though often it is quite tricky since we can’t rly delete posts bc we subjectively deem them of low quality. That’s where the voting comes in. The community should downvote those contributions which are of low quality as memes. But popular slogans will get upvoted nonetheless
I’m a bit at fault here too tho, since I don’t proactively moderate all too much for personal reasons and post even less