What exactly is a newer better treatment?
What exactly is a newer better treatment?
Nah all those were already challenges back in 2014. I know because I was looking for a house back in 2014. Did I found it? Nah, still living on rent.
Now I feel so much safer. Trans women can’t come in women’s wc to piss but male police can come in to inspect my poossy if I don’t look like a porn star (which, let’s be honest is the only concept these people have of feminine women).
Bold of you to assume humans will still exist
The first six kids had kind of normal names after the 7th kid, it was a disgrace.
Maybe bring back windows live messenger
What is the Portugal one?
I have seen a shit Tom of olive oil being pressed and I have never in my life seen this. This is Chernobyl flubber that tastes like olive oil probably.
Awww they are making Data
Because people with disabilities and chronic illness exist, and because depending on the distance it’s not possible to go by bike and depending on the terrain it’s also no possible. Oh and the weather I forgot the weather… oh and in some roads, like highways, for example, these can’t even drive there:…
Also, you are probably dead because of some curable desease
All men are biological right? I know robots exist and all but I don’t think they have genders.
Data? Is that you?
That’s why I switched to Brave
Só musk is getting ready to buy germany
Love it. He should go free.
Um one of those who studies languages
I agree with this one
Maybe conservative students should study more? Idk