Tensions spill across universities like Columbia and Harvard as students on each side accuse the other of a kind of bloodlust
To one side, Columbia students stood silently, wrapped in the blue and white of Israel as they gripped pictures of the murdered and abducted. Across the grass and brick divide, a slightly larger cohort of students chanted “Free, free Palestine.”
The faultline between the two ran along the claim by each that the other was pursuing a kind of bloodlust – a charge that has divided university campuses across America in the wake of the bloody Hamas attack on Israeli communities and Israel’s ongoing military assault on Gaza.
Reactions within US universities to the killing of at least 1,300 Israelis and the abduction of about 100 more have swung from celebration of the Hamas assault as a legitimate act of resistance to occupation to condemnation along with a demand that it not be used to ignore the deaths of Palestinians killed in Israel’s retaliation on Gaza.
I support the civilians. Both governments can go slather themselves in honey and take a hike in bear country.
The Enlightened Centrist who absolutely MUST make sure others know that they are. For smugness.
I strongly believe that in this case, being on the side of the civilians in all cases is not enlightened centrism…it’s just the correct side… Do you think the civilians of one side deserve retribution?
Siding with the Israeli government is to support Netanyahu and his fascistic genocide of the Palestinian people
Siding with Hamas (Hamas =/= Palestine) is to support violent extremists.
I never took a side. I called out smugness. Not everything in life boils down to two sides that people MUST be on.
I don’t think I ever said or implied that there was only two sides to this conflict or anything else in life and if that can be inferred from my comment then I need to edit it for clarity.
But to be clear, you did take a side. It just happens to be against whatever smugness you’re interpreting from those who are only for the civilians in this conflict.
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I commented about smugness and nothing else. Try gathering more brain cells.
Oh no! People want other people to work things out where everyone is accounted for and taken care of. How evil. Big ick.
There’s an old proverb that goes ‘Better to be an enlightened centrist than a miserable prick’.
Not sure what reminded me of that.
Can you comprehend this is about having to announce yourself? People have an incessant NEED to point out what enlightened centrists they are. Its up there with vegans always letting you know they are.
Hint: some of us also may hold similar views as you, but we don’t go around announcing it at every opportunity.
The only one here running around announcing themselves here is you.
Don’t worry Bud, we all know you’re a moron. You can stop telling us.
Fuck off with your pompous ass.
The boomers spent a lifetime equating blind, unconditional support of israel to benevolence, in the same way they blindly equate being anti abortion to being pro life despite supporting little to no assistance for unwanted children and unwilling mothers. Its FREE and it sounds pretty at face value so they made it their position.
I can read and see the white hot hatred of boomers in power over the fact that younger generations don’t value an Israeli life over a Palestinian life or vice versa. It literally seems to dumbfound them that we didn’t come to their same shallow from the inception conclusion. Sorry, fuck your team sports, and fuck all the imaginary friends you use to rationalize killing real human beings that exist here in reality. I would never pick a religion or a skin tone to determine who is more worthy to love.
And the fact is, neither the Israeli government or Hamas that controls the Palestinian government take care to spare civilian life. That isn’t a Hamas thing, that is a this conflict thing.
And the Israeli government is the force with more responsibility to temper their response for 2 reasons: They’re a much larger military. Something something power, something something responsibility, peter parker. Israel always gets a global pass retaliating against Palestinian civilians when Hamas attacks Israeli soldiers, which doesn’t exactly scream “keep our civilians out of this.” And 2: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip
You can’t run the world’s largest open air prison, largely filled with people guilty of no crime, and get credibly angry when the prisoners robbed of hope turn to desparation and vengeance.
There are no heroes in this conflict, and with the blood dripping off both parties, Im inclined to be more supportive of the force less capable of defending themselves and their side’s civilians.
This is the first year in a long time that could be considered a conflict, rather than a globally sanctioned, continuous slaughter.
Can’t both sides be driven by bloodlust? It’s all horrific and a never-ending cycle of pain and rage.
Yes, there are no good guys in this conflict. Israel has spent decades commiting low level offences against Palestine and her people, and Hamas has spent the same amount of time launching small attacks against Israel. They both have legitimate grievances with each other, but it’s the civilians on both sides that suffer for it. Unfortunately there’s no good solution to the problem, there’s too much bad blood between them at this point that any hope for peace would be short lived. Even if Israel and Hamas agreed to stand down some other group on one side or the other would start things up again.
Israel has spent decades commiting low level offences against Palestine and her people
“Low level”… Yeah no.
Fucking great! That’s what universities are for. Debate.
What a shame. These “smart” people should be leading by example and coming together in solidarity against violence on all sides. What a great image that would have been to see both groups protesting the war together. Fools.
You know that only Israel can stop the violence, right? If Palestine stops fighting, Israel continues the violence until they are eliminated. If Israel stops, then Palestine doesn’t have to fight back. It’s really very simple.
I have to disagree. If this was like the Russia Ukraine situation and one side was destroying and killing people in the other while the other was just defending their country then yes. If Russia stopped today, the war would be over as Ukraine has no history and is not attacking Russia or its people.
In the Israel / Palestine situation they are both attaching each others countries and people and have been doing so for years so if only one side stops, they will be in the same situation Ukraine is in with another still attacking them. Both sides need to stop if this is to end and I had hoped the smart people at Universities would have supported this versus taking a side.
I would take a side if only one was attacking but both are and have been doing so for a long time. I know it is all much more complicated than that,but it really does not have to be. If both sides stopped today, I mean really stopped and let each other just be, it would finally be over. If only one side stops, it will be another Russia / Ukraine Situation which is barely better.
It is easy to destroy, but really solves nothing and worse fosters hate and more destruction.
The worst part about your comment, is that I see the exact same comment but flipped in that it would all stop if Palestine stopped the violence. If both sides feel this way, then both sides are entrenched and committed to more of the same. Unfortunate as I hate seeing the destruction and deaths on both sides including children. Can we please just stop it.
Like in Ukraine, it is not enough for one side to stop the violence, they must also reverse the occupation.
Reversing the occupation would be wonderful for the Palestinians people- unless Hamas take over, since their charter explicitly states that they want to establish an Islamic State in Palestine, which would also oppress the Palestinian people. Which is why both Israel and Hamas must be denounced for the sake of the Palestinian people.
Absolutely. Likewise corruption and social issues in Ukraine must be denounced, although in denouncing aspects of both sides, it must not be implied that the current situation is created equally by the actions of both sides.
I’m sorry, but that is not in any way the same thing. I’m not in favor of corruption in any country, but you’re not talking about two different types of severe oppression there.
I agree, the problematic issues within Ukraine are trivial compared to the problems with the way Russia or Hamas operate. However, it’s also the case that the actions of Hamas are not comparable to the actions of the Israeli state, most especially in the long term.
Both sides in any conflict must be held to account for their actions or inactions, but in doing so care must be taken not to suggest that both sides are equally the orchestrators of the situation.
Boy there’s a lot of smug in the air in here.
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“They do not want us to live” is a catch phrase. Anyone else notice that? Like its a meme for this event but like it does something.
How do these phrases catch on so fast now. Its crazy.
They’re also very well crafted to force the narrative down one narrow, black-and-white path.
Accurate for both sides too
What a mess
One side of these protests has had people out chanting about gassing the demographic on the other side, so maybe they have a point?
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Even if you sympathize with the colonizers, how is the seige of Gaza an appropriate response? Murdering over a million innocents for what?
It’s not and they know it. They’re just grasping at anything hoping to mollify the indignation they feel for Israel’s government. They’re digging in their heels, because the propaganda of, “Israel good,” is dissonant with the reality that their manufactured beliefs were wrong.
A million? What on earth are you talking about?
What are you waffling about. There been less than than a few thousand deaths in early strikes and they’ve issues evacuation warnings to avoid collateral before launching the main operation.
Well shit, by your statement, 9/11 was a mere couple thousand deaths. Why everyone get so worked up about it?
I see you’re already counting people as dead before they’re killed. If so, how do you feel about Hamas murdering 9.3 million Israelis? They haven’t done it yet, but they want to. Israel of course doesn’t want any civilian deaths, but Hamas builds terror tunnels under their homes, launches rockets from their schools and hospitals, and uses the civilians as expendable meat shields.
You are right that Palestinian civilians deserve to be able to live in peace and safety but Hamas is the one taking civilians hostages and using them as human shields. Either Israel has a right to defend its borders against its neighbors who hate them and wish to kill their innocent citizens or it has no right to exist.
Or you actually don’t have to choose sides at all about a conflict on the other end of the world you know very little about.
Why does every American feel the need to take a stance and vomit their opinions? It’s ok to just be quiet and observe.
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.”
Because it’s our right. I don’t need to justify my speech.
Leading financial figures on Wall Street made a show of saying they would not employ Harvard students who signed the statement blaming Israel for the Hamas attack. A billboard truck drove around Harvard campus displaying the pictures and names of the students, and their addresses and other details were published on websites.
That’s some intense and coordinated propaganda.
The doxxing truck is so incredibly fucked up.
I think they believed people would jump on with the hate, rather than seeing how messed up it is.
Israel is paying for the success of Iron Dome - rocket attacks never really stopped, but the international perspective shows only Palestinians displaced and abused, while a few rockets get shot down over Israel. If Israel wades into Gaza and occupies it, the attack got what it wants, a new South Africa, with millions of un-enfranchised citizens. This outcome was warned about in the early 2000’s.
On the one hand, it’s a favorite conspiracy among the right-wing to scream about the “internationalist cabal of Jewish globalist bankers who control the world!”
But then you read something like that, and it does seem suspicious. Like why would “leading financial figures” care who Harvard students support? And who would think putting their personal info on a fucking truck is acceptable?
Note: I am absolutely not saying or espousing any theory that the Jews control the world or anything. But I think that in a vacuum, absent any outside context, it seems weirdly coincidental for Wall Street to care if a bunch of college students blame Israel or for their information to be publicly broadcast.
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The problem with conspiracy theories is how unsure one must be of another’s motives: from where you’re sitting you think I’m sealioning; from my perspective you’re painting with a really broad brush.
Perhaps my point wasn’t clear enough so let me try to rephrase it: this is the exact kind of activity that adds fuel to right-wing anti-Semitism. I fully expect to hear on next week’s Knowledge Fight Alex Jones using this to fuel his “
JewsGlobalists control the world!” narrative.deleted by creator
I don’t give a fuck what their reasoning is, I don’t root for people that take civilian hostages.
Or groups that #Trump supports.
Do you root for people stealing stealing peoples land and killing people for decades?
Fuck off with your strawmanned whataboutism, terrorist symp.
Your petulant reaction is entirely appropriate for someone trying to defend the indefensible.
Yeah! Fuck the Israeli terrorists and terrorist sympathizers!
I am glad you stand for the freedom of Gazans against the Israeli errorists, thieves and occupiers
But that in no way justifies killing a thousand or so people, injuring several thousand more, and kidnapping and threatening to execute hundreds (including children) in an orgy of violence. Both sides are in the wrong here.
You can support the Palestinians and their right to end occupation and not support Hamas. You can be an advocate of Palestinians’ rights and not endorse Hezbollah or Iran’s regime. You can be pro-Palestinian without being anti-semitic. You can support Ukraine’s sovereignty and decry Israel’s human rights abuses. You can condemn terrorism and the killing of innocent civilians and still believe in one’s right to resist.
These stances are not mutually exclusive.
End the genocide of Palestinians.
I agree, this is the part I don’t understand. Why do people want to force others to pick a side? They are both wrong and treat each other horribly. Cant we condemn both? Civilian death is completely unnecessary for both sides. Just lay down all the weapons and end apartheid.
The problem is you have two right wing governments that only know violence. The civilians are the victims.
I’ll tin foil hat for a second. It really feels like there’s a coordinated effort to push this as a really divisive event where you either completely support Israel or you’re a monster. Is that actually happening? Probably not, but it sure does feel that way.
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Fuck yes they are both in the wrong, maybe criticize both instead of giving passive carte blanche to one.
That blade cuts both ways.
Look at my comments, I am very clear on where I stand Israel and hamas are both wrong and innocents are paying the price.
Very impressive making a take that in no way addresses the status quo, which is, and has been, extremely violent with a massive power imbalance.
What side do you think i am on here?
What flag do I wave for “both sides are terrible and neither deserves the religious sites, just nuke the entire area”? /s
How the fuck did Jerusalem became the epicenter of all major monotheist religion in the first place? Delete the fucking city if nobody wants peace
Papal decree
Jews and Arabs share common ancestry in the Canaanites and the original Christians were a heretical Jewish sect. It’s all the same religion.
Jews build temple, Romans come in and raze it, Muslims decide to move in, Christians simping. That’s how.
Jerusalem has been a significant city of the eastern Mediterranean world for thousands of years, so multiple religions with eastern Mediterranean roots sharing significance for that city is hardly surprising.
IIRC a similar coincidence has formed in SEA where a particular mountain has gained religious significance for local Christians Muslims and Buddhists, although with much less international controversy over it.
The case of the temple mount in particular is especially weird since it’s a part of zealous Christian and Jewish prophetic narratives (despite revelations saying getting the rapture to happen by checking a list is a fool’s errand and non zionist consensus among jews agreeing that the “third temple” is the state of internationalization and diaspora which the destruction of the second temple initiated) and also being a major site of religious history to Muslims, with the site apparently being where Mohammed ascended to heaven at the end of his life.
There’s a church in Jerusalem with a ladder still left up there from the 1800s because all christian denominations that share control over the site can’t agree to remove the ladder, so you can imagine how hard the squabbling goes when not even the base religion is held in common.
A bunch of dudes realized they could gain power, land, wealth, and sexual access by peddling fairy tales to the masses. Not surprising that this happened many times, in many places, over the early historic record, primarily at population centers located relatively close to the river deltas that gave rise to the first cities. You know, just human shit. Same as it ever was.
You’ll be called a asshole by the “Free Palestine” folks for not supporting them.
The “Support Israel” people never say shit to me.
I’m surprised, both have pretty loud online cheerleaders
…and I’m pretty sure “nuke all of ‘Holy Land’ so hard the desert becomes a large, flat lump of glass” would not go over well with them. Not with the Muslims, either.
Might be best in the long run tho
Yeah, religion is a plague and makes Middle East a hotbed of conflict… I added the “/s” to avoid hate speech reports; I would obviously first depopulate the area (migrate both nations very far apart) before using WMDs. Neither nation deserves the Holy Land if they cannot coexist and behave in it.
I’ve been called an evil monster by both sides
Let’s all slow clap for every person going out of their way to say that humans/civilians deserve to live peaceful lives. Good job. Good for you. Here’s your fucking cookie for your good deed for the day by stating the obvious on the internet to feel better about yourselves.
A fucking lot of good this comment does.
Just like every comment that says the obvious so the commenter can feel like a good person.
Let’s definitely get into an uproar over the opinions of teenagers
College campuses are filled with more than just 17-18 yos.
The average undergrad is 22.
And call it what you will, but these folks are the future of the nation.
As a 35 year old, I’d feel a lot better about 25 year olds running the country than I do about the current geriatric shit show we’ve got.
Still not a great option, 25 year olds are pretty dumb
Better than 85 year olds, yes, but still not great
At what age does someone’s opinion start to hold any value for you?
Your brain is fully developed at age 25. Sometime around then I’ll start to give a fuck what you think… depending on your life experience up to that point.
Please state your age and life experience.
More experienced and wiser than you.
Thanks, my suspicions about you are confirmed. You’re an idiot.