• Richbynameonly@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    I am willing to bet that she doesn’t enroll L in regular track school - she pulled that poor sweet sheltered child from daycare because she caught a cold. Literally. Birdshit was beside herself when L caught a cold during her first week at daycare so they pulled her out “it’s for the best” I remember her saying on her stories. That poor kid is so sheltered and secluded and all she knows is Nana K’s house, Disney and the mall.

    • crownofgold6@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago

      That was such an insane excuse for pulling her out because kids get sick ALLLLLLL the time. Is she gonna pull M out of university because they have a gastro illness running through UofG right now? Like, unfortunately sickness happens, it’s just life. L will NEVER adjust to life this way.

      When she pulled her out of daycare for that, it was the first time I ever messaged her and that’s what led me to finding the original Reddit page. I called her out for having no problem taking L to Disney and the mall all the time where there’s germs but the second she gets sick at daycare it’s game over. She got pretty defensive saying “well she never gets sick at those places” like the snooty bitch she is.

    • Whaaambulence@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago

      And again shows just how stupid she is. Kids are meant to get sick to build immunities up against those illnesses. So, when she does get sick, it’s going to be super bad, every single time. But let’s be real, it wasn’t because she got sick. It was because she got sick and it interfered with her life, having to take care of her.