Straight forward question. If leftist hate the Democratic Party so much, why don’t they all come together and create their own party. Have their own primaries, campaigns, candidates, etc.

    27 days ago

    Only attempting relevance during a presidential election, then quickly disappearing after is the only bit needed.

    • No member of the Green Party has ever been elected to any federal office.
    • only 3 have ever been elected to any state office.
    • they have had about a dozen people elected to small offices, town level.
    • Their prevalence in presidential elections greatly outsizes their representation in any other position, and have been shown to pull votes from Democrats.
    • There have been numerous documented instances of Republican candidates/their team coordinated directly with the Green Party.
    • Russia has covertly promoted the Green Party online for about a decade.
    • Stein has repeatedly appeared on Russian media.
    • One of the VP candidates actually called NATO “gangster states”
    • Stein claims Russia was provoked into invading Ukraine - a talking point straight out of Russia.

    The Green Party is a tool of the Republican Party, nothing more.