Blizzard does stupid thing, gets backlash
Who is hotly anticipating skins? Stop. They don’t do anything. You are wasting your money. Find joy elsewhere.
Also: who is surprised by Blizzard’s shitty business practices at this point? You are wasting your time and money with them. Find joy elsewhere.
To no one’s suprise…just stop playing their shiat
Someone on here the other day called it payware, and that’s what it is. It’s not pay-to-play or pay-to-win, because OW2 and D4 aren’t fun to play, and there is no ending. You pay to work, then if you are interested enough to pay for cosmetics, you pay for those too. My wife and I are three levels from 100, and are dreading completing the last few levels. It feels like a part-time job, it’s miserable. We really enjoyed the last few seasons of D3. I don’t see myself continuing to play any Blizzard game after D4 season 1.
I’ve played Diablo since d1 came out. D4 has some promise but the end game suuucks. I’m so done with Blizzard.
Man, same. I used a blood necro build for season 1 all the way to level 90 before realizing it wasn’t viable any more and had to switch to blood/shadow, only to see the patch for season 2 buffs op and blood builds. What a slap in the face. I’m not going to play the same build two seasons in a row now that it’s going to be a viable build. Some builds are just not viable for an entire season run, and it sucks. Greater rifts were much funner than nightmare dungeons. Leaderboards were fun for those that wanted to keep going after doing everything. D4 needs serious work. I’m done putting in my time while Blizzard sorts it out.
I disagree that OW2 is not fun to play. People playing only for skins or rewards have the wrong idea entirely.
I’m just mad that I bought OW1 and they forced me to OW2.
Agreed. I wish they would go back to 6v6. I can see why they wouldn’t want to have two separate queues. Queue times are long enough already.
Fair enough. out of curiosity, did you play much OW1?
I played about 80 hours of OW1 and now I’m up to 140 hours in total since Ow2 came out. Couldn’t care less about cosmetics I just like to play a few matches of quick play when I’m having some beers. Still fun to me.
Glad you are enjoying it. I played several hundred hours in OW1, and I don’t find OW2 nearly as fun. There are other games I can play that I enjoy more. I do wish there was another game that I could play for 20-40 minutes to fill that late night short-gaming-session craving.
I gotta admit, I do prefer the old 6v6 of OW1 but OW2 is still fun IMO but I’m a filthy casual. Overwatch is my only FPS game, other than that I much prefer single player games. I’m also a bit salty that I bought into OW1 about a year before OW2 came out and now I don’t even have a choice between the two which really sucks.
Yeah, I had several hundred hours in it. I prefer 6v6, but OW2 still scratches a similar itch even if it’s not exactly the way I want to play.
If you guys are dreading it… why not just stop playing if you guys aren’t playing with anybody else?
If a game isn’t fun, I don’t see why people would go play the game and think “I should reach this part of the game” or “I have to complete this grind”. Like I played a shitload of GTAO solo and once I realized I was basically starting to get bored and grinding out money and rep was basically becoming a second job, I dropped the game completely and moved on. Nothing is worth wasting your time on something like that imo, not even getting that sick digital cosmetic nobody will care about nor reaching an arbitrary level that won’t mean shit once the next season rolls out.
People on the internet: EA sucks! it couldn’t possibly get worse than them.
Blizzard: Hold my beer…
Blizzard fans: we have been treated like shit for 15 years straight yet we still buy their shit
Yeah, i know this is what happens with fans of any good game i just biased against blizzard in this
Blizzard fans are a different breed, they’re fiercely loyal for no legitimate reason whatsoever. They’ve pumped out half assed wow expansion after wow expansion and have only made one new IP in the past 20 years with overwatch.
They’ve left StarCraft to rot, they keep stringing HotS along and have no idea what to do with the game, disrespected the well crafted and absolute classic that is warcraft 3, ruined overwatch, screwed themselves with diablo 4 and the horrible class balance and seasons, diablo 2 resurrected was being made by vicarious visions before blizzard bought them so I don’t even count that game as a blizzard title. Blizzard couldn’t code their way out of the break room fridge with a bottle of breast milk (reference to people actually doing that shit at blizzard btw). On top of all of this incompetence and Idiocracy, upper management bullied a poor woman to suicide and somehow that’s just been swept under the rug.
Just let me know when the porn drops
I found a Tracer x Widowmaker x Youbasicallylayinginbedwithsleepparalysis VR porn somewhere. It was like 20GB. It’s… interesting.
If you care about skins you deserve to pay.
Forty dollars? Tell Blizzard what, when a non-canon reference skin pack priced at the same value of three months of sub to my MMO of choice can mirror the quality and constant usability of the money spent at the MMO, maybe then we’ll talk about ‘deserve’-- but as it stands? This is just another avaricious grasping from a flailing company, long past its prime, long past having worn out its welcome, and ready to die.
D3 and OW1 were $40 each, and they were worth the money. This is like selling overpriced crack to addicts that have no alternatives. Some people will pay, and Blizzard doesn’t deserve the money.
While normally I’d shudder to even up Paladins in regular gaming conversation with the state that’s in right now… Even Paladins is better than the husk that OW2 became.
Yeah man, everything can just look like Dwarf Fortress, graphics mean nothing, visual variety and progression in a game add no substance or perceived enjoyment /s
The $15/month I pay for Wrath of Lich King Classic is starting to seem like a good deal.
That’s how awful this company has gotten.
I hate to say it, but you’re enabling the problem
WoW classic with no expansions was magical. Then they added BC. With a like 50 dollar paid level boost to skip the game.
Then they added in gold buying.
It’s a complete fuck.
Let’s be honest, they didn’t add gold buying, they added Blizzard branded gold buying.
Pretending this wasn’t an issue before the wow token is monumentally ignorant. Blizzard normalized gold buying a long time ago by prioritizing monthly sub revenue over enforcing their own terms of service.
Sorry I am having fun the wrong way.
Thats the 57th last straw