Why publish something claiming to cover the entire year if the year isn’t even over yet??

  • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    This isn’t unpopular. At least not with me! I mean, 9/11 happened in September. Buuuuuuuut…what if they did it on new years eve, at like 11:30pm??? Not only would there have been SOOOOOO much more chaos and death, but also people would look back now, and see these old websites that say "The 20 biggest moments of 2001, and 12/31 (or whatever it would be come to be known as) would be nowhere on the list. Well, turns out they published that list on like Dec 15th or whatever. What? You’re saying a big event in NYC CAN’T happen on the last day of the year? Ya know Mahammad Ali used to say that he would save his real flash for the final rounds. Because if the fight goes to the judges, they seem to favor what they JUST saw, as opposed to that same performance in round 1. It’s more recent in their minds, and it’s at the end. Like big firework finale.

    Not that I’m condoning terrorism, or saying I would have wanted any of this. I’m just saying the terrorists really limited their reach with their planning. Imagine all the chaos of 9/11, except with MILLIONS of people, from all around the world, all coming together, and standing on the streets. And THEN 9/11 happens. There would be zero chance to get emergancy vehicles in AT ALL. Roads would be completely blocked in all directions on every street for like 3 miles around times square…which I assume is close to the old WTC location. I don’t know NYC street layout. But keep in mind, the first plane hit…and people were just like “Whoa…what happened? That plane just hit up there…that’s crazy!” and it wasn’t until the SECOND plane hit, that people realized “HOLY FUCK IT’S AN ATTACK!!! RUNNNN!!!” and now couple that in with the biggest street party of the year in the world.

    And now imagine not covering that story in your list of most important moments of the year, because you jumped the gun and did the article 2 weeks ago.