Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 15°C, max - 26°C. 90% chance of no rain
Hello! It’s been a hot minute. What’s new?
Quick update. Mr. Omoikiri and I finally got hitched a week ago
And Mabel is still the cutest puppy in the world
Thank youuuu 🥳
oh WOW 💖 That’s awesome
Congratulations. 🥂🥂🥂
tytyty 😘
HELLO!!! Nice to see you! And congratulations on tying the knot - if Mr Omoikiri can support you through a PhD he’s probably passed most of the tests I’m sure.
I am completely in love with Mabel’s anime eyes and eye-dabs
ご無沙汰しております。 🙇
He ticks many boxes but he has yet to accept coriander as our lord and savour, and that’s been really hard for me to come to terms with if I’m perfectly honest.
Mabel, however, is perfect
Ooof yeah not accepting coriander is, well… you’re definitely a stronger woman than I am…
Mabel is perfect regardless of her taste for the superior herb 🥰
The good news is that Mabel eats anything and everything, even if we don’t want her to.
Possum poo is her personal fave
Bush tucker!! Good on ya Mabes.
Oh wow G’day Doctor, I assumed you’d forgotten about Lemmy!
Biggest congratulations! And Mabel is just the cutest ♥️
Hope you and Mr are going well :)
Thank you! I could never forget. I just have had to be boring and limit all kinds of social media to be productive. 😮💨
Haha it’s more than okay, you’ve been doing so well and have so much going on I’m not surprised you had to take a bit of time away! We all missed you though, and are always glad when we see you pop in!
🥹🥹🥹 That’s so sweet. I’ve missed you guysss
Congrats!! Hope you’ll be making a DT comeback
Congratulations! 🎉 💍 🥳
Long time no hear!
Congratulations on your wedding!!!
tyty 🥂
Thank youuuu
Wonderful news! And Mabel is such a love.
She is everything
Congratulations! All three of you look sublimely beautiful ✨️
Mabel is objectively the most beautiful tho
Hiii and congratulations 👏🎉
Thanks! 🥳
Congrats!! 🥂
Congratulations 🍾🥂
Hello!! Congrats!! What a gorgeous photo! I hope you guys had a total blast of a day!! Mabel is sooo cute!!!
Thank you! The weather was atrocious but enough wine fixes all problems.
Congratulations!!! 🎂🎉🍾
Ruff in there tonight:
End of life phone so it was comin’ in with me.
Surf at that beach isn’t really like that normally.
Sat a bit ‘funny’ on the couch yesterday and now suffering from a mildly sore back.
Damn you old age. Damn. You.
Stay active and stretchy. Go join a pilates / yoga club.
Seriously, It’s been nuts watching friends / in laws / hubs grumping about farting wrong and throwing their backs out, meanwhile i actually broke my back a few years back and am older and don’t have issues.
(I also did gymnastics for years. Can’t do a full floor routine no mo but can still very easily roundoff / cartwheel/back arch as i barrel to my fatarsed 50’s)
Normally I’m quite active, but recent issues have sidelined me. My current exercise regimen is limited to walk and bike rides. Yoga isn’t a bad idea. I was doing it for 3 years (started during lockdowns) and gave up due to lack of time.
Small but fun thing to make you go “fuck” - sit on your couch.
Now get up without using your hands.
It’s amazing how our own laze sneaks up on us.
Hahaha…I do that all the time. Thankfully my core is pretty strong so I can usually do it…with a lot of grunting of course.
When picking things up on the floor, keep one leg straight, and lift the other one behind you (also straight) while bending at the waist.
Kids make fun of me, but honestly little challenges like that add up over a long time.
That’s a single leg body weight deadlift FWIW.
I knew there was a proper name for it, without the lengthy explanation.
Thankfully I can still do this! (At least from a chair. Dunno about a couch.) But it’s only because I’m constantly getting up and down off the floor.
For me lockdown and worsening health issues/medical neglect undid all of the progress I’d made through physio.
Maybe if I can work out a way to get enough calories in and actually get my blood pressure managed I can go back to physio
do you do the neurodivergent “not sitting in chair as apparently intended”? That helps XD
Currently sidesaddle while his lordship crosslegs
Usually lying on side or deep squat rather than sitting, and mattress is on the floor so I’m getting up and down from that position.
It’s to avoid falls for me and so Melbcat doesn’t have to jump but it is good for retaining the ability to get up
One good test of overall fitness/mobility is to sit cross legged on the floor and then get up without using your hands :)
Also a good way to snap ankles if you do it wrong XD
That would probably = a fail of the test :P
Oh g’day steve! Haven’t seen you around in a little while!
Legit been thinking about Pilates. Just didnt wanna be the only bloke or only 30 something there.
why? No one’s gonna focus on you, they’re gonna focus on not farting
Hahahaha so true :P
I hear ya. I’m fully expecting to throw my shoulder out while shaking my fist at those dang neighbourhood kids to get off my lawn!
Very late 40s now and I’m falling apart at an alarming rate…
Recovery takes so long for the mildest of things now. Only upside is lack of caring and needing less sleep.
Maybe if you were sleeping more, you would recover quicker :P
On a more serious note, have you had your iron/ferritin levels checked recently? I was right on the low end of okay for Ferritin but my GP has a sports medicine background and knows how active i am, he said he would like to see the level at around 80 instead of the 20 it was at. I have to supplement to get to that level but i feel so much better for it and feel like my body recovers alot better now which was one of the main reasons he wanted me to boost my levels
I did have my iron levels done earlier this year. They were good…can’t recall the number though.
My sleep is actually okay. I just wake up refreshed after about 6 hours. Really hard to get more. Even if I have some weed I get maybe 7.
I’ll talk to my GP about iron next time. Thanks for the tip 😁
I was walking to the bathroom from the kitchen and apparently this angered my spine.
It made its displeasure known quite loudly.
Let that be a lesson to you. Don’t walk ever again!!
Obligatory meme
Just received a work email with (should we send to all staff???) in the subject line. Spoiler: they sent to all staff 🤣
I’m gonna start the thread off with a thank you and ackolwedgemenr:
A big thank you to the mods who are always on the ball with pinning these posts. You guys are the silent magicians that whisk everything into shape but are always forgotten. Thank you :)
(you can tell I don’t know how to spell at this hour without autocorrect saving the day)
I’d like to introduce my newest friend, who moved in just outside my kichen window. Today is the first day she has added a cross to her web.
scary spider
These ladies are rad. I used to live with a bunch in Japan. They’re great at keeping mozzies away.
Very pretty! Orb weaver?
Beautiful girl!! 😍😍
I have a fear of spiders
This is a good spider, it keeps its legs together in pairs so you can pretend it only has four legs, just like a cat or dog. Plus it kindly puts a nice distinctive cross in it’s web to make sure it is nice and visible for you. Nothing to fear here, this is one of the good guys!
I’m scared of even looking at them, sorry!
Miss Cross is sad to not be friends, but she had now been hidden to reduce your stress levels.
It’s ok. You don’t have to hide it.
I’ll just scroll past!
Toastie time
Edit: damn that was good. Contained cheddar, bocconcini, onion and sauerkraut. 10/10 would toast again
does look delicious 🙂
Definitely looks 10/10. Not sure if it’s my lack of carbs talking or not but the crust on that bread looks amaaaaaazing
Some of my friends who are often hours late to catchups are trying to get me to meet them on the far side of town for a late dinner. I’ve just been stood up so many times in the past that I really don’t have the energy for that nonsense. I like them, but they’re not reliable for catchups, so I’m not busting my balls for a catchup.
Hair feels much better now (although transitioning between styles so a bit boofy). Remembered at the last minute to water my friend’s plants near home. Managed some wins at uni too so I’m feeling alright. Things are under control for a moment!
Maybe I’ll set up my new phone tonight. I’m quite ready to have my work stuff separate to personal again
I ate it.
After nuking it until very hot all the way through.
Not dead yet.
I ate some left over mini bagels with tuna and and some random veggies today that were sitting out for a little bit.
Not dead yet either but might be joining you later.
RIP your dunny
I’m still good!
Our team has open positions should anything happen to you.
Still going strong …
How the fuck does one not get attached when house hunting? Obviously we need to like a place to throw that much money at it. Don’t think my brain can deal with getting invested over and over and over
It’s horrible, there’s no two ways about it. Happened to me time and time again. I had to change mindset to “hopeful” of getting place X but not get too attached and realise it’s not the only suitable option that will cross your path. Easier said than done.
Thanks. Glad to know I’m not oughtright bonkers. But like I have to make mind plans about where things might go and how the place would flow. I do this for rentals, buying is a bigger scary if we miss something.
But the plus side is, you can always knock out a wall, put in a window, move a cupboard, etc, if things don’t flow right. Even more money or course, but you do also have that possibility, especially for any more minor alterations (that would still be a big no in a rental)!
You’d think so, but there are considerations like structural integrity. Moving walls isn’t quite a Mario push game.
You are correct. I apologise and retract my previous comment.
No worries. And I apologise for possibly advising too much.
You’re fine!
In the case of rentals, particularly if you’re on the lower end of income, I think the honest truth is, you get rejected for so many you give up hoping until eventually you move into whatever mould dungeon you can afford and will accept you
In the case of buying, I have no clue. It’s weird. You’ve gotta visualise yourself/your family actually living there to figure out if it’s right for you, but that process is almost certain to cause some attachment
I ate a meat pie with a fried egg on top
Watering sys. fixed!
Thank fuck for the ol’ boys hoarding gene, found the right obscure bits. That took way too long to do.
All good now though. Big sigh of relief. Pulling that thing apart and redoing it was not fun.
Yay hoarding and scared to throw things away! I don’t understand how whenever I decide to throw away or donate something I’ve never used before, somehow the next day I need it
At this point, dinner is roast potatoes. I might add some salmon and veg, but straight potato is sounding pretty alright for now.
All cats have been fed. Now I can zonk without guilt.
Have you talked to a rescue mob? I’ve no idea if it’s better to get them hand tame before trapping or just go for it.
I’ll ring them now thanks for reminding me. Apparently the council here will have them put down, so going for the rspca.
I figure it couldn’t hurt to get them used to a human.