This is the way.
This is the way.
As soon as you pass 50, hairdressers start trying to sell you short layered cuts with a lot of different colours/shades “to hide the grey”. Said hairstyle requires VERY frequent maintenance cuts/colours to look anything like good. And so consumerism is served, and the middle aged and older women are reminded yet again that they have to spend a lot of money to continue to be acceptable members of society.
Which is total bullshit from where I stand. I LIKE my grey hairs (only they’re silver not grey). And my raggedy hair chop that I do myself with clippers. I call it my Coyote cut (not a wolf cut). And if other people have a problem with that, then it is by definition their problem. I will die on this hill.
Fanny Louisa ??? Surname is obscured, but might start with G. Effing copperplate.
So sorry to hear that. Hugs.
Lessons could potentially be made available. Some sacrifices may be necessary.
I just got home after work. No wonder I was thirsty when I got to work this morning - my morning cup of tea was still sitting on the kitchen table untouched. I hadn’t even put milk in it. It was just on the other side of the table so clearly I didn’t notice it this morning.
You could have said Hello. I’d have stopped growling then.
Thanks! Hoping for good news tonight.
I’ll do it if no one else wants to. Will be up until then anyway as waiting on a call my from my son in Florida USA. Some good news to come from there I hope - his wife has just landed a job in Germany so I hope this call will be confirmation that they’re moving there later this year. The difficulty is extracting my son from the toils of NASA without anything too restricting in the form of confidentiality agreements. Which could impact his work options. They’ll be going anyway, but he would like to work in his field if possible.
Same same here. The bakery up on the corner of my street does a brilliant tiger roll. Coffee and other baked goods are meh, but the rolls and their banh mi are top of the range. I miss them at lot when they’re on holiday (like, at present).
Two of every animal please.
Add a bikkie?
Give him a cup of tea to settle his stomach.
Got a lovely Dior handbag from there a few years ago. Recommended.
Looks like it’s going to be a good one. Send her down, Huey!
Thunderstorm approaching.
EDIT: looks like no actual rain is falling.
The one I like is a patchwork of different materials, with very obvious seams on it. The logo is ‘Craig’s Balloon Repairs’.
Sounds like cosmetic and weight loss products advertising for women. Over the years I have taken serious comfort by recalling Socrates’ comment when walking through the Athenian marketplace - ‘It’s wonderful how many things there are in the world that I neither need nor want’. A wise man.
Entrails open up the possibility of a yoyo like arrangement.