Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 15°C, max - 26°C. 90% chance of no rain

      2 months ago

      I’m so glad you asked! It’s SO easy and the results are 95% as good as an ovened potato!

      Step one: Wash your potato. We don’t want no dirty boys in our microwave do we?

      Step two: get you favourite knife and give your potatoes a good ol’ stabbing. About 8 stabs, all around it. Your potato should now be dead.

      Step three: place potatoes on a microwave safe dish. Insert into microwave. For one good sized potato I’d give it about 6 minutes, then flip it and give it another 5 minutes. Add about 2 minutes total per potato.

      Step four: let cool for a minute or two, remove from microwave, and cut and top to your needs.

      Step five: enjoy!

      Step six: by this stage you will have come to understand that microwaving potato is the best way to cook them, and it’s your duty to spread the word!