My ultimate goal is to install Xubuntu on this computer, but I am stuck.

I cannot find any way to get into the BIOS to change settings, including being able to boot to the USB installer drive.

I have tried F1 held, F1 repeated, Fn+F1 (held/repeated), same with F2, same with F12, same with Del.

I tried telling Windows to boot to UEFI settings, but it reboots directly to windows.

I ended pulling the drive and removing all the partitions, in hopes that then it wouldn’t try to boot to Windows anymore. Now it just gives me this:

Using this menu, I can’t boot to USB, nor can I boot to DVD.

I opened it and do not see any jumpers on the visibe side of the motherboard. I also did not see a CMOS battery. There are lots of tiny ribbon cables and the heat sink+fan that I’ll have to remove if I need to look on the other side.

What I want most is access the the BIOS / UEFI settings.

If a workaround like installing an OS to the drive using another machine and then putting back in will probably work, then I’ll try that, but that will be such a hassle.

  • moody
    4 months ago

    Look for a tiny hole on the side of your laptop, kind of like for a SIM card on your phone.

    • Zachariah@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      OMFGWTF I’ve never heard of this before and it’s not anywhere I searched.

      Thank you!

      Held a SIM tool in there while booting and 🎉

      • Zachariah@lemmy.worldOP
        4 months ago

        Spoke too soon. I got to that menu, but it still takes m to the boot menu instead of the BIOS Setup.

        More info: I wondered if I needed to keep holding it for the selection, but that didn’t help.

        I do notice, that I don’t even need to turn on the computer. I just poke the hole, and it boots to the Novo Button Menu

        Looks like I’m not the only one with this problem:

        Also, Novo button brings up the novo menu but every option just boots me into Windows apart from the Recovery one which brings me into Windows recovery from where I can get in BIOS but i want to go into BIOS without the help of an OS, I want to use F2 or Novo button just like on a normal laptop

        The only way I can get into the bios is by using advanced restart feature of windows 10 but still it is not normal for me to not be able to manually enter bios after shutdown. And I don’t want to try installing linux knowing I can’t get into BIOS without some OS feature because if my linux install fails somehow, and i m stuck without a functional OS then I wouldn’t be able to enter it manually.

    4 months ago

    F2 or Fn + F2 are supposed to be the keys to press, according to the Lenovo site here, with some other options:

    If they don’t work, F11 is usually the boot selection key for most devices, so might at least let you boot from another device.

    Daft question, but have you tried spamming the F2 key starting from while Windows is shutting down, or while the computer is restarting? You might get lucky and hit the split second window that Lenovo have programmed in 🙈

    Good luck 🙂

    • Zachariah@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      Yeah, that’s where I got F2 from.

      Since Windows is gone, I can’t try the spamming before reboot.

      I left out a behavior that’s happening. When it boots now, it shows a LENOVO logo. Then goes black. Then repeats.

      I think it’s Fn+F12 that’s getting me or the boot menu. When I select the USB installer drive, it just goes back to flashing logo/black. Im worried it’s because secure boot is enabled and it’s not letting it boot to the USB drive.

        4 months ago

        Holding down the shift key and tapping the insert, or ins key used to be a way to clear the BIOS. It won’t hurt to try it.

        The only other option is to keep try Fn and F2 and hoping to get the timing right. You can try holding Fn as you press the power button and spamming F2, or pressing ctrl, alt, and del to reboot from the boot selection screen and then spamming Fn and F2, but unfortunately it looks like Lenovo are one of those manufacturers who don’t give you much time.

        • Zachariah@lemmy.worldOP
          4 months ago

          Interestingly, CTRL+ALT+DEL doesn’t seem to reboot this computer in the places I’ve been able to get to.

          I’ll try those other key combos. Thank you.

  • Zachariah@lemmy.worldOP
    4 months ago


    I downloaded the Lenovo Recovery USB tool and created a USB stick.

    This I can boot to. I went through the recovery process. Unfortunately, when I try to boot for the first time after the process, I get this error:

    I also decided to hook up an external keyboard. Still haven’t been able to get into the bios.

    I need to see if I can find a usb installable bios update for this machine. Maybe that would help.