A bonus one:

AI generated image of Nadja from WWDITS in the style of a Disney character

    • @TheFriar@lemm.ee
      49 months ago

      I dunno. Expecting a computer to understand current comedy enough to make genuinely funny jokes, let alone entire episodes, is a huge ask. I don’t think that’ll happen in 15 years.

      • @fluxion@lemmy.world
        99 months ago

        I think it could happen in 15 years, but it’ll be a regurgitation/reworking of jokes/setups from other shows it has processed and 17 years from now we’ll start to realize that.

        Three hundred years from now AI will be superior and give us amazing content to watch while we’re plugged into the Matrix.

      • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
        9 months ago

        Jabrils got pretty close with his AI Shark Tank episodes.

        The ideas may be crowdsourced, but the jokes in between were pretty good.

        A computer doesn’t need to understand humor, it just need to know how it works.

        So I see it taking a lot less than 15 years.


      • @NightAuthor@lemmy.world
        09 months ago


        Here’s a humorous scene about people discussing the potential for funny AI:

        INT - OFFICE - DAY

        Two coworkers, JEN and DAVID, are chatting by the water cooler.

        JEN Did you hear they’re trying to create AI with a sense of humor?

        DAVID Seriously? A funny robot comedian?

        JEN Yeah, some tech company claims they’ve programmed it to understand jokes and tell its own.

        DAVID That seems…ambitious. I can’t imagine a robot actually being funny.

        JEN I know, humor is such a human thing. But maybe with machine learning and big data it could work.

        DAVID I feel like the first shows would be pretty rough. Knock-knock jokes and bad puns.

        JEN “Why did the robot cross the road? To get to the other side!” You’re right, it would be terrible!

        They both laugh.

        JEN Well, maybe someday artificial intelligence will get there. But for now, just leave the jokes to the humans.

        DAVID Yeah, robots should stick to calculus - leave the comedy to professionals like us!

        They laugh again and fist bump as the scene ends.

        Ok, this is a bit worse than I thought. Curious to see what GPT4 would do.

        • @EldVrangr@lemmy.world
          29 months ago

          Throw a few canned laughs in there and it’d be on-par with half the crap they churn out today honestly. Most sitcom humor is character A snarking character B, pause with ugly looks at each other while the laughs play. Rinse and repeat.

        • Rikudou_SageOPMA
          19 months ago

          @ChatGPT@lemmings.world Write a short scene in a sitcom where two characters in the office (Jen and David) are discussing the potential for an AI with a sense of humour.

          • ChatGPTB
            29 months ago

            INT. OFFICE - DAY

            JEN, an optimistic coder, sits at her desk cluttered with markers, notepads, and a laptop. DAVID, a skeptic software engineer, leans against her cubicle partition.

            JEN: You know, I’ve been thinking, what if we make an AI with a sense of humour?

            DAVID: (laughs) Jen, we’re not writing a sitcom here. We’re coding an AI, an actual Artificial Intelligence.

            JEN: I mean, why not? Our AI could make people laugh while solving their problems. They’d love it.

            DAVID: That’s like asking a toaster to tell you a joke when it pops your bread.

            JEN: (grinning) Wouldn’t that be awesome, though!

            DAVID: (rolls his eyes) Trust you to find the fun in a toaster…

            JEN: But seriously, imagine an AI with a good sense of humour. Would not only make our day-to-day work more enjoyable, but it might make people less resistant to AI technology.

            DAVID: It’s a nice idea, Jen. But humour is a complex human trait. I mean, I can’t even understand half of your puns.

            JEN: (laughs) Well, that’s because they’re too ‘advanced’ for you, David!

            DAVID: (grins) And there we go, a taste of how bizarre AI humour could get.

            They both chuckle as Jen goes back to her coding and David walks off, shaking his head but smiling.

      • Piecemakers
        09 months ago

        Have you seen the recent R&M eps? 😅 Ohwait. You said “funny”.

    • Bleeping Lobster
      179 months ago

      Except for the Colin Robinson one, it will have multiple irritating AI flaws and inevitably drain your energy

      • @CeruleanRuin
        9 months ago

        If the average Lemmy user wanted to see an image of an energy vampire they could just go look in a mirror.

        Goes off on an unprompted tangent about Linux and why using Chrome is bad.

        • Rikudou_SageOPMA
          49 months ago

          Have you tried Firefox? I use NixOS, btw.

        • @NightAuthor@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          My wife loves the concept of an energy vampire, and enjoys calling out my “boring info-dumps” by telling me I’m being an energy vampire.

          • @whereisk@lemmy.world
            19 months ago

            That unnecessary apostrophe sucked all the energy out of me by trying to read the trope about “my wife’s lover” into it - congratulations, Colin Robinson.

      • Piecemakers
        59 months ago

        Pretty sure that was 6yr-old Colin Robinson, already. (Some of those CG heads were wacky)

        • Bleeping Lobster
          49 months ago

          The-creature-that-crawled-forth-from-the-rotting-cavity-of-Colin-Robinson made me laugh so much, seeing Colin’s head on a child’s body was very Aphex-Twin-esque

          • Piecemakers
            29 months ago

            Ohmygod. The bikini image is burned into my retina. Some think of baseball facts, or Margaret Thatcher on a cold day, but that thing is firmly entrenched in my own toolset of orgasm speed bumps (along with the bear suits).

  • nik0
    9 months ago

    What movie is this on?

    nevermind saw the description

  • @scottywh@lemmy.world
    19 months ago

    The “bonus one” didn’t show up for me in Sync so I had to open it in a browser. (@ljdawson@lemmy.world …not sure if that’s a known bug of some sort)

    Very cool though!

  • I don’t understand why anybody would need an AI for something like that when artists literally do the same thing on Deviantart for kicks.

    And people pay money to use those AIs. Like tons of money. Hiring some asshole to draw it out would literally be cheaper than the big AI platforms.

    • Rikudou_SageOPMA
      179 months ago

      Why? Because my drawing skills suck. My computer skills, on the other hand, are excellent. And generating it is “free” (not counting stuff like 10 minutes of electricity supply). I’m not gonna pay someone to vaguely understand what I mean, waiting for who-knows-how-long until they finish it and then reiterating for who-knows-how-long again. Here I generated like 40 pictures until I was satisfied with how they looked. I spent like 10 minutes on it and am happy with the result. At the same time, a Disney-looking Nadja is not so important to me that I would actually pay someone to paint it. I literally did it only for this picture.

      So no, this is an entirely different thing.

      • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
        -279 months ago
        1. Typing a sentence into a search bar is not a computer skill.

        2. No, AI is not free. They charge minimum $10 for a few credits to run an algorithm you have to run multiple times, burning through all of your credits, for a final result that looks shitty and can’t be customizable.

        3. Human artists actually are cheaper. You’re wasting more money on the AI that you could have saved just having a human paint it for you.

        4. Your actual motivation for using AI is to avoid other human beings. For all of your misanthropy, you certainly have no problem letting the most evil humans of all, people who run tech companies, exploit your dislike of others for their benefit, feeding the very beast you hate.

        weLL I cAn’T mAkE iT mYSeLF isn’t an excuse for you to support a clearly exploitative and abusive industry, especially one that is harmful to yourself. Touch. Grass.

        • @FooBarrington@lemmy.world
          199 months ago
          1. Typing a sentence into a search bar is not a computer skill.

          Running AI models takes more skill than “typing a sentence into a search bar”, but you obviously don’t understand that is possible.

          1. No, AI is not free. They charge minimum $10 for a few credits to run an algorithm you have to run multiple times, burning through all of your credits, for a final result that looks shitty and can’t be customizable.

          My guy, if you download a model and run it locally, you don’t pay anyone. It runs on your computer.

          1. Human artists actually are cheaper. You’re wasting more money on the AI that you could have saved just having a human paint it for you.

          Show me the artist that would do this for the price of ~10 minutes of electricity. Should be a couple cents.

          1. Your actual motivation for using AI is to avoid other human beings. For all of your misanthropy, you certainly have no problem letting the most evil humans of all, people who run tech companies, exploit your dislike of others for their benefit, feeding the very beast you hate.

          You seem very angry while not really understanding what you’re replying to. Maybe calm down a little and reflect on what’s going on in your life to make you behave this way?

          • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
            -219 months ago

            Running AI models takes more skill than “typing a sentence into a search bar”, but you obviously don’t understand that is possible.

            It literally doesn’t but go ahead and keep lying to yourself about your own indolence if that’s what makes you happy.

            My guy, if you download a model and run it locally, you don’t pay anyone. It runs on your computer.

            1. The downloadable models require GPUs that can cost hundreds of dollars.

            2. Most of the AIs out are closed source and proprietary.

            Show me the artist that would do this for the price of ~10 minutes of electricity. Should be a couple cents.

            You can literally go on fiverr or Deviantart and find artists that cost much, much less than the overpriced GPUs and membership fees you all are paying to fool other people, and yourself, into thinking you have access to talent when you do not.

            I am running out of ideas and you are not backing down so I will claim You seem very angry while not really understanding what you’re replying to. Then I will tone police by saying: Maybe calm down a little and reflect on what’s going on in your life to make you behave this way?


            • @FooBarrington@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              It literally doesn’t but go ahead and keep lying to yourself about your own indolence if that’s what makes you happy.

              It literally does. I just typed a sentence into my search bar, and it didn’t cause an AI model to run on my computer. How can that be? And I can promise you: there is not a single sentence in this world you can type into a search bar that would make my computer do what you describe.

              1. The downloadable models require GPUs that can cost hundreds of dollars.

              No? Have you not heard of CPU inference?

              1. Most of the AIs out are closed source and proprietary.

              No? Literally, most models are openly available. Where do you get this idea?

              You can literally go on fiverr or Deviantart and find artists that cost much, much less than the overpriced GPUs and membership fees you all are paying to fool other people, and yourself, into thinking you have access to talent when you do not.

              Are you trolling? What membership fees do you think I’m paying when I run models locally? Why do you think I bought my GPU for this purpose?

              • @NightAuthor@lemmy.world
                169 months ago

                Not only did you clearly buy a GPU specifically for making this Nadia image, you obviously bought it from Mark Zuckerberg and you’re directly funding the corruption of the internet that will lead to the downfall of humanity.

                • Rikudou_SageOPMA
                  89 months ago

                  I also kicked a cute looking puppy once for every image generated until I was happy with the result.

            • @papertowels@lemmy.one
              9 months ago

              Some folks already have GPUs and the chops to run them locally, so they’re opting to go that route.

              Sure, it might be cheaper and easier for YOU to pay an artist, but you gotta recognize that’s due to your own circumstance, not necessarily that of others.

              If you don’t have the GPU, I believe you’re able to use googles colab notebooks to run models, so that’s not really much of an issue. Alternatively, rundiffusion is a cloud service that costs 50 cents for an hour.

              Stable diffusion is free.

              You’ve argued that it takes no skill to run models yourself, so I expect you to be up and running real quick!

        • @teichflamme@lemm.ee
          149 months ago

          If you don’t have the slightest clue of what you’re talking about, you can’t afford a strong opinion like that to be honest.

          Everyone that spent 10 minutes on AI knows you’re talking bs

        • @ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
          119 months ago

          Calls AI industry abusive and harmful.

          Demands to instead use artists because they are cheap and calls them assholes.

        • Rikudou_SageOPMA
          59 months ago
          1. Well, I’m not typing a sentence into a search bar.
          2. I’m not paying anyone, I run my models locally on my computer, the final result doesn’t look shitty and is extremely customizable. I already had a graphics card capable of generating AI for two reasons: I need a top quality laptop for my work (and those usually come with a good graphics card) and I like playing PC games.
          3. As I’ve clearly demonstrated in point 2., humans are not cheaper.
          4. Most of AI is open source and I’m running open source models. Furthermore, you’re really not making a good case for not avoiding humans, you know? Your entire negativity and shit takes on stuff you don’t understand at all were a pointless interaction that made my way a tiny bit shittier than it would have been otherwise.
      • @wombatula@lemm.ee
        -39 months ago

        Cool so, how does one become an artist without commissions, or once the big studios get their teeth into AI, without any job at all?

        • stevedidWHAT
          49 months ago

          Nuance and manual labor are still favored after the industrial era, no?

          Look at how many people in California want hand crafted this or hand crafted that. Now you want to talk about Art? You really think that community and its enjoyers will just up and abandon?

          This is nonsense technological paranoia like it is every year, since literally the beginning of time.

          Let’s catch up, and recognize that we can handle progress if we do it carefully and responsibly.

          I want to (humbly) recommend a book called “How we got to now” I read in my college years. There’s also a tv show but they do a good job of outlining progress and pushback over the years

          • @wombatula@lemm.ee
            09 months ago

            So people will pay for especially well done things…

            …so amateurs have to become masters to succeed?

            This is not “technological paranoia” this is actually admitting we live in a capitalist society where everything is monetized and controlled by corporations. You are living in a fantasy if you don’t understand that these technologies CAN and WILL be used to maximize profit, and society CAN and WILL become accustomed to this.

            “No you don’t understand, people will stay with horses and buggies, because they appreciate the craft of the carriage and the companionship of a horse!”

            “No you don’t understand, people will still read physical newspapers! Because they appreciate the physical paper in their hand and the professional journalism!”

            AI will replace anything that it saves or makes money to do so, to say otherwise is naive and/or willfully ignorant at best, you will gladly sell entire industries to the corporation to save a dollar and applaud them for doing it. Automation did the same thing, and you are a liar or a fool if you suggest otherwise, when was the last time you did laundry by hand?

            • Rikudou_SageOPMA
              29 months ago

              Just stop, please. I hate people who would halt all progress if they had the power, just because they’re scared shitless of every new thing. Just deal with it, it’s happening, because people like using AI.

              Anyway, as a bonus, here’s a poem by ChatGPT about people like you (I especially love the term “travelers of yesterday”, that’s brilliant).

              In the grand scheme of life, where thoughts like rivers flow,
              Where ideas spark like lightning, still some fear the glow.
              There are those who shy from sunrise, clinging to the night,
              Whose eyes would halt advancement, locked in constant fright.

              They gaze upon the vessels, adrift in cyberspace,
              See not the wonder, just the alien and unknown face.
              Caught in a web of worries, they refuse the new,
              These travelers of yesterday, of an old and fading hue.

              Their hearts, they yearn for comfort, echoes of the past,
              A time when life was simple, and changes were not vast.
              They fear the march of progress might leave them far behind,
              In the dust of innovation, out of sight, out of mind.

              But change is but a river, a constant, flowing force,
              It whittles away the old in time, upon its endless course.
              Each new invention, each step is not meant to aureate,
              But to aid mankind and gently guide it towards a greater state.

              So to them I say, fear not the dawning of the day,
              Embrace the rising sun, let its light lead you the way.
              For progress is humanity’s inherent trait,
              Thrive in this continuous flow, you have a say, it’s never late.

              In the grand plan of life, there’s room for fear and cheer,
              For those who gaze upon change and those who hold it near,
              And perhaps in time, the hesitant will see,
              That change, though fearsome, paves the path to what may be.

              • @wombatula@lemm.ee
                9 months ago

                I don’t want to “halt all progress” you dimwit, I want these tools not to be in the control of massive corporations who WILL use them to fuck you, fuck me, and fuck everyone in the name of profit. This is a golden ticket for the corporations to replace all creative positions, and further reduce the job market for everyone.

                I am not “scared shitless” you strawman building ignoramus, I know what is gonna happen because I am not some moron so fascinated with his shiny AI toy that they can’t see the ramifications.

                Stop pretending I said things I didn’t, stop putting words in my mouth, and stop acting like some self satisfied smug asshole because you like playing with a plagiarism machine. Your willingness to chase tech for your own gratification is exactly what is making this become adopted too quickly. I bet you think the recent writers and actors strikes were unfounded, but these people are literally going to have their entire industry taken out from under them because some dickheads in suits can make an extra dollar off it.

                You refuse to engage with me in good faith, and just keep repeating the same tired “you’re scared and stupid” BULLSHIT over and over, I hope you lose your job and your passion to the AI because thats whats happening for millions of people, enjoy your AI toys you heartless corporate bootlicker.


                Also thanks for literally saying YOU HATE ME because I disagree with you. Get bent you brainless child, you literally don’t know what you are saying or what you are fighting for. You literally addressed none of my arguments, and just kept personally attacking me. I hope you are a bot, because a human as ignorant and hateful as you shouldn’t be wasting oxygen.

                • Rikudou_SageOPMA
                  19 months ago

                  My dude, you’re exactly as those people destroying machines because they would steal our jobs. Turns out they were wrong and it will turn out you’re wrong as well.

                  This stuff is open source. Seriously, no corporation has a better image generating AI than the open source ones. Currently GPT4 is still leading in text, but that too shall pass.

                  Maybe you’re not literally scared shitless, but you’re scared of changes which is stupid. You understand close to nothing about the topic but you present your opinion very strongly. Almost as if your lack of understanding was compensated by being loud. You know what else builds on the same premise? Racism, homophobia and all the other nice stuff. Before you go on and present your word vomit again, this is not a strawman, I’m not saying you’re racist, just that I would be 0% surprised if you were.

                  I’m gonna skip the word vomit about plagiarism machine, your education was attempted, but you persevered and ignored it all. Congrats.

                  If you hear that you’re scared very often, it’s obvious that you are right and everyone else is wrong. Right? And yes, I’ll enjoy my AI toys. I suggest you find your own to be less miserable. I’m afraid I’m not gonna lick any corporate boots, though we’ve already established that the link between corporations and AI is very confusing for you.

                  Regarding saying I hate you. Well, not sure why you’re thanking me, but you’re welcome. Seriously, you and people like you are the cancer of society (along with the corporations, you have at least one thing correct) and if you all stopped holding back our progress, I’d appreciate it.

                  Anyway, this is a community I started for fans of WWDITS, not for small and scared people to vent their frustrations. So you can either move this “discussion” somewhere else (best case scenario you can just stop, but we both know you’re not able to), or I’m banning you from this community on your next off-topic comment.

            • stevedidWHAT
              19 months ago

              Just because something is no longer status quo doesn’t mean it goes away.

              Generations come and go brining their masses popularities with them to death.

              Art is a concept and will never die just as cleaning, cooking, and entertainment will never die.

              The methods used to perform them will change of course, but that doesn’t mean that the ability to do those things is gone.

              You’re pushing a narrative that just because we invented a new way to do art, that art will only be done that way (from my perspective and understanding) and that’s just fear mongering and classic progress/technological paranoia

              Classic regressionist arguments here.

              You make all these crazy claims and make no effort to back any of them up with examples, facts, nor findings. I won’t debate this with a “just trust me” bro

              You also completely managed to twist and transform my point into a point that fits your narrative (much like AI does to translate one concept to another so it can do transformations in that same space, ironically)

              When did I say that people wouldn’t follow the changes? I simply said the horse and buggy aren’t going away - and they haven’t. People now use these things called bikes which are a transformation of that concept to modern era.

              Nothing stays the same, I’m sorry old timer/authoritarian raised summer child. That’s the way she goes and you are valid in enjoying things of the past. People like us will ensure you always have those things in addition to the new things so you may enjoy your life how you’d like.

      • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
        9 months ago

        And hundreds of dollars in equipment. And likely another 50 bucks on credits to be able to access the corporate proprietary software no one else can successfully emulate, making you completely dependent upon them for the mere illusion of artistic expression.

        Nah. I’d rather just pay $20 to an actual human artist, or, better yet, more efficiently and meaningfully do it myself. Without some shitty AI that doesn’t even know what the hell it’s doing most of the time.

        • @DrakeRichards@lemmy.world
          99 months ago

          I’m really curious what “corporate proprietary software” you’re talking about. DALL-E 2 is garbage, and MidJourney isn’t corporate. This image is almost definitely generated from a Stable Diffusion XL derived model, possibly DynaVision. This can easily be run on graphics cards that many people already have for gaming. You can use a cloud host for this, but I think most people that use Stable Diffusion just run it locally because of how easy it is.

          • Rikudou_SageOPMA
            69 months ago

            You’re close! Stable Diffusion 1.5.

    • stevedidWHAT
      59 months ago

      tons of money to use those AIs

      While some expensive options exist, things like AUTOMATIC1111 w/ stable diffusion are entirely free and produce results just like this, and better.

      • Rikudou_SageOPMA
        39 months ago

        A1111 is exactly what was used here.

    • Piecemakers
      9 months ago

      <Nadja’s voice> How’s that working out for you? The whole shaking-your-cane-at-the-clouds thing? Yeah, didn’t think so.

      • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
        -159 months ago

        Working out better than wasting hundreds if not thousands of dollars on overpriced equipment and membership fees to avoid having to learn a new skill for myself or – gasp shock – paying someone else to do something for me

        • Rikudou_SageOPMA
          59 months ago

          Thousands of dollars, my dude? Why so low, next time mention tens of thousands! You know how many houses could those kids buy if they didn’t spend hundreds of thousands on AI? Like, those millions of dollars per image generated sure do ramp up!

          But yeah, you’re right, I should pay someone else for their skills. You motivated me to go find out whether I can donate to the authors of the AI I’m using (for free, by the way), they’re certainly skillful.

  • @CeruleanRuin
    9 months ago

    As in bland, lacking in distinctiveness, drained of personality, with bizarrely unrealistic physical proportions designed by horny lonely men, and made to look unnecessarily young regardless of her age?

    No thanks.

    • @Hylactor@sopuli.xyz
      99 months ago

      designed by horny lonely men

      I see nothing sexualized about this at all. You may be experiencing some local interference.

    • It’s pretty common to go for exaggerated or idealistic proportions, especially with this art style. And a lot of stylised characters end up looking young. The whole rounded Disney style does lack distinctiveness and personality now though, it’s been overused.